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ISSN: 2052-2525

Quantum refinement in real and reciprocal space using the Phenix and ORCA software

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aDepartment of Computational Chemistry, Lund University, Chemical Centre, PO Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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Edited by J. L. Smith, University of Michigan, USA (Received 29 February 2024; accepted 23 August 2024; online 30 September 2024)

X-ray and neutron crystallography, as well as cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), are the most common methods to obtain atomic structures of biological macromolecules. A feature they all have in common is that, at typical resolutions, the experimental data need to be supplemented by empirical restraints, ensuring that the final structure is chemically reasonable. The restraints are accurate for amino acids and nucleic acids, but often less accurate for substrates, inhibitors, small-molecule ligands and metal sites, for which experimental data are scarce or empirical potentials are harder to formulate. This can be solved using quantum mechanical calculations for a small but interesting part of the structure. Such an approach, called quantum refinement, has been shown to improve structures locally, allow the determination of the protonation and oxidation states of ligands and metals, and discriminate between different interpretations of the structure. Here, we present a new implementation of quantum refinement interfacing the widely used structure-refinement software Phenix and the freely available quantum mechanical software ORCA. Through application to manganese superoxide dismutase and V- and Fe-nitro­genase, we show that the approach works effectively for X-ray and neutron crystal structures, that old results can be reproduced and structural discrimination can be performed. We discuss how the weight factor between the experimental data and the empirical restraints should be selected and how quantum mechanical quality measures such as strain energies should be calculated. We also present an application of quantum refinement to cryo-EM data for particulate methane monooxygenase and show that this may be the method of choice for metal sites in such structures because no accurate empirical restraints are currently available for metals.

1. Introduction

Structural information is key to all studies of biomacro­mol­ecular function and mechanisms. Traditionally, the vast majority of atomic-level structural information has come from X-ray crystallography (Rhodes, 2006[Rhodes, G. (2006). Crystallography Made Crystal Clear. New York: Academic Press.]). However, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has recently become an important complement (Henderson, 2015[Henderson, R. (2015). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 581, 19-24.]; Nogales, 2016[Nogales, E. (2016). Nat. Methods, 13, 24-27.]; Orlov et al., 2017[Orlov, I., Myasnikov, A. G., Andronov, L., Natchiar, S. K., Khatter, H., Beinsteiner, B., Ménétret, J. F., Hazemann, I., Mohideen, K., Tazibt, K., Tabaroni, R., Kratzat, H., Djabeur, N., Bruxelles, T., Raivoniaina, F., Pompeo, L. D., Torchy, M., Billas, I., Urzhumtsev, A. & Klaholz, B. P. (2017). Biol. Cell, 109, 81-93.]). It has the advantage that no crystals are needed, but the resolution has been lower, although recent technical advancements have led to great improvements. Neutron crystallography is also an important complement to both X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM because it provides direct information about the positions of hydrogen atoms (Blakeley, 2009[Blakeley, M. P. (2009). Crystallogr. Rev. 15, 157-218.]; Schröder & Meilleur, 2021[Schröder, G. C. & Meilleur, F. (2021). Acta Cryst. D77, 1251-1269.]).

The three methods have many aspects in common and they partly use the same software for structure refinement (Afonine et al., 2010[Afonine, P. V., Mustyakimov, M., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Moriarty, N. W., Langan, P. & Adams, P. D. (2010). Acta Cryst. D66, 1153-1163.], 2018[Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Read, R. J., Sobolev, O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. & Adams, P. D. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 531-544.]; Liebschner, Afonine et al., 2023[Liebschner, D., Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Moriarty, N. W. & Adams, P. D. (2023). Acta Cryst. D79, 1079-1093.]). In particular, all give rise to a density map, into which an atomic model of the macromolecule is built. This model is optimized by minimizing the difference between the experimental data and the corresponding data calculated from the model, a procedure called refinement (Brünger & Rice, 1997[Brünger, A. T. & Rice, L. M. (1997). Methods Enzymol. 277, 243-269.]; Kleywegt & Jones, 1997[Kleywegt, G. J. & Jones, T. A. (1997). Methods Enzymol. 227, 208-230.]; Urzhumtsev & Lunin, 2019[Urzhumtsev, A. G. & Lunin, V. Y. (2019). Crystallogr. Rev. 25, 164-262.]).

However, there are also differences among the methods. With cryo-EM, the primary product is the electrostatic-potential scattering maps in real space (Afonine et al., 2018[Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Read, R. J., Sobolev, O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. & Adams, P. D. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 531-544.]). Consequently, the refinement is most naturally performed in real space. On the other hand, the primary product of the two crystallographic methods is structure factors in reciprocal (Fourier) space. Unfortunately, the phase information is not available and needs to be obtained from separate experiments or structures of related macromolecules. The detailed maps are built using phase information from the current model and they will therefore change if the model changes (the maps are biased by the model). The maps are electron or nuclear scattering length density maps, for X-ray and neutron crystallography, respectively. Consequently, the refinement is performed in reciprocal space against the structure factor amplitudes.

Another common aspect of the three methods is that there are typically not enough experimental data to specify the exact position of all atoms in the structure. Therefore, the experimental data are normally supplemented by prior knowledge in the form of empirical restraints. These can be experimental information about typical bond lengths, bond angles, torsion angles, chirality and planarity, as well as non-bonded interactions (Engh & Huber, 1991[Engh, R. A. & Huber, R. (1991). Acta Cryst. A47, 392-400.], 2012[Engh, R. A. & Huber, R. (2012). International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F, pp. 474-484. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.]; Moriarty et al., 2016[Moriarty, N. W., Tronrud, D. E., Adams, P. D. & Karplus, P. A. (2016). Acta Cryst. D72, 176-179.]). In terms of computational chemistry, this is a molecular mechanics (MM) force field. For low-resolution cryo-EM structures, additional information is included, such as secondary-structure (Headd et al., 2012[Headd, J. J., Echols, N., Afonine, P. V., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Chen, V. B., Moriarty, N. W., Richardson, D. C., Richardson, J. S. & Adams, P. D. (2012). Acta Cryst. D68, 381-390.]) and rotamer-specific restraints, as well as information about internal symmetry.

Consequently, the target function that is optimized in the refinement contains two terms:

[E_{\rm tot} = E_{\rm exp} + wE_{\rm MM}, \eqno (1)]

where Eexp is the experimental target function, describing how well the current model reproduces the experimental raw data, and EMM are the empirical restraints. The weight factor, w, determines the relative importance of the two terms. Various procedures are implemented in refinement software to select a proper value of w, either to give terms of a comparable magnitude or to optimize some quality criterion (Jack & Levitt, 1978[Jack, A. & Levitt, M. (1978). Acta Cryst. A34, 931-935.]; Brünger et al., 1989[Brünger, A. T., Karplus, M. & Petsko, G. A. (1989). Acta Cryst. A45, 50-61.]; Brünger & Rice, 1997[Brünger, A. T. & Rice, L. M. (1997). Methods Enzymol. 277, 243-269.]; van Zundert et al., 2021[Zundert, G. C. P. van, Moriarty, N. W., Sobolev, O. V., Adams, P. D. & Borrelli, K. W. (2021). Structure, 29, 913-921.]; Afonine et al., 2011[Afonine, P. V., Echols, N., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Moriarty, N. W. & Adams, P. D. (2011). Comput. Crystallogr. Newsl. 2, 99-103.]).

Refinement with empirical restraints works quite well if EMM is accurate. This is typically the case for amino acids and nucleic acids, for which a large amount of experimental and computational-chemistry information is available. However, for non-standard parts of the macromolecules, such as substrates, cofactors, ligands and inhibitors, much less information is available. Even worse, for metal sites and reaction intermediates with unusual chemical bonding, it is hard to build up reliable MM force fields (Hu & Ryde, 2011[Hu, L. & Ryde, U. (2011). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 2452-2463.]) and therefore the accuracy of the EMM term is low in those cases. Therefore, the accuracy of the resulting structure will be different in different parts of the final structure and non-standard molecules are unfortunately found especially in the active site of the macromolecules, i.e. the accuracy is often lowest in the biologically most interesting parts of the structures.

In 2002, we suggested how this problem can be solved by replacing EMM with more accurate quantum-mechanical (QM) calculations for a small but interesting part of the structure (called subsystem 1 in the following) (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]). This is done in the same way as with combined QM and MM (QM/MM) calculations (Senn & Thiel, 2009[Senn, H. M. & Thiel, W. (2009). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1198-1229.]; Ryde, 2016[Ryde, U. (2016). Methods Enzymol. 577, 119-158.]):

[E_{\rm tot} = E_{\exp} + w(w_{\rm QM}E_{\rm QM1}+E_{\rm MM}-E_{\rm MM1}), \eqno(2)]

