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Figure 7
Effect of missing central data with different sizes on phase retrieval. Tests were conducted using the protein 6zfp. (a) Central slices of the reconstructed 3D Fourier volume with simulated beam stop of different sizes. The central white square represents the simulated beam stop. (b) Comparison of FSCs of the recovered electron-density maps using prior phases (solid lines) and random phases (dotted lines) under different sizes of simulated beam stop, plotted against the length of scattering vector. The horizontal line indicates the resolution of the recovered 3D electron-density map, where FSC drops to 0.5. (c) Comparison of electron-density maps after iterative phasing of the Fourier volumes with different sizes of missing central data. In the upper row, the initial map is calculated with phases of the predicted model. In the lower row, the initial map is calculated with random phases.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 602-619
ISSN: 2052-2525