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Figure 1
The Mn Kα spectrum with Kα1 at an emission energy Eem of ∼5900 eV, Kα2 at an Eem of ∼5889 eV, and the satellite between around 5920 eV < Eem < 5935 eV. The satellite has never been observed at RIXS- or HERFD-capable beamlines, or with XAFS, because: (a) it does not exist at the K edge, but has an onset at significantly higher incident energy; (b) it has a small magnitude compared with the Kα1 peak; and (c) it also occurs only in an XR emission region. Many data-collection systems lack sufficient range to find the signal and signature, and most do not obtain sufficient statistics to observe the signal. This is an argument for the value of XR-HERFD.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 620-633
ISSN: 2052-2525