where EQM1 is the QM energy of subsystem 1, EMM1 is the MM energy of the same subsystem and wQM is another empirical scaling factor, which is needed because the empirical restraints are of statistical nature, whereas EQM1 is a physical energy. This approach is called quantum refinement (Bergmann et al., 2022[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2022). Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 72, 18-26.]). It was originally developed for X-ray crystallography (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]), but it was later extended to neutron crystallography (Caldararu et al., 2019[Caldararu, O., Manzoni, F., Oksanen, E., Logan, D. T. & Ryde, U. (2019). Acta Cryst. D75, 368-380.]), as well as to NMR structure refinement (Hsiao et al., 2005[Hsiao, Y.-W., Drakenberg, T. & Ryde, U. (2005). J. Biomol. NMR, 31, 97-114.]) and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) measurements (Hsiao et al., 2006[Hsiao, Y.-W., Tao, Y., Shokes, J. E., Scott, R. A. & Ryde, U. (2006). Phys. Rev. B, 74, 214101.]). We have shown that with quantum refinement we can locally improve crystal structures (Ryde & Nilsson, 2003[Ryde, U. & Nilsson, K. (2003). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 14232-14233.]), determine protonation states of active-site residues (Nilsson & Ryde, 2004[Nilsson, K. & Ryde, U. (2004). J. Inorg. Biochem. 98, 1539-1546.]; Cao et al., 2017[Cao, L., Caldararu, O. & Ryde, U. (2017). J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 8242-8262.]; Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]), determine oxidation states of metals (Rulíšek & Ryde, 2006[Rulíšek, L. & Ryde, U. (2006). J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 11511-11518.]), detect photoreduction of metal sites (Rulíšek & Ryde, 2006[Rulíšek, L. & Ryde, U. (2006). J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 11511-11518.]; Söderhjelm & Ryde, 2006[Söderhjelm, P. & Ryde, U. (2006). J. Mol. Struct. Theochem, 770, 199-219.]) and decide which ligands are actually observed in crystal structures (Cao et al., 2020[Cao, L., Caldararu, O. & Ryde, U. (2020). J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 25, 847-861.]; Bergmann et al., 2021b[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021b). J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 26, 341-353.]). Several other groups have implemented similar approaches (Bergmann et al., 2022[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2022). Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 72, 18-26.]; Hsiao et al., 2010[Hsiao, Y.-W., Sanchez-Garcia, E., Doerr, M. & Thiel, W. (2010). J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 15413-15423.]; Fadel et al., 2015[Fadel, F., Zhao, Y., Cachau, R., Cousido-Siah, A., Ruiz, F. X., Harlos, K., Howard, E., Mitschler, A. & Podjarny, A. (2015). Acta Cryst. D71, 1455-1470.]; Yan et al., 2021[Yan, Z., Li, X. & Chung, L. W. (2021). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17, 3783-3796.]). In particular, Merz and coworkers have developed an approach where a linear-scaling semiempirical QM approach is employed for the entire macromolecule (Yu et al., 2005[Yu, N., Yennawar, H. P. & Merz, K. M. (2005). Acta Cryst. D61, 322-332.]). This approach (DivCon) has been commercialized by the QuantumBio company and has been employed to improve crystal structures of small drug-like molecules binding to target proteins and decide their proper protonation and tautomeric states (Borbulevych et al., 2016[Borbulevych, O., Martin, R. I., Tickle, I. J. & Westerhoff, L. M. (2016). Acta Cryst. D72, 586-598.]). Likewise, the Q|R project aims at quantum refinement calculations of complete proteins at the density-functional theory (DFT) level (Zheng, Reimers et al., 2017[Zheng, M., Moriarty, N. W., Xu, Y., Reimers, J. R., Afonine, P. V. & Waller, M. P. (2017). Acta Cryst. D73, 1020-1028.]; Zheng, Moriarty et al., 2017[Zheng, M., Reimers, J. R., Waller, M. P. & Afonine, P. V. (2017). Acta Cryst. D73, 45-52.]; Zheng et al., 2020[Zheng, M., Biczysko, M., Xu, Y., Moriarty, N. W., Kruse, H., Urzhumtsev, A., Waller, M. P. & Afonine, P. V. (2020). Acta Cryst. D76, 41-50.]; Wang et al., 2020[Wang, L., Kruse, H., Sobolev, O. V., Moriarty, N. W., Waller, M. P., Afonine, P. V. & Biczysko, M. (2020). Acta Cryst. D76, 1184-1191.], 2023[Wang, Y., Kruse, H., Moriarty, N. W., Waller, M. P., Afonine, P. V. & Biczysko, M. (2023). Theor. Chem. Acc. 142, 100.]). There are also approaches that use QM calculations to obtain MM parameters for ligands and other sites in crystal structures (Nilsson et al., 2003[Nilsson, K., Lecerof, D., Sigfridsson, E. & Ryde, U. (2003). Acta Cryst. D59, 274-289.]; Liebschner, Moriarty et al., 2023[Liebschner, D., Moriarty, N. W., Poon, B. K. & Adams, P. D. (2023). Acta Cryst. D79, 100-110.]). However, they still use MM restraints during the refinement and therefore do not allow the topology to change, and are less accurate for metal sites and reaction intermediates with unusual chemical bonding.

One issue with our quantum refinement approach, implemented in the ComQum-X software (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]), is that it uses outdated crystallographic software, CNS (crystallography and NMR system) (Brünger et al., 1998[Brünger, A. T., Adams, P. D., Clore, G. M., DeLano, W. L., Gros, P., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Jiang, J.-S., Kuszewski, J., Nilges, M., Pannu, N. S., Read, R. J., Rice, L. M., Simonson, T. & Warren, G. L. (1998). Acta Cryst. D54, 905-921.], 2007[Brunger, A. T. (2007). Nat. Protoc. 2, 2728-2733.]), and commercial software for QM, Turbomole (Furche et al., 2014[Furche, F., Ahlrichs, R., Hättig, C., Klopper, W., Sierka, M. & Weigend, F. (2014). WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 4, 91-100.]). Moreover, CNS does not have any support for cryo-EM structures. The DivCon approach has been implemented with the more modern phenix.refine software (Adams et al., 2010[Adams, P. D., Afonine, P. V., Bunkóczi, G., Chen, V. B., Davis, I. W., Echols, N., Headd, J. J., Hung, L.-W., Kapral, G. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., McCoy, A. J., Moriarty, N. W., Oeffner, R., Read, R. J., Richardson, D. C., Richardson, J. S., Terwilliger, T. C. & Zwart, P. H. (2010). Acta Cryst. D66, 213-221.]; Borbulevych et al., 2014[Borbulevych, O. Y., Plumley, J. A., Martin, R. I., Merz, K. M. & Westerhoff, L. M. (2014). Acta Cryst. D70, 1233-1247.]; Liebschner et al., 2019[Liebschner, D., Afonine, P. V., Baker, M. L., Bunkóczi, G., Chen, V. B., Croll, T. I., Hintze, B., Hung, L.-W., Jain, S., McCoy, A. J., Moriarty, N. W., Oeffner, R. D., Poon, B. K., Prisant, M. G., Read, R. J., Richardson, J. S., Richardson, D. C., Sammito, M. D., Sobolev, O. V., Stockwell, D. H., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. G., Videau, L. L., Williams, C. J. & Adams, P. D. (2019). Acta Cryst. D75, 861-877.]), but it is commercial. A Q|R implementation for cryo-EM has been presented (Wang et al., 2020[Wang, L., Kruse, H., Sobolev, O. V., Moriarty, N. W., Waller, M. P., Afonine, P. V. & Biczysko, M. (2020). Acta Cryst. D76, 1184-1191.]), but it is computationally very expensive.

In this study, we present a new implementation of quantum refinement, called QRef, combining Phenix (Liebschner et al., 2019[Liebschner, D., Afonine, P. V., Baker, M. L., Bunkóczi, G., Chen, V. B., Croll, T. I., Hintze, B., Hung, L.-W., Jain, S., McCoy, A. J., Moriarty, N. W., Oeffner, R. D., Poon, B. K., Prisant, M. G., Read, R. J., Richardson, J. S., Richardson, D. C., Sammito, M. D., Sobolev, O. V., Stockwell, D. H., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. G., Videau, L. L., Williams, C. J. & Adams, P. D. (2019). Acta Cryst. D75, 861-877.]) and the free QM software ORCA (Neese et al., 2020[Neese, F., Wennmohs, F., Becker, U. & Riplinger, C. (2020). J. Chem. Phys. 152, 224108.]). The implementation is general and allows for both real-space and reciprocal-space refinement. We describe the implementation and illustrate the capabilities and performance by four simple applications for X-ray crystallography, neutron crystallography and cryo-EM.

2. Methods

2.1. Implementation

The implementation consists of a preparatory Python script,, as well as a separate Python module, QRef (not included with cctbx or Phenix), which needs to be manually applied to a local Phenix installation, following the instructions found at More specifically, the constructor of the energies class defined in cctbx_project/cctbx/geometry_restraints/ [that normally handles the geometrical restraints in cctbx (Grosse-Kunstleve et al., 2002[Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Sauter, N. K., Moriarty, N. W. & Adams, P. D. (2002). J. Appl. Cryst. 35, 126-136.])] is modified so that the QRef module is loaded and is run whenever a request to calculate the gradients from the restraints is made. The QRef code then interfaces between Phenix and ORCA utilizing a subtractive QM/MM scheme for the restraints as described by equation (2)[link]. The wQM scaling factor was determined by a simple comparison of the numerical values of the bond force constants for the Phenix restraints and standard energy-based MM force fields, such as the AMBER ff14SB force field (Maier et al., 2015[Maier, J. A., Martinez, C., Kasavajhala, K., Wickstrom, L., Hauser, K. E. & Simmerling, C. (2015). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 3696-3713.]). We found that wQM = 7.5 mol kcal−1 (AMBER uses energy units of kcal mol−1) was appropriate and we use this value throughout this study.

In a biological macromolecule, there are typically covalent bonds between the QM and MM subsystems. Since QM calculations require filled valences, the QM region needs to be truncated (capped) in a proper way. This can either be done by adding some atoms or using specialized orbitals (Senn & Thiel, 2009[Senn, H. M. & Thiel, W. (2009). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1198-1229.]). We have used the hydrogen link-atom approach (Ryde, 1996[Ryde, U. (1996). J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 10, 153-164.]; Reuter et al., 2000[Reuter, N., Dejaegere, A., Maigret, B. & Karplus, M. (2000). J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 1720-1735.]), in which the QM region is truncated by adding a hydrogen atom for each QM–MM bond, called a hydrogen link atom (HL), which typically replaces a carbon atom in the MM region, called a carbon link atom (CL). We followed standard procedures for the treatment of CL and HL atoms (Maseras & Morokuma, 1995[Maseras, F. & Morokuma, K. (1995). J. Comput. Chem. 16, 1170-1179.]; Ryde, 1996[Ryde, U. (1996). J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 10, 153-164.]); details are given in the supporting information. This is performed automatically by QRef.

Alternative conformations outside the QM system are treated by standard procedures in Phenix. Alternative conformations inside the QM system require separate QM calculations for each conformation (Cao & Ryde, 2020[Cao, L. & Ryde, U. (2020). Acta Cryst. D76, 1145-1156.]). The current implementation allows for multiple QM regions and therefore supports alternative conformations. If a neutron structure has a mixture of H and D atoms within the QM system, they need to be treated as alternative conformations, one with H and one with D, although the QM energy and gradient calculations are indifferent to isotopes.

One special case is not yet implemented: atoms in the QM system on special positions. Note that Phenix involves numerous options. The current version of QRef has mainly been tested with default options for both reciprocal and real-space refinement. Non-default options should be used with care. For example, we expect that quantum refinement would work with simulated annealing, but it would be very time-consuming. We discourage the use of user-defined bonds within the QM system, because the QM calculations should provide a better description. Moreover, non-crystallographic symmetry constraints involving atoms in the QM system are unlikely to function correctly. Likewise, water picking should be avoided during quantum refinement because the numbering of the QM atoms may change if some atoms are added or deleted. Since quantum refinement is run at the end of a normal refinement and keeps everything fixed except the QM system, non-default options should not be needed.

2.2. Usage

To run quantum refinement in Phenix using QRef, one first needs to select the QM region, i.e. the site of interest (there may be several disjoint or overlapping QM subsystems). The selection of the QM system should follow best practices of QM/MM calculations (e.g. not cleave conjugated systems), include all metal ligands and preferably cleave only C—C bonds (Senn & Thiel, 2009[Senn, H. M. & Thiel, W. (2009). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1198-1229.]; Ryde, 2016[Ryde, U. (2016). Methods Enzymol. 577, 119-158.]; Chung et al., 2015[Chung, L. W., Sameera, W. M. C., Ramozzi, R., Page, A. J., Hatanaka, M., Petrova, G. P., Harris, T. V., Li, X., Ke, Z., Liu, F., Li, H. B., Ding, L. & Morokuma, K. (2015). Chem. Rev. 115, 5678-5796.]). In addition, the QM system needs to be fully protonated, even if the starting structure does not contain any H atoms. The H atoms should be added to the starting PDB file. Each QM region is defined by the user in a text file, listing the serial numbers of atoms from the PDB file that are inside the QM region. Additionally, the user must create a second list within the same text file(s), specifying which atoms in the QM system are chemically bonded to atoms in the surroundings. It is crucial that the atoms in the input model maintain the same order used internally by Phenix. This can be achieved by first sorting the input model using the Phenix command iotbx.pdb.sort_atom.

