Figure 8
Application of the PM-aided method for the multimeric structure. Tests were conducted using the protein 7jpd. (a) Three reference Fourier volumes (upper row) used for orientation determination and the final reconstructed Fourier volumes (lower row). Each column represents the random volume (left), the volume of the two-trimer model (middle) and the volume of the single-trimer model (right). The ideal Fourier volume calculated from the real structure is also shown for comparison. (b) Comparison of the distribution of angular deviations for the complete model (blue), the single-trimer model (magenta) and the random model (yellow). The units for angular deviations are given in degrees. (c) CC shell between the resulting reciprocal-space intensity calculated with different initial conditions and the real intensity. (d) Recovered electron-density map derived from single-trimer model superimposed with the real protein structure. |
ISSN: 2052-2525