Figure 6
(a) Superimposition of the AC domain of the WT OaPAC cryo-MX structure (PDB entry 9f1y) and the Y6W OaPAC cryo-structure (PDB entry 9f1z) showing amino-acid residues coordinated to the calcium ions (WT, grey spheres; Y6W, yellow spheres) and water molecules (WT, pink spheres; Y6W, green spheres) coordinated to calcium ions. (b) DDM calculated between the cryo-MX synchrotron structure of WT OaPAC and Y6W OaPAC. Red and blue indicate increasing and decreasing distance with respect to the cryo-structure of WT OaPAC, respectively. (c) Superimposition of monomeric OaPAC (WT, orange; Y6W, cyan; calcium ions in WT, pink spheres; calcium ions in Y6W, yellow spheres) showing cavities calculated with PyMOL. |
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