Using these files, produces a JSON settings file (qref.dat) containing among other things the parameters needed to determine the position of the HL atoms [gbond in equation (S2) of the supporting information], which are obtained using a database of optimum QM distances and the force field parameters used by Phenix. The script also produces two PDB files for each QM subsystem, one with CL atoms, serving as the input for the calculation of the EMM1 term, the other with HL atoms, serving as the input for the calculation of the EQM1 term. These files can also be used to check that the selection of the QM region is correct. Moreover, it produces suggested selection strings for the refinement jobs to allow only coordinates close to the QM region to move during the refinement. For reciprocal-space refinement (through phenix.refine), this is achieved by defining which atoms are allowed to move during the refinement. For real-space refinement (through phenix.real_space_refine), it is instead necessary to use self-reference restraints with a high weight. The calculations in this study used a weight of 10000, which was found to give essentially fixed atoms outside the QM region, without affecting the convergence of the refinement of the QM region.

QM settings for ORCA are provided by the user through text files named qm_i.inp, where i indicates to which QM region the input file belongs (for example, qm_1.inp contains the ORCA settings for the first, and possibly only, QM region), placed in the same folder as the other files of the refinement job.

After these setup steps, the quantum refinement is run by executing either phenix.refine (Afonine et al., 2012[Afonine, P. V., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Echols, N., Headd, J. J., Moriarty, N. W., Mustyakimov, M., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A., Zwart, P. H. & Adams, P. D. (2012). Acta Cryst. D68, 352-367.]) or phenix.real_space_refine (Afonine et al., 2018[Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Read, R. J., Sobolev, O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. & Adams, P. D. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 531-544.]). A flow scheme of the QRef procedure is shown in Fig. 1[link].

[Figure 1]
Figure 1
Flow scheme illustrating the QRef procedure.

QRef has been released under a BSD-3 licence and the source code, supporting scripts, installation and usage instructions, examples, and templates can be found at The current version of QRef has been verified to work with Phenix (versions 1.20.1–4487, 1.21–5207, 1.21.1–5286 and 1.21.2-5419) and ORCA (versions 5.0.4 and 6.0.0). We intend to update QRef when new versions of Phenix are released. More details and a point-by-point description of how to install QRef and how to set up quantum refinement calculations are given in the file in the GitHub repository and on the page.

2.3. Applications

We have applied the new implementation of QRef to four protein structures. For all four, the coordinates, occupancies, B factors and structure factors were downloaded from the Protein Data Bank (Berman et al., 2000[Berman, H. M., Westbrook, J., Feng, Z., Gilliland, G., Bhat, T. N., Weissig, H., Shindyalov, I. N. & Bourne, P. E. (2000). Nucleic Acids Res. 28, 235-242.]), together with the space group, unit-cell parameters, resolution limits, R factors and the test set used for evaluation of the Rfree factor. Protonation of the QM region was done with phenix.ready_set (for Mn superoxide dismutase the deposited model was already deuterated). Restraint files for the non-standard ligands (homocitrate, the P-cluster and the FeV or FeFe clusters in nitro­genase, as well as lipids in particulate methane monooxygenase) were generated using phenix.elbow (Moriarty et al., 2009[Moriarty, N. W., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W. & Adams, P. D. (2009). Acta Cryst. D65, 1074-1080.]).

For the three crystal structures, reciprocal-space refinement was performed with phenix.refine, involving the first three macrocycles of coordinate refinement, in which only the coordinates of the QM region, as well as the part of the residues outside of the QM region where a covalent bond was cut, were allowed to move, followed by three macrocycles of individual atomic displacement parameter (ADP) refinement, where the ADPs for the whole protein were allowed to change. After that, real-space Z scores based on the difference maps (RSZD), real-space R factors (RSR) and real-space correlation coefficients (RSCC) were calculated using EDSTATS (Tickle, 2012[Tickle, I. J. (2012). Acta Cryst. D68, 454-467.]).

For the cryo-EM structure of particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), real-space refinement was performed with phenix.real_space_refine, involving five macrocycles of coordinate refinement, in which the protein outside the QM region was kept in place using self-reference restraints with a weight of 10000. After that, RSCC was calculated on a residue-wise basis using phenix.map_model_cc.

All QM calculations were performed with the TPSS density-functional theory method (Tao et al., 2003[Tao, J., Perdew, J. P., Staroverov, V. N. & Scuseria, G. E. (2003). Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 146401.]) and the def2-SV(P) basis set (Schäfer et al., 1992[Schäfer, A., Horn, H. & Ahlrichs, R. (1992). J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2571-2577.]). We employed the DFT-D4 dispersion correction (Caldeweyher et al., 2019[Caldeweyher, E., Ehlert, S., Hansen, A., Neugebauer, H., Spicher, S., Bannwarth, C. & Grimme, S. (2019). J. Chem. Phys. 150, 154122.]). Different broken-symmetry states for the nitro­genase models were obtained with the Flipspin approach in ORCA.

QM calculations with DFT methods and split-valence basis sets, such as those employed in this study, typically give metal–ligand distances with an accuracy of 0.01–0.06 Å and the errors are even lower for covalent bonds (Ryde & Nilsson, 2003[Ryde, U. & Nilsson, K. (2003). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 14232-14233.]; Neese, 2006[Neese, F. (2006). J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 11, 702-711.]; Cao et al., 2018[Cao, L., Caldararu, O. & Ryde, U. (2018). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 14, 6653-6678.]; Benediktsson & Bjornsson, 2022[Benediktsson, B. & Bjornsson, R. (2022). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 18, 1437-1457.]). This is better than what is obtained for typical medium- and low-resolution protein crystal structures (Fields et al., 1994[Fields, B. A., Bartsch, H. H., Bartunik, H. D., Cordes, F., Guss, J. M. & Freeman, H. C. (1994). Acta Cryst. D50, 709-730.]) and this is one of the advantages of quantum refinement. Phenix refinement depends on a random seed, which affects the w weight factor in equation (1)[link] in particular and can give a variation of metal–ligand bond lengths of 0.05–0.1 Å for the present test cases. With a fixed weight or a specific random seed, QRef always gives the same results with the same input files. Therefore, we have selected to report distances in ångstroms to two decimal places (energies in kJ mol−1 with no decimal), RSZD scores to one decimal place and RSCC values to three decimal places so that so that trends caused by changes in the weight factor can be followed. However, this probably gives a somewhat over-optimistic view of the accuracy of the data.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Implementation

We have implemented quantum refinement using a combination of two widely used and freely available (for academic users) software packages: ORCA (Neese et al., 2020[Neese, F., Wennmohs, F., Becker, U. & Riplinger, C. (2020). J. Chem. Phys. 152, 224108.]) and Phenix (Adams et al., 2010[Adams, P. D., Afonine, P. V., Bunkóczi, G., Chen, V. B., Davis, I. W., Echols, N., Headd, J. J., Hung, L.-W., Kapral, G. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., McCoy, A. J., Moriarty, N. W., Oeffner, R., Read, R. J., Richardson, D. C., Richardson, J. S., Terwilliger, T. C. & Zwart, P. H. (2010). Acta Cryst. D66, 213-221.]). In our previous implementation of quantum refinement, ComQum-X (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]; Bergmann et al., 2022[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2022). Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 72, 18-26.]), we instead used a combination of Turbomole (Furche et al., 2014[Furche, F., Ahlrichs, R., Hättig, C., Klopper, W., Sierka, M. & Weigend, F. (2014). WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 4, 91-100.]) and CNS (Brünger et al., 1998[Brünger, A. T., Adams, P. D., Clore, G. M., DeLano, W. L., Gros, P., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Jiang, J.-S., Kuszewski, J., Nilges, M., Pannu, N. S., Read, R. J., Rice, L. M., Simonson, T. & Warren, G. L. (1998). Acta Cryst. D54, 905-921.]). However, Turbomole has since then been commercialized, and CNS is outdated and little used.

We have implemented quantum refinement as a new module for Phenix, which reproduces the full capacity of our original quantum-refinement approach (Bergmann et al., 2022[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2022). Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 72, 18-26.]; Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]), but also opens up for all methods and options available in Phenix, here illustrated by the extension of quantum refinement to cryo-EM structures. We use Phenix as the driver of the structure refinement (in variance to ComQum-X, which employed Turbomole for the geometry optimization). This makes the quantum refinement as similar as possible to the standard crystallographic refinement. It is our hope that QRef will become a standard option in Phenix, routinely used by crystallographers.

This implementation requires a few choices in addition to those done in standard refinement. Naturally, the user needs to specify the QM region, i.e. the interesting part of the structure that will be treated by QM calculations (Senn & Thiel, 2009[Senn, H. M. & Thiel, W. (2009). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1198-1229.]; Ryde, 2016[Ryde, U. (2016). Methods Enzymol. 577, 119-158.]; Chung et al., 2015[Chung, L. W., Sameera, W. M. C., Ramozzi, R., Page, A. J., Hatanaka, M., Petrova, G. P., Harris, T. V., Li, X., Ke, Z., Liu, F., Li, H. B., Ding, L. & Morokuma, K. (2015). Chem. Rev. 115, 5678-5796.]). A typical size is 50–300 atoms with DFT methods [which we have found to be an appropriate level in terms of accuracy and time consumption (Bergmann et al., 2022[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2022). Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 72, 18-26.])]. Second, the charge and multiplicity of the QM region need to be specified by the user. Third, the QM method and basis set should be specified. Typically, a DFT method and split-valence basis set would be appropriate. In all applications presented in this article, the TPSS-D4 method (Tao et al., 2003[Tao, J., Perdew, J. P., Staroverov, V. N. & Scuseria, G. E. (2003). Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 146401.]; Caldeweyher et al., 2019[Caldeweyher, E., Ehlert, S., Hansen, A., Neugebauer, H., Spicher, S., Bannwarth, C. & Grimme, S. (2019). J. Chem. Phys. 150, 154122.]) and the def2-SV(P) basis set were used (Schäfer et al., 1992[Schäfer, A., Horn, H. & Ahlrichs, R. (1992). J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2571-2577.]).

There are many different variants of QM/MM methods (Senn & Thiel, 2009[Senn, H. M. & Thiel, W. (2009). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1198-1229.]; Ryde, 2016[Ryde, U. (2016). Methods Enzymol. 577, 119-158.]). Equation (2)[link] shows that we are using a subtractive QM/MM approach (Cao & Ryde, 2018[Cao, L. & Ryde, U. (2018). Front. Chem. 6, 89.]), i.e. performing two separate MM calculations, one for the full system (EMM) and one for the isolated QM region (EMM1). The latter term simply cancels the MM calculation for the QM region. This is the easiest QM/MM method to implement and there is no need to modify the MM code or to cherry-pick exactly what MM terms to include in the energy function.

