Figure 4
(a) Distance difference matrix (DDM) calculated between the WT OaPAC SFX structure (PDB entry 9f1w) and the WT OaPAC cryo-MX synchrotron structure (PDB entry 9f1y). Red and blue indicate increasing and decreasing distances with respect to the WT OaPAC SFX structure, respectively. (b) Distance difference matrix calculated between the SFX structure and the SSX structure of WT OaPAC. Red and blue indicate increasing and decreasing distances compared with the SFX structure, respectively. Residues 332–337 are not resolved in the SFX structure, which results in the white area in this region in the DDM (see Supplementary Note S1). (c) Superimposition of the BLUF domains of the WT OaPAC SFX structure (yellow) and the WT OaPAC cryo-MX synchrotron structure (orange). Distances (in Å) are shown for the WT OaPAC SFX structure. (d) Superimposition of the AC domains of the WT OaPAC SFX structure (yellow) and the WT OaPAC cryo-MX synchrotron structure (orange) showing amino-acid residues coordinated to the calcium ions (SFX, pink spheres; cryo, cyan spheres). (e) Superimposition of the BLUF domains of the WT OaPAC SFX structure (yellow) and of the WT OaPAC SSX structure (PDB entry 9f1x; orange). (f) Superimposition of the AC domains of the WT OaPAC SFX structure (yellow) and of the WT OaPAC SSX structure (orange) showing amino-acid residues coordinated to the calcium ions (SFX; pink spheres, SSX; cyan spheres). (g) Superimposition of WT OaPAC SFX and cryo-MX synchrotron monomer structures (SFX, pink; cryo-MX, orange; calcium ions in SFX, orange spheres; calcium ions in cryo-MX, yellow spheres) showing cavities calculated with PyMOL. (h) Superimposition of WT OaPAC SFX and SSX monomer structures (SFX, pink; SSX, yellow; calcium ions in SFX, pink spheres; calcium ions in SSX, green spheres) showing cavities calculated with PyMOL. |