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Figure 5
Influence of different pulse fluences on the orientation determination and phase retrieval. Tests were conducted using the protein 6zfp. (a) Diffraction pattern under different pulse fluences. The first line represents the full-size diffraction pattern (512 × 512), while the second line displays a cropped section of the center of the diffraction pattern (100 × 100). (b) Comparison of 3D Fourier volumes reconstructed by the PM-aided (blue) and random (magenta) methods at different pulse fluences. All volumes are rendered at the same contour level. (c) Comparison of both methods at different pulse fluences in terms of the CC shell. Solid lines represent the PM-aided method and dotted lines represent the random method. The horizontal line indicates the resolution of each reconstructed Fourier volume, where the CC shell is 0.5. (d) Comparison of the distribution of angular deviations at different pulse fluences for the PM-aided method (blue) and the random method (magenta). The units for angular deviations are given in degrees. (e) Comparison of electron-density maps after iterative phasing of the Fourier volumes reconstructed by the PM-aided method at different pulse fluences. In the upper row, the initial map is calculated with phases of the predicted model. In the lower row, the initial map is calculated with random phases. (f) Comparison of the FSCs of the recovered electron-density maps using prior phases (solid lines) and random phases (dotted lines) at various pulse fluences, plotted against the length of the scattering vector. The horizontal line indicates the resolution of the recovered 3D electron-density map, where FSC drops to 0.5.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 602-619
ISSN: 2052-2525