When using the subtractive QM/MM scheme, it is essential that all MM terms involving the QM system cancel exactly between EMM and EMM1. This is the case for normal MM terms, such as bonds, angles and dihedrals, especially when using CL atoms. However, we have noted that it might be a problem for some other MM terms. In particular, we have found that the conformational-dependent library (CDL) restraints may sometimes be problematic, because they depend on the backbone dihedral angles and the backbone is often not included in the QM region. Therefore, we recommend that the CDL restraints are turned off when using quantum refinement. Likewise, secondary-structure restraints should be omitted. Metal coordination restraints should work properly if all ligands of the metals are included in the QM system (as they should), but we recommend that they are turned off (because the metal site is better described by the QM calculations). The same applies to Ramachandran plot restraints, residue side-chain rotamer restraints and other non-default restraints. Removing restraints is acceptable because quantum refinement is intended to be run at the end of the refinement, when the global fold and general structure is already settled, and only the detailed structure of a small part of the structure is of central interest. The remainder of the structure is fixed or kept close to the starting structure. Finally, refinement of the hydrogen atoms should be set to `individual' and not `riding' in the Phenix parameter file. Since the coordinates outside the QM system are fixed or heavily restrained to the starting coordinates, this does not introduce any risk of overfitting.

3.2. Application on a neutron crystal structure

In the following, we will illustrate the new QRef implementation by four typical applications, involving neutron and X-ray crystal structures, as well as a cryo-EM structure. We will start with a neutron-crystallography structure and a discussion of the weight factors.

In 2021, Borgstahl and coworkers published X-ray and neutron structures of Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in both the reduced (Mn2+) and the oxidized (Mn3+) states (Azadmanesh et al., 2021[Azadmanesh, J., Lutz, W. E., Coates, L., Weiss, K. L. & Borgstahl, G. E. O. (2021). Nat. Commun. 12, 2079.]). They showed several conspicuous features, e.g. a deprotonated Gln residue, a deprotonated Tyr residue and possibly a doubly deprotonated His residue. The active site consists of the Mn ion, coordinated to three His residues, one Asp residue and a solvent molecule [cf. Fig. 2[link](a)]. Traditionally, it has been assumed that the solvent molecule is water in the reduced state and a hydroxide ion in the oxidized state (Maliekal et al., 2002[Maliekal, J., Karapetian, A., Vance, C., Yikilmaz, E., Wu, Q., Jackson, T., Brunold, T. C., Spiro, T. G. & Miller, A. F. (2002). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 15064-15075.]; Han et al., 2002[Han, W. G., Lovell, T. & Noodleman, L. (2002). Inorg. Chem. 41, 205-218.]; Miller et al., 2003[Miller, A. F., Padmakumar, K., Sorkin, D. L., Karapetian, A. & Vance, C. K. (2003). J. Inorg. Biochem. 93, 71-83.]; Rulíšek & Ryde, 2006[Rulíšek, L. & Ryde, U. (2006). J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 11511-11518.]; Rulíšek et al., 2006[Rulíšek, L., Jensen, K. P., Lundgren, K. & Ryde, U. (2006). J. Comput. Chem. 27, 1398-1414.]). However, the solvent molecule receives a hydrogen bond from the side chain –NH2 group of Gln143, which might be unfavourable for a water molecule. In subunit B of the reduced neutron structure (PDB entry 7kkw), only one proton was seen on Gln143B (the letter after the residue number indicates the chain), i.e. Gln143B is deprotonated (–CONH) and receives a hydrogen bond from the Mn-bound water molecule (Azadmanesh et al., 2021[Azadmanesh, J., Lutz, W. E., Coates, L., Weiss, K. L. & Borgstahl, G. E. O. (2021). Nat. Commun. 12, 2079.]). This is quite unexpected as the pKa of water in Mn2+(H2O)6 is appreciably lower than that of acetamide (a simple model of a Gln sidechain), 10.6–10.7 (Yatsimirksii & Vasilev, 1960[Yatsimirksii, K. B. & Vasilev, V. P. (1960). Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Elmsford: Pergamon.]; Burgess, 1978[Burgess, J. (1978). Metal Ions in Solution. New York: John Wiley.]) compared with 15.1 (Haynes, 2016[Haynes, W. M. (2016). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press.]).

[Figure 2]
Figure 2
The active sites of the studied systems, showing the QM regions employed: (a) MnSOD, (b) V-nitro­genase, (c) Fe-nitro­genase and (d) pMMO.

We have studied this reduced neutron structure with QRef quantum refinement, using a QM region consisting of [Mn(imidazole)3(CH3COO)(H2O)(phenol)(indole)­(CH3CONH)], as models of His26B, His74B, His163B, Asp159B, Tyr34B, Trp123B and Gln143B [shown in Fig. 2[link](a)]. Mn2+ was modelled in the high-spin state with five unpaired electrons.

As mentioned in the Introduction[link], the energy function of Phenix reciprocal-space refinement is given by equation (1)[link]. In practise, the function is slightly more complicated:

[E_{\rm tot} = w_{\rm xc\_scale}w_{\rm xc}E_{\rm exp} + w_{\rm c}E_{\rm MM}. \eqno (3)]

Thus, it contains three weight factors, which determine the relative importance of the crystallographic and geometric-restraint pseudo-energy terms. In principle, two of them are redundant, but they give the user more freedom to vary the importance of the Eexp and EMM terms independently and to turn each of them off without letting a weight go towards infinity, which may lead to convergence problems. The wxc_scale term seems to be there for historical reasons and is normally kept at 1/2 (Adams et al., 1997[Adams, P. D., Pannu, N. S., Read, R. J. & Brünger, A. T. (1997). Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 5018-5023.]). In the following, we will only report the product wx = wxc_scalewxc and it should be kept in mind that what matters in practice is the quotient qw = wx/wc.

In the deposited crystal structure (PDB entry 7kkw), the Mn—NHis bond lengths to the three His ligands in subunit B are 2.10–2.25 Å, the Asp ligand is monodentate with a Mn—OAsp bond length of 2.16 Å and the solvent molecule is water with an Mn—OW bond length of 2.25 Å, whereas Gln143B is deprotonated [i.e. with a –CONH side-chain group; cf. Fig. 2[link](a)]. The OW—HW bond length in this water molecule is 0.97 Å and the length of the HW—NGln hydrogen bond to NE2 of Gln143B is 1.59 Å (the O atom of this water molecule is denoted OW, whereas the two H atoms are denoted HW and HW2, of which HW forms a hydrogen bond to Gln143B). The average RSZD score for the nine residues in our QM region is 1.3 in the deposited structure, ranging from 0.5 for Tyr34B to 2.5 for His163B (the individual RSZD scores are given in Table S1 of the supporting information). The strain energy (i.e. the difference in QM energy of the QM region in the refined structure and a structure obtained by setting wx = 0, i.e. a QM/MM structure with the Phenix MM energy function) is 362 kJ mol−1 (with HL atoms added and optimized by QM). If the same structure is freely optimized by QM [TPSS-D4/def2-SV(P)], the Mn—NHis bond lengths increase to 2.23–2.35 Å, the Mn–OAsp bond decreases to 2.10 Å and the Mn–OW bond length decreases to 1.99 Å, because HW moves to Gln143B, giving an OH group (explaining also the longer Mn—N bonds) and a normal neutral Gln143B. The OW—HW and HW—NGln distances are 2.67 and 1.07 Å, respectively. This reflects that the expected pKa of an amide group [e.g. ∼15.1 for acetamide (Haynes, 2016[Haynes, W. M. (2016). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press.])] is higher than that of water, 14.0, and the latter can be expected to decrease by several units when coordinating to a metal ion [the pKa of Mn2+(H2O)6 is ∼10.6 (Yatsimirksii & Vasilev, 1960[Yatsimirksii, K. B. & Vasilev, V. P. (1960). Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Elmsford: Pergamon.]; Burgess, 1978[Burgess, J. (1978). Metal Ions in Solution. New York: John Wiley.])].

We ran several quantum-refinement calculations of MnSOD, varying wx but keeping wc = 1.0 (and wQM = 7.5). The results in Table 1[link] and Fig. 3[link] show quite a strong dependency on the wx weight factor, as expected. When wx ≤ 1, the structure is mainly determined by QM. For wx = 0.1, the Mn—NHis bonds are 2.27 Å and Mn—OAsp = 2.02 Å. Interestingly, the solvent molecule is automatically deprotonated to OH during the refinement and the proton moves to Gln143B. This shows an advantage of using QM for the restraints: the topology of the system is not fixed, but bonds can break and form following the inherent stability of the various states. Consequently, the Mn—OW bond length decreases to 1.98 Å, OW—HW = 1.53 Å and HW—NGln = 1.09 Å. The same applies for wx = 0–1 with variations of only 0.01 Å (0.03 Å for Mn—NHis74). Therefore, the strain energies are small (1–4 kJ mol−1) and the average deviation of the seven distances in Table 1[link] from the corresponding QM/MM structure (i.e. a structure started from the quantum-refined structure, but setting wx = 0; Δdav) is only 0.000–0.014 Å. The average RSZD score is 1.1–1.2, i.e. slightly lower that for the deposited structure. His74B gives the lowest RSZD (0.5–0.6) and Trp123B and Gln143B the highest (1.9–2.0; cf. Table S1).

Table 1
Results of quantum refinement with different weight factors for the Mn site in the B subunit of MnSOD

The table shows seven key distances (N1—N3 are the coordinating N atoms of His26B, His74B and His163B), as well as Δdav (the average difference in the seven distances between the quantum-refined structure and the structure used to calculate ΔEQM1), RSZD averaged over the nine residues in the QM region and the strain energy (ΔEQM1). The individual RSZD values are given in Table S1.

      Distance to Mn (Å)          
wx wc wQM N1 N2 OAsp N3 OW HW—NGln (Å) OW—HW (Å) Δdav (Å) RSZDav ΔEQM1 (kJ mol−1)
0 1 7.5 2.27 2.24 2.02 2.28 1.99 1.12 1.49 0.000 1.2 0
0.01 1 7.5 2.27 2.26 2.02 2.27 1.98 1.09 1.53 0.002 1.2 1
0.03 1 7.5 2.27 2.26 2.02 2.27 1.98 1.09 1.53 0.013 1.2 4
0.1 1 7.5 2.27 2.27 2.02 2.27 1.98 1.09 1.53 0.014 1.2 4
0.3 1 7.5 2.27 2.25 2.03 2.28 1.98 1.10 1.50 0.003 1.2 1
1 1 7.5 2.27 2.26 2.02 2.28 1.99 1.11 1.51 0.005 1.1 2
3 1 7.5 2.31 2.29 2.05 2.27 2.01 1.09 1.63 0.025 0.8 22
10 1 7.5 2.33 2.36 2.09 2.25 2.04 1.09 1.77 0.067 0.8 117
30 1 7.5 2.33 2.54 2.08 2.21 2.04 1.10 2.08 0.152 0.8 442
100 1 7.5 2.23 2.99 1.95 2.05 2.85 1.59 1.17 0.406 0.7 1615
1 0 0 4.21 6.04 3.30 2.33 3.53 1.50 2.07 1.341 0.3 1079359
Deposited 2.10 2.25 2.16 2.21 2.25 1.59 0.97 0.233 1.3 362
[Figure 3]
Figure 3
Dependence of (a) the RSZD scores (left axis) and the strain energy (right axis, dotted line), as well as (b) the bond lengths to Mn (left axis, full lines), distances involving the hydrogen bond between the solvent ligand and Gln143 (left axis and dotted lines) and the deviation of these distances from the QM/MM reference structure (Δd; right axis and dashed line) as a function of the wc factor for the neutron structure of reduced MnSOD (7kkw).

