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Figure 2
Normalized background-corrected (a) PXRD and (b) N2-sorption analysis of COF-300 synthesized via different approaches: intermediate-assisted synthesis at 65°C (green) and room temperature (blue), as well as the conventional synthesis at 65°C (purple) and room temperature (pink). No N2-sorption isotherm was measured for the conventional method at room temperature as the resulting material was completely amorphous. Calculated PXRD patterns based on the SCXRD structure of COF-300 (Ma et al., 2018bBB29) (orange) and COF-300 hydrated (black) (Ma et al., 2018bBB29) are included for comparison.

Volume 11| Part 4| July 2024| Pages 510-518
ISSN: 2052-2525