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Figure 6
Serial crystallography structure of r-ATX in the space group P1. (a) and (c) display the in situ determined structure, (b) and (d) display the structure determined from serial cryo data collection. (a) Overall 2FoFc electron density map at the 1.2σ level in blue overlaid onto the r-ATX model in the magenta sticks representation. (c) 2FoFc electron density map in blue for the oxysterol moiety bound in the allosteric tunnel of the r-ATX model shown in magenta. (b) Overall 2FoFc electron density map at the 1.2σ level in purple overlaid onto the r-ATX model in ocean green sticks representation. (d) 2FoFc electron density map in purple for the oxysterol moiety bound in the allosteric tunnel of r-ATX model shown in ocean green.

ISSN: 2052-2525