When wx ≥ 30 or larger, the structure starts to become chemically unreasonable, with large QM strain energies (>400 kJ mol−1) and non-planar ring systems. On the other hand, the average RSZD score decreases from 0.8 to 0.3 when wc = 0 (i.e. refined with no empirical restraints and no QM). This illustrates the need for empirical (or QM) restraints and that the lowest RSZD scores are obtained for chemically unreasonable structures. At wx = 100, HW moves from Gln to the solvent molecule (forming water), with OW—HW = 1.17 Å and HW—NGln = 1.59 Å. At wc = 0 the structure breaks down completely with the water and two His ligands dissociating from Mn, and HW2 pointing towards Mn.

However, for wx between 1 and 10, reasonable structures are obtained that reflect a compromise between the crystallographic data and the QM calculations. The strain energies increase from 2 to 117 kJ mol−1 and Δdav increases from 0.005 to 0.067 Å. Meanwhile, the average RSZD decreases from 1.1 to 0.8. It is primarily the RSZD scores of Trp123B and Gln143B that decrease. The Mn–ligand distances show variations of 0.03–0.10 Å and the hydrogen-bond distances vary between 1.51 and 1.77 Å (but the proton stays on Gln143B).

Thus, it seems reasonable to select wx in this range and the user can make a choice that biases the result either towards crystallography or QM, e.g. depending on the accuracy and resolution of the experimental data. In this case, we would suggest a value in the middle of the range, i.e. wx = 3, which is similar to the value suggested by Phenix in a standard refinement without QM (wx = 3.4–5.9 in the last two macrocycles in the refinement procedure). Fig. S1 of the supporting information compares the mFoDFc difference maps for the deposited structure and the quantum-refined structure obtained with wx = 3. It can be seen that the map of the quantum-refined structure is slightly better, especially between the solvent molecule and Gln143B. However, the difference density is at quite a low level (2.5σ; no differences are observed at 3.0σ for any of the structures). This shows that structures of a comparable quality can be obtained also with a protonated Gln143B. However, the detailed interpretation of the protonation states requires a more involved study including quantum refinement of additional protonation states (in particular with water and a neutral Gln143B). This will be performed in a separate study. The main goal here is to show that the quantum refinement works properly and what variations of the structure and the quality factors can be expected when wx is varied.

Finally, we note that the Rwork and Rfree values show little variation among the various structures. Rwork is 22.4–22.7% for all quantum-refined structures, with the lowest values obtained with the highest wx (cf. Table S1). This is appreciably lower than for the deposited structure (25.1%), but applies to all our Phenix calculations, also without QM, indicating slightly different settings for Phenix. Likewise, Rfree is 30.4–30.6%, this time with the lowest values obtained for low wx values. This is similar to what is reported for the deposited structure (29.9%). The small variation of the R values is expected, because they are global measures that are barely affected by changes only in a small part of the protein. Moreover, the variation is similar to the uncertainty in these measures, obtained by refining the structure with different random seeds. Therefore, R values will not be discussed in the other applications.

3.3. Strain energies

The strain energy is intended to show how close the quantum-refined structure is to the ideal QM structure and can therefore be used to signal if wx is too high so that the structure becomes chemically unreasonable, as we saw in the previous section. However, the strain energy depends on the structural interpretation of the crystal structure, including details that are not obvious from the experimental structure, e.g. the oxidation state and the location of all protons. Therefore, the strain energies can also be used to decide which of several possible structural interpretations fit the experimental data best: if we use the correct structural interpretation, then the ideal QM structure and the crystal structure should be similar.

However, we then need to decide exactly what we mean by the `ideal QM structure'. In the first applications (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]), we simply used the structure of the isolated QM region optimized under vacuum. This is a well-defined structure and works well for small and completely connected QM regions, such as a metal with its first-sphere ligands. However, as the QM region grows bigger, there is a large risk that some groups move significantly during the geometry optimization and may form new interactions (e.g. new hydrogen bonds) that are not relevant for the crystal structure. Therefore, in later applications, we instead started to use the QM/MM structure obtained without any crystallographic information as the reference (i.e. by setting wx = 0). The calculation was typically started from the quantum-refined structure. This is the definition used in the previous section. An alternative is to use QM-optimized structures, but keeping the HL junction atoms fixed.

In this section, we study different choices of reference structures for the strain energies and in particular how they depend on the starting structure (ideally, the reference structure should not depend on which structure the optimization is started from). We used the MnSOD test system and the same ten structures as in the previous section obtained with different values of the wx weight (from 0 to 100).

The results in Table 1[link], discussed in the previous section, show that the strain energies vary widely with wx, from 1 to 1 000 000 kJ mol−1. These used the structures obtained by carrying out a QM/MM geometry optimization without any crystallographic data as the reference (i.e. setting wx = 0) and the calculations were started from each quantum-refined structure. Table 2[link] shows the individual QM energies of the reference (QM/MM) structures (column E2). It can be seen that there are some variations in the energies of the reference structures, up to 11 kJ mol−1. The calculations started from the quantum-refined structures where wx = 0 and 100 give the most and least negative energies, respectively, and the variation is rather random but with a slight trend that the strain energy increases with wx. Such a large variation was not observed with ComQum-X, in which the QM system was optimized by the Turbomole software. Using the structure with the lowest QM energy among the ten structures as the reference for all structures seems to be a better choice, giving somewhat more consistent strain energies (column ΔE2 in Table 2[link]).

Table 2
Test of different strain energies and reference structures

The results are based on the quantum refinement with different wx weight factors (wc = 1 and wQM = 7.5 for all) for the Mn site in the B subunit of MnSOD shown also in Table 1[link]. E1, E2 and E3 are the QM energies (in kJ mol−1) of the QM region in the quantum-refined structure, the QM/MM-optimized structure (i.e. with wx = 0, but started from the quantum-refined structures with different wx) and in the isolated QM region optimized by QM, keeping the HL atoms fixed at the starting quantum-refined structure. ΔE1 = E1E2 and ΔE3 = E1E3, both calculated for each row. ΔE2 = E1E2 also, but using only the lowest value for E2 (i.e. that obtained for wx = 0). Δd2 and Δd3 are the average deviations of seven key distances (those included in Table 1[link]) of the two sets of reference structures from those obtained with wx = 0. The actual distances are shown in Table S2 and the corresponding distances for the quantum-refined structures are shown in Table 1[link].

wx E1 (kJ mol−1) E2 (kJ mol−1) E3 (kJ mol−1) ΔE1 (kJ mol−1) ΔE2 (kJ mol−1) ΔE3 (kJ mol−1) Δd2 (Å) Δd3 (Å)
0 7912123 −7912123 −7912160 0 0 37 0.000 0.000
0.01 −7912120 −7912121 −7912160 1 3 40 0.018 0.013
0.03 −7912119 −7912122 −7912160 4 4 41 0.014 0.015
0.1 −7912119 −7912122 −7912160 4 4 41 0.014 0.015
0.3 −7912122 −7912122 −7912160 1 1 38 0.015 0.015
1 −7912120 −7912122 −7912160 2 3 40 0.014 0.014
3 −7912097 −7912120 −7912158 22 25 60 0.012 0.012
10 −7911999 −7912116 −7912156 117 124 157 0.010 0.001
30 −7911678 −7912120 −7912155 442 445 477 0.009 0.004
100 −7910497 −7912111 −7912156 1615 1626 1660 0.011 0.007

To avoid this problem, we instead tried to obtain reference structures by performing a QM optimization of the QM region under vacuum with ORCA and keeping the HL junction atoms fixed. Again, we started all optimizations from the final quantum-refined structure. The results in Table 2[link] (column E3) show that this reduced the variation in the reference energies to 5 kJ mol−1 (0.1 kJ mol−1 if only structures with wx = 0–1 are considered). The strain energies are ∼37 kJ mol−1 larger, reflecting that the QM-optimized structure has a lower QM energy than QM/MM-optimized structures. At first, it might be a bit unexpected that there still is some variation in the strain energies depending on the starting structure for the reference-energy calculations. However, this reflects the fixation of the junction HL atoms at different positions. These differences lead to a variation of up to 0.06 Å in the key distances in the optimized structure.

For the general use of the strain energies, we recommend a QM-optimized structure with fixed HL junctions (described in the previous paragraph), starting from the original (deposited) crystal structure, which would ensure that the junction atoms reside at the same position for the various interpretations of the structure.

3.4. Application on V-nitro­genase

Next, we try to reproduce the results of a previous application of ComQum-X on the active-site FeV cluster of vanadium nitro­genase and in particular the nature of the bidentate ligand (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]). Nitro­genase is the only enzyme that can cleave the triple bond in N2 to form two molecules of ammonia (Seefeldt et al., 2020[Seefeldt, L. C., Yang, Z.-Y., Lukoyanov, D. A., Harris, D. F., Dean, D. R., Raugei, S. & Hoffman, B. M. (2020). Chem. Rev. 120, 5082-5106.]). There are three variants of nitro­genase, depending on the metal composition of the active site (Jasniewski et al., 2020[Jasniewski, A. J., Lee, C. C., Ribbe, M. W. & Hu, Y. (2020). Chem. Rev. 120, 5107-5157.]). The crystal structures are known for all three variants (Einsle & Rees, 2020[Einsle, O. & Rees, D. C. (2020). Chem. Rev. 120, 4969-5004.]; Trncik et al., 2023[Trncik, C., Detemple, F. & Einsle, O. (2023). Nat. Catal. 6, 415-424.]; Sippel & Einsle, 2017[Sippel, D. & Einsle, O. (2017). Nat. Chem. Biol. 13, 956-960.]). The most common and most active one is Mo-nitro­genase, which contains an MoFe7S9C cluster in the active site. In Fe- and V-nitro­genase, Mo is replaced by Fe and V, respectively. However, in the latter case, one of the sulfide ions is also replaced by a bidentate ligand. From the crystallographic raw data, it was not possible to settle the nature of the bidentate ligand; carbonate or nitrate were possible interpretations (Sippel & Einsle, 2017[Sippel, D. & Einsle, O. (2017). Nat. Chem. Biol. 13, 956-960.]). In 2021, we published a quantum-refinement study, in which we re-refined the crystal structure of V-nitro­genase with either [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}], [{\rm HCO}_3^{-}] or [{\rm NO}_3^{-}], and showed that [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] fitted the experimental data best (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]).

Here, we have repeated the calculations with the new QRef implementation within Phenix. The quantum-refinement calculations were based on the 5n6y crystal structure, obtained at 1.35 Å resolution (Sippel & Einsle, 2017[Sippel, D. & Einsle, O. (2017). Nat. Chem. Biol. 13, 956-960.]). As the quantum system, we used the full FeV cluster from the A subunit of the protein (VFe7S8C), the bidentate ligand, homocitrate, the side chains of Lys83A and Lys362A (modelled as CH3NH3+), the imidazole ring of His423A, the side chain of Cys257A (CH3S), as well as the whole Arg339A (except O, but including a –COCH3 group from Pro338A), and the side chain of Thr335A (modelled by CH3OH). The positively charged Arg and Lys residues were included to compensate the high negative charge of the FeV cluster (Cao et al., 2020[Cao, L., Caldararu, O. & Ryde, U. (2020). J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 25, 847-861.]). The backbone NH group of Arg339A also donates a hydrogen bond to the bidentate ligand. This QM system is illustrated in Fig. 2[link](b). We studied it in the resting E0 state, in the open-shell singlet state with the oxidation-state assignment V(III)­Fe(II)3Fe(III)4 (Yang et al., 2021[Yang, Z. Y., Jimenez-Vicente, E., Kallas, H., Lukoyanov, D. A., Yang, H., Martin Del Campo, J. S., Dean, D. R., Hoffman, B. M. & Seefeldt, L. C. (2021). Chem. Sci. 12, 6913-6922.]) and used the broken-symmetry (BS) BS-235 state (i.e. all Fe ions were in the high-spin state with a surplus of β spin on Fe2, Fe3 and Fe5) (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]; Benediktsson & Bjornsson, 2020[Benediktsson, B. & Bjornsson, R. (2020). Inorg. Chem. 59, 11514-11527.]). We tested three different interpretations of the unknown bidentate ligand: [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}], giving a net charge for the whole QM system of −2, [{\rm HCO}_3^{-}] or [{\rm NO}_3^{-}], both giving a net charge of −1.

We first performed an investigation to settle the proper value of the wx weight factor. The results in Table S3 and Fig. S2 show that wx = 3 seems to be a proper compromise between the strain energies and RSZD factors. In Table 3[link], we compare the results obtained with the ComQum-X and QRef implementations. It can be seen that the three crystallographic quality measures are similar or slightly improved (especially RSZD) with QRef compared with the ComQum-X results. On the other hand, the strain energy (ΔEQM1 in Table 3[link]) is higher than in the previous study because it was calculated with another reference in this study.

Table 3
Quality measures (RSZD, RSCC and RSR) and strain energies (ΔEQM1) for the quantum-refinement calculations of the FeV cofactor in V-nitro­genase with different interpretations of the bidentate ligand (XO3), studied with both the new (QRef) and the old (ComQum-X) versions of quantum refinement

The latter results are from our previous study (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]). The former results were obtained with wx = 3 (results with other values are shown in Table S3). The best results are marked in bold.

Ligand FeV XO3 FeV XO3 FeV XO3 ΔEQM1
[{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] 2.5 0.6 0.999 0.994 0.012 0.025 209
[{\rm HCO}_3^{-}] 3.0 1.1 0.999 0.990 0.011 0.031 220
[{\rm NO}_3^{-}] 2.5 1.1 0.999 0.992 0.012 0.028 193
ComQum-X (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.])
[{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] 3.0 1.5 0.999 0.992 0.013 0.028 95.0
[{\rm HCO}_3^{-}] 4.0 1.9 0.999 0.987 0.013 0.034 95.6
[{\rm NO}_3^{-}] 3.9 1.7 0.999 0.990 0.013 0.029 95.9

Most importantly, it is still clear that [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] fits the experimental raw data best. In fact, all quality measures for the bidentate ligand are best for [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}]. The difference is largest for RSZD, which is 0.6 for [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] and 1.1 for the two other ligands. However, the strain energy is slightly lower for [{\rm NO}_3^{-}] (193 kJ mol−1) than for [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] (209 kJ mol−1), but this is expected because the net charge of [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] is larger than for the other two ligands (–1), making electrostatic energies larger (Bergmann et al., 2021a[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021a). Acta Cryst. B77, 906-918.]).

The conclusion that [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] is the correct ligand is also supported by the electron-density difference maps in Fig. S3, which show that there are slightly fewer features in the difference maps for [{\rm CO}_3^{2-}] than for the other two ligands, although the differences are quite small. Thus, we can conclude that QRef works well and reproduces the results obtained with ComQum-X. Moreover, the lower RSZD scores and better difference maps indicate that QRef does a slightly better job than ComQum-X for the complicated FeV cluster in nitro­genase.

3.5. Application on Fe-nitro­genase

We have also run QRef calculations on another X-ray crystal structure, viz. on the recent structure of Fe-nitro­genase (8boq) at 1.55 Å resolution (Trncik et al., 2023[Trncik, C., Detemple, F. & Einsle, O. (2023). Nat. Catal. 6, 415-424.]). The QM model was Fe8S9C(homocitrate)(SCH3)(CH3-imidazole) [shown in Fig. 2[link](c)], where the latter two groups are models of Cys257A and His423A from the A subunit of the enzyme. The QM system was studied in the open-shell singlet state using the BS-2358 state [i.e. Fe2, Fe3, Fe5 and Fe8 have a surplus of β spin, whereas the other four Fe ions have a surplus of α spin (Jiang et al., 2023[Jiang, H., Lundgren, K. J. M. & Ryde, U. (2023). Inorg. Chem. 62, 19433-19445.])]. The original crystal structure involves disorder in the S2B atom of the FeFe cluster (modelled as 50% S2B and 50% as an O atom). However, in our calculations, the occupancy of S2B was set to 1.00 and the oxygen atom was discarded. Gln176A was modelled with dual conformations as in the PDB file.

In fact, these calculations (performed with QRef) have already been published (Jiang et al., 2023[Jiang, H., Lundgren, K. J. M. & Ryde, U. (2023). Inorg. Chem. 62, 19433-19445.]) in a different context. The active site of this protein contains an Fe8S9C cluster, similar to that of V- and Mo-nitro­genase, but with Mo or V replaced by Fe. Similar to the other two nitro­genases, it contains a homocitrate molecule, which forms a bidentate coordination to Fe. Homocitrate contains three carboxyl­ate groups and one alcohol group. The latter and one carboxyl­ate O atom coordinate to the metal. An examination of the hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure indicated that only one of the carboxyl­ate atoms (O2) may be protonated (in addition to the alcohol atom, O7). Therefore, there are four possible protonation states of the homocitrate ligand, with no, one (on either O2 or O7) or two protons, as is shown in Fig. 4[link]. Previous quantum-refinement calculations have shown that in Mo-nitro­genase, the homocitrate ligand has one proton that is shared between the alcohol O atom and a carboxyl­ate atom (the 1Ha structure). The new quantum-refinement calculations (Jiang et al., 2023[Jiang, H., Lundgren, K. J. M. & Ryde, U. (2023). Inorg. Chem. 62, 19433-19445.]) showed that this is also the case for Fe-nitro­genase.

[Figure 4]
Figure 4
The four protonation states of homocitrate considered: 2H, 1Ha, 1Hc and 0H. Atom numbers are also shown. Non-polar H atoms have been omitted. The charges of homocitrate are −2, −3, −3 and −4, respectively, in these four protonation states.

Here, we will mainly discuss how the results vary with the weight factors. The results are collected in Table 4[link]. First, we allowed Phenix to automatically select the wx weight factor (with wc = 1). This is done individually for each macrocycle of the refinement and for each protonation state, so the calculations are not fully comparable (the strain energy strongly depends on the weight factors). On average, wx was ∼9 for the last two macrocycles. This gave rather large strain energies of 120–168 kJ mol−1. It also gave structures that varied little with the protonation state of homocitrate. For example, the Fe—O7 distance to the alcohol atom of homocitrate was 2.17–2.19 Å in the four structures, although O7 is deprotonated in the 0H and 1Hc structures, but protonated in the other two structures; in the corresponding QM/MM structures, this bond length varies from 1.99 Å for 0H to 2.31 Å for 2H. This indicates that qw = wx/wc is too high. Similar but more comparable results are obtained if wx is explicitly set to 9 in the calculations.

Table 4
Quality measures and Fe—O distances (Å) for the four quantum-refined structures with varying protonation states of homocitrate (HCA, cf. Fig. 4[link]) and different weight factors

The quality measures are RSZD, RSR and RSCC for homocitrate, the strain energy (ΔEQM1) and the average difference in the Fe—O bond lengths to the homocitrate O5 (carboxyl­ate) and O7 (alcohol) atoms in the quantum-refined structure (Δdav), (Fe—O)QR, and in a structure optimized by QM/MM, i.e. with wx = 0, (Fe—O)QM. The best results are marked in bold.

                  (Fe—O)QR (Fe—O)QM
wx wc qw HCA RSZD RSR RSCC ΔEQM1 Δdav O5 O7 O5 O7
Auto 1   0H 0.6 0.042 0.969 126 0.13 2.25 2.17 2.18 1.99
∼9     1Hc 0.6 0.043 0.968 168 0.09 2.26 2.18 2.22 2.05
      1Ha 0.6 0.042 0.971 133 0.10 2.23 2.19 2.13 2.29
      2H 0.7 0.043 0.970 120 0.07 2.24 2.19 2.22 2.31
9 1 9 0H 0.8 0.043 0.967 172 0.13 2.26 2.16 2.18 1.99
      1Hc 0.8 0.043 0.969 214 0.07 2.26 2.18 2.23 2.08
      1Ha 0.6 0.042 0.971 159 0.11 2.23 2.18 2.12 2.29
      2H 0.6 0.043 0.970 156 0.07 2.25 2.18 2.22 2.30
1 1 1 0H 2.8 0.055 0.944 38 0.05 2.22 2.06 2.19 1.99
      1Hc 1.7 0.050 0.955 54 0.04 2.23 2.13 2.22 2.06
      1Ha 0.5 0.044 0.967 41 0.03 2.17 2.20 2.13 2.23
      2H 1.1 0.046 0.962 35 0.04 2.22 2.21 2.23 2.28
9 10 0.9 0H 2.6 0.055 0.944 28 0.03 2.21 2.04 2.20 1.99
      1Hc 2.3 0.052 0.951 41 0.04 2.23 2.12 2.23 2.04
      1Ha 0.5 0.044 0.966 33 0.02 2.16 2.20 2.17 2.24
      2H 1.0 0.046 0.964 35 0.05 2.21 2.21 2.22 2.29
1 10 0.1 0H 5.0 0.054 0.945 0 0.00 2.16 1.99 2.16 1.99
      1Hc 4.4 0.063 0.925 7 0.01 2.22 2.07 2.23 2.05
      1Ha 1.5 0.049 0.958 3 0.00 2.13 2.25 2.13 2.25
      2H 2.6 0.051 0.950 1 0.01 2.21 2.28 2.21 2.29

If we instead set qw = 0.1, we get very small strain energies (0–7 kJ mol−1) and the structures are nearly identical to the corresponding QM/MM structures (within 0.01 Å for the Fe—O distances). This indicates that qw is too low and we simply obtain QM/MM structures with no influence from the crystallography.

However, for intermediate values of qw, we obtain structures that are a compromise between crystallography and QM. We studied two such systems, viz. one with wx = 1 and wc = 1 (qw = 1) and one with wx = 9 and wc = 10 (qw = 0.9), to illustrate that what matters is the wx/wc quotient. The two sets of calculations provide similar results with strain energies of 33–54 kJ mol−1 and average deviation of the two Fe—O bond lengths from the corresponding QM/MM structures (Δdav) of 0.02–0.05 Å. We will use these two sets of calculations for the remaining discussion.

To decide which of the four protonation states fit the crystallographic raw data best, we studied several quality measures. First, we looked at RSZD, RSR and RSCC of the homocitrate ligand to show how well the various models fit the experimental electron density. From Table 4[link], it can be seen that all three measures highlight 1Ha as the best protonation state (i.e. with the alcohol atom protonated and the carboxyl­ate group deprotonated). In particular, RSZD is 0.5 for this protonation state, whereas it is 1.0–2.8 for the other protonation states. 1Ha is also the protonation state that gives the lowest Δdav, 0.01–0.03 Å lower than for the other protonation states. However, the strain energy is lower for the 0H or 2H states by 5–7 kJ mol−1. The reason for this is that the strain energy also depends on the net charge of the QM system and therefore the strain energies are fully comparable only for the 1Hc and 1Ha states, for which 1Ha is always lower, but not between the other protonation states.

In conclusion, the quantum-refinement calculations show that 1Ha is the most likely protonation state, which is in agreement with QM/MM calculations (Jiang et al., 2023[Jiang, H., Lundgren, K. J. M. & Ryde, U. (2023). Inorg. Chem. 62, 19433-19445.]) and with the corresponding results obtained for Mo-nitro­genase (Cao et al., 2017[Cao, L., Caldararu, O. & Ryde, U. (2017). J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 8242-8262.]; Benediktsson & Bjornsson, 2017[Benediktsson, B. & Bjornsson, R. (2017). Inorg. Chem. 56, 13417-13429.]). Moreover, they point out a practical procedure to determine a proper value of qw for the quantum-refinement calculations: qw should be selected so that the structures are influenced by both the experimental and the QM data, i.e. so that the strain energies are reasonable (10–200 kJ mol−1, although the absolute value depends on the size of the QM region, the net charge and the definition of the reference state) and that the geometries depend on the protonation state (or other variations of the composition) and are not identical to the corresponding QM/MM structure. The exact value of qw can be adapted to bias the structure slightly towards experiments or QM, depending on the accuracy (resolution) of the experimental data.

3.6. Application on a cryo-EM structure of pMMO

Finally, we also tested QRef on a cryo-EM structure. Recently, Rosenzweig and coworkers have published eight cryo-EM structures of pMMO from different sources and in different membrane-like surroundings (Koo et al., 2022[Koo, C. W., Tucci, F. J., He, Y. & Rosenzweig, A. C. (2022). Science, 375, 1287-1291.]). We studied the CuD site in the pMMO structure 7s4h at 2.14 Å resolution (Koo et al., 2022[Koo, C. W., Tucci, F. J., He, Y. & Rosenzweig, A. C. (2022). Science, 375, 1287-1291.]). In the deposited PDB file, the Cu ion is three-coordinate, with bonds to the side chains of Asn227C, His231C and His245C. The structure is somewhat pyramidal. The Cu—O distance is 2.21 Å and one of the Cu—N distances is 2.00 Å. However, the other Cu—N distance is quite unrealistic, 1.50 Å. Two water molecules (HOH406C and 415C) are relatively close to the Cu site, but at non-bonding distances of 3.3 and 3.8 Å. However, together with the two coordinating N atoms of the His ligands, they form a reasonable square plane, with Asn227C in an axial position.

In this study, we examined how quantum refinement could improve the structure and how the results vary with the wx weight factor (keeping wc at 1; in fact, in real-space refinement in Phenix, there is only one weight factor that can be varied, wx) and with the size of the QM region. The Cu ion was always considered in the Cu(I) state [a more thorough investigation of the actual nature of this and the other Cu sites in the recent cryo-EM structures (Chang et al., 2021[Chang, W.-H., Lin, H.-H., Tsai, I.-K., Huang, S.-H., Chung, S.-C., Tu, I.-P., Yu, S. S.-F. & Chan, S.-I. (2021). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 9922-9932.]; Koo et al., 2022[Koo, C. W., Tucci, F. J., He, Y. & Rosenzweig, A. C. (2022). Science, 375, 1287-1291.]) will be performed separately]. As the experimental quality measure, we employ the RSCC of the residues in the QM system, calculated using phenix.map_model_cc.

The real-space refinement of cryo-EM structures in Phenix is approximate in that it does not consider the difference between the experimental and calculated electrostatic potential (ESP) maps over the entire volume of the protein, but only the experimental value of the ESP at the atomic positions (Afonine et al., 2018[Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Read, R. J., Sobolev, O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. & Adams, P. D. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 531-544.]). Moreover, the ESP map is typically sharpened so that the ESP becomes almost a square potential (Afonine et al., 2018[Afonine, P. V., Poon, B. K., Read, R. J., Sobolev, O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Urzhumtsev, A. & Adams, P. D. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 531-544.]). As an effect, the structure depends strongly on the empirical restraints to obtain a chemically reasonable structure. If no restraints are employed, atoms tend to implode into the centre of local density and quality measures such as RSCC will deteriorate, because they are calculated in the proper way, viz. comparing the experimental and calculated ESPs in a volume.

This can be seen from the results in Table S4, where wx is varied in standard real-space cryo-EM refinement of pMMO with Phenix (i.e. without QM). It can be seen that RSCC shows a small improvement as wx is increased from 0 to 100, from 0.82 to 0.86 on average for the ten considered residues. With the automatic selection of wx, giving a final value of wx = 4.4, an intermediate RSCC score is obtained, 0.84, which is identical to that obtained from the deposited structure (all individual RSCC values are within 0.01, except that for HOH415C, for which RSCC of the re-refined structure is considerably better than in the deposited structure, 0.76, versus 0.67. However, the Cu–ligand distances are very different, e.g. 1.95 versus 1.50 Å for Cu—NHis245 and 3.16 versus 3.81 Å for Cu—OW406). Thus, RSCC is quite indifferent to the detailed geometry of the Cu site. For wx = 1000, RSCC deteriorates slightly and for wx = 10000 it becomes worse than in any other refinement (0.78 on average) and the atoms start to crowd up. This behaviour should be remembered when we run quantum refinement with different values of wx.

We then performed a set of quantum-refinement calculations with only Cu+ and the three strong ligands in the QM system {Asn227C, His231C and His245C, modelled as [Cu(imidazole)2(CH3CONH2)]+}. The results are collected in the upper third of Table 5[link]. It can be seen that for wx ≤ 10, the results are very similar. The two Cu—N bond lengths are 1.90–1.92 Å, whereas the weaker Cu—OAsn227 bond is 2.08–2.10 Å. Thus, the quantum refinement directly corrects the unrealistically short Cu—N bond length to His245C in the deposited cryo-EM structure (1.50 Å). Likewise, the strain energy (compared with a vacuum-optimized structure with H-link atoms fixed) is small, 19–21 kJ mol−1. The average RSCC for the four optimized residues is slightly worse than in the deposited structure, 0.86, compared with 0.89. However, for wx = 30, the strain energy starts increase (to 38 kJ mol−1) and the Cu–ligand bonds show a larger variation. For wx = 100, the strain energy is 100 kJ mol−1 and the Cu—OAsn bond has increased to 2.53 Å. At higher wx values, the structure breaks down. Interestingly, RSCC decreases significantly for all structures with wx ≥ 10, 0.77–0.84. This indicates that the QM potential is less effective than the MM potential in avoiding a structure collapse caused by the approximate treatment of the ESP map in the real-space refinement (the MM bond potential increases monotonically when the bond is stretched, whereas the QM potential allows bonds to break).

Table 5
Results of the quantum refinements of the CuD site of pMMO with three different sizes of the QM system (no water, water or bigger) and different values of the wx weight factor (keeping wc = 1 and wQM = 7.5)

The table shows the Cu–ligand distances (in Å) for OD1 of Asn227C (Asn), NE2 of His231C (H1) and His245C (H2), and O of HOH406C (W1) and HOH415C (W2). In addition, the strain energy [ΔEQM1 in (kJ mol−1), relative to the QM system optimized under vacuum with the HL atoms fixed], the average difference in the three or five Cu–ligand distances shown between the quantum-refined structure and the structure used to calculate ΔEQM1 (Δdav), and the average RSCC score for the four, six or ten residues in the QM system are given. Note that the three latter estimates depend on the size of the QM system (therefore different values are given for the deposited structure).

  Distance to Cu (Å)      
wx Asn H1 H2 W1 W2 ΔEQM1 Δdav RSCCav
No water
Deposited 2.21 2.00 1.50     300 0.16 0.89
0 2.09 1.91 1.92     21 0.10 0.86
0.01 2.09 1.91 1.92     21 0.10 0.86
0.03 2.08 1.92 1.92     20 0.11 0.86
0.1 2.09 1.91 1.92     19 0.10 0.86
0.3 2.08 1.91 1.92     20 0.10 0.86
1 2.09 1.90 1.91     21 0.10 0.86
3 2.09 1.91 1.92     21 0.10 0.86
3.6 (auto) 2.10 1.91 1.91     20 0.11 0.86
10 2.10 1.91 1.92     19 0.14 0.85
30 2.02 1.92 1.94     38 0.33 0.84
100 2.53 1.95 1.92     100 0.90 0.83
300 3.33 2.08 1.99     257 1.04 0.80
1000 3.31 2.52 2.07     1812 0.63 0.77
Deposited 2.21 2.00 1.50 3.81 3.30 383 0.39 0.83
0 2.11 1.93 1.97 2.92 2.52 39 0.34 0.80
0.01 2.11 1.93 1.97 2.92 2.52 39 0.34 0.80
0.03 2.11 1.93 1.97 2.92 2.52 39 0.34 0.80
0.1 2.12 1.93 1.97 2.91 2.53 38 0.35 0.80
0.3 2.12 1.93 1.97 2.90 2.53 38 0.35 0.80
1 2.13 1.94 1.97 2.88 2.54 37 0.35 0.80
3 2.13 1.94 1.98 2.87 2.63 35 0.37 0.80
4.9 (auto) 2.12 1.93 1.97 2.86 2.66 30 0.38 0.80
10 2.11 1.94 1.96 2.72 2.81 34 0.44 0.77
30 2.36 2.01 1.95 2.12 3.26 43 0.61 0.69
100 3.45 2.08 1.98 2.04 4.10 148 0.98 0.71
300 3.29 2.15 2.12 2.36 4.49 341 1.00 0.71
1000 3.59 2.49 2.13 3.56 4.79 2046 0.95 0.64
Deposited 2.21 2.00 1.50 3.81 3.30 499 0.36 0.84
0 2.25 1.96 2.02 3.29 2.15 99 0.11 0.81
0.01 2.25 1.93 2.04 3.30 2.06 93 0.12 0.81
0.03 2.25 1.95 2.02 3.29 2.14 99 0.11 0.81
0.1 2.25 1.95 2.02 3.29 2.14 98 0.11 0.81
0.3 2.25 1.95 2.04 3.28 2.11 96 0.12 0.81
1 2.25 1.94 2.04 3.28 2.09 95 0.12 0.81
3 2.26 1.93 2.05 3.28 2.06 94 0.13 0.81
5.2 (auto) 2.28 1.92 2.06 3.29 2.03 93 0.14 0.81
10 2.29 1.94 2.06 3.53 2.02 85 0.10 0.81
30 2.44 1.94 2.11 3.72 1.97 105 0.11 0.79
100 2.92 1.0 2.61 3.47 1.88 219 0.38 0.75
300 3.18 1.90 3.21 3.32 1.83 691 0.59 0.70
1000 3.62 2.50 2.11 4.11 2.40 4485 0.54 0.67

Next, we added two water molecules to the QM region and reran the quantum refinement. The results are shown in the middle third of Table 5[link]. In the quantum-refinement calculations with wx ≤ 1, both water molecules come much closer to the Cu ion, with Cu—O distances of 2.52–2.54 Å for one and 2.88–2.92 Å for the other. This is in accordance with EXAFS and ENDOR spectroscopy, identifying a water ligand for the CuD site (Cutsail et al., 2021[Cutsail, G. E., Ross, M. O., Rosenzweig, A. C. & DeBeer, S. (2021). Chem. Sci. 12, 6194-6209.]; Jodts et al., 2021[Jodts, R. J., Ross, M. O., Koo, C. W., Doan, P. E., Rosenzweig, A. C. & Hoffman, B. M. (2021). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 15358-15368.]). It is also expected because no electrostatics are included in the cryo-EM refinement, whereas it is explicit in the QM calculations. Therefore, there are no competing interactions in the quantum-refinement calculations from the surroundings and the water molecules always gain some energy by interacting with the Cu ion [even if Cu(I) normally prefers 2–4-coordinate structures]. The strain energies are 37–39 kJ mol−1. The Cu—OAsn227 distance and the two Cu—N distances are slightly longer than in the structures without water molecules, 2.11–2.13, 1.93–1.94 and 1.97–1.98 Å. The average RSCC of the six residues in the QM system is slightly lower than for the deposited structure, 0.80 compared with 0.83. However, even if the water molecules have moved quite far from their original positions, the RSCC of one of the water molecules decreases only slightly (from 0.71 to 0.68), whereas that of the other water actually increases (from 0.67 to 0.71–0.72). When wx is increased, the structure changes slightly and from wx = 30, strain energies increase and RSCC decreases. The Cu—OAsn227 and Cu—OW415 distances increase, whereas the Cu—OW406 distance first decreases before it increases.

Finally, we also tested an even larger system, in which we included four neighbouring residues: Asp156C, Arg165C and His173C [modelled as acetate, methyl­guanidinium and methyl­imidazole; shown in Fig. 2[link](d)] all form hydrogen bonds to the more distant water molecule in the deposited structure (HOH406C), whereas the other water molecule (HOH415C) is too distant from other groups to form any good hydrogen bonds (3.6 Å to Asp156C and 3.9 Å to the first water molecule). We also included Phe177C (modelled as phenol) which restricts the movement of the two water molecules. These calculations were run with a conductor-like polarized continuum model (CPCM) continuum solvent (Cammi et al., 2000[Cammi, R., Mennucci, B. & Tomasi, J. (2000). J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 5631-5637.]) with a dielectric constant of 4 to improve convergence and to avoid spurious proton transfers within the QM system (Bergmann et al., 2021a[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021a). Acta Cryst. B77, 906-918.]). The results (shown in the lower third of Table 5[link]) are similar to those of the other two sets of calculations.

For wx ≤ 3, one water molecule (HOH415C without any hydrogen-bonded network) coordinates to Cu at a Cu—O distance of 2.06–2.15 Å. This leads to an elongation of the distance to Asn227 (Cu—O = 2.25–2.26 Å) and the two Cu—N distances (1.93–1.96 Å and 2.02–2.05 Å). The other water molecule (HOH406C) forms strong hydrogen bonds to Asp156C, Arg165C and His173C and resides at a Cu—O distance of 3.28–3.30 Å. The average RSCC over the ten residues in the QM region is 0.81, slightly lower than for the deposited structure (0.84). The strain energy is larger than for the smaller QM systems (reflecting that the QM system is larger, so that more atoms can be strained) and more variable, 93–99 kJ mol−1. This reflects that the structure is flexible and contains many strong hydrogen bonds involving several charged groups. In fact, for wx = 10, a slightly different structure (local minimum) is obtained, involving an even shorter Cu–OW415 bond (2.02 Å) and a longer Cu—OW406 distance (2.53 Å). It has a slightly lower strain energy (85 kJ mol−1), showing that it is closer to the ideal QM structure. Many more local minima can be obtained by starting from other structures. For wx > 10, the structure changes more, RSCC decreases and the strain energy increases.

Based on these results, we recommend that the wx weight factor is selected at the point just before RSCC and the strain energy starts to increase, viz. wx = 3 in our test case [cf. Fig. S4(c)]. The quantum refinement corrects the strange Cu—NHis245 bond length in the original structure and indicates that the CuD site probably involves one coordinated water molecule.

Note that the real-space cryo-EM refinement is very sensitive to the starting structure. The results in Table 5[link] were obtained by starting from one quantum-refined structure for each size of the QM system. If the refinement was instead started from the deposited structure (which is less similar to the quantum-refined structures), much larger variations in the strain energies are obtained, even for structures with wx = 0–1, viz. 4–5 (two smallest QM regions) and 68 kJ mol−1 (largest QM region), reflecting that the systems have converged to different local minima (in particular regarding the hydrogen-bonded pattern of the two water molecules). This reflects that the density map presents a flat potential with little preference for different detailed structures.

In Fig. 5[link], we compare the deposited and quantum-refined structures (the latter obtained with the largest QM system) of the CuD site, including also the ESP map. It can be seen that the two water molecules give quite weak features in the map (seen only at 0.7σ; only two water molecules in the entire structure have a lower ESP value at the O atom than HOH406C). In the deposited structure, the water molecules and the Cu ion are located in the centre of the ESP, reflecting that the standard empirical restraints do not affect the water molecules or metals (no electrostatics are employed and van der Waals interactions mainly ensure that atoms do not come in too close contact), so that their positions are determined by the cryo-EM data only. However, in the quantum-refined structures, they are moved out of the ESP to also fit the preferences of the QM calculations, i.e. the expected bond lengths of the coordinative bonds to the metal and to optimize the hydrogen-bond interactions. Thus, like the remainder of the cryo-EM structure, the final model reflects a compromise between the experimental density and the chemical expectations, described either by empirical restraints or QM calculations. This is expected and is a desired property of quantum refinement, supplementing the experimental data with prior chemical information of the expected structure also for water molecules and metal sites.

[Figure 5]
Figure 5
(a) Comparison of the deposited (green) and the quantum-refined (atomic colours; largest QM system with wx = 3) structures of the CuD site in pMMO, together with the 2mFoDFc map at 0.7σ. (b) Another projection emphasizing the change in the Cu—N distance to His245C.

To check that the displacement of the HOH406C and 415C water molecules out of the ESP is not too large and unrealistic, we compared the ESP at each atom in the structure with the largest ESP in a sphere with a radius of 1.0 Å around that atom (ΔESP; to measure the displacement out of the maximum ESP; the largest ESP was estimated by a 485 points grid search and ESPs were estimated from the map by trilinear interpolation). In absolute terms, 49% of the protein atoms have a ΔESP larger than that of the water molecule with the largest ΔESP (after quantum refinement; HOH406C). Thus, the movement of the water molecules out of the ESP is not conspicuous compared with the protein atoms (which are affected by the empirical potential). On the other hand, none of the other water molecules had a ΔESP larger than HOH406C (the largest ΔESP was only 41% of that of HOH406C). This shows that the positions of the water molecules are entirely determined by the ESP map and this most likely gives a rather inaccurate estimate of their true positions compared with the protein atoms, owing to the lack of empirical restraints. This could be improved using electrostatic or QM restraints, as in quantum refinement. The same applies to the Cu ions (the highest ΔESP is 36% of that of HOH406C).

4. Conclusions

We present a new implementation of quantum refinement, based on the ORCA and Phenix software, which are both freely available for academic users. The implementation is available on GitHub ( It requires only the definition of the QM region and specification of the QM method, as well as the charge and multiplicity of the QM region, in addition to the normal refinement settings.

The interface with Phenix opens up for the application of quantum refinement for all experimental methods supported by Phenix. In this study, we show four typical applications, involving X-ray and neutron crystallography, as well as cryo-EM structures. We show that we can reproduce quantum-refinement results obtained with our previous CNS-based version, ComQum-X (Ryde et al., 2002[Ryde, U., Olsen, L. & Nilsson, K. (2002). J. Comput. Chem. 23, 1058-1070.]), regarding the bidentate ligand in V-nitro­genase (Bergmann et al., 2021c[Bergmann, J., Oksanen, E. & Ryde, U. (2021c). J. Inorg. Biochem. 219, 111426.]). For Fe-nitro­genase and MnSOD, we show applications on X-ray and neutron structures. We show that strain energies and the Δd change in key distances can be used to determine how close the refined structure is to an ideal QM structure and discuss how a proper reference structure should be selected. Likewise, we show that standard local crystallographic measures, such as RSZD scores and electron density difference maps, can be used to evaluate how well the refined structure fits the experimental data.

Moreover, we illustrate that the results depend on the wx weight factor in a reasonable and understandable way: for low values of wx, the structure is biased towards QM or the empirical restraints, so that the strain energy and Δd are low and the RSZD scores are high. For high values of wx, the structure is biased towards the experimental data, so that RSZD scores are low and the strain energy and Δd are high. The ideal compromise is obtained at intermediate values. For simple applications of quantum refinement, the wx value suggested by Phenix (without any QM) can be used. However, when comparing different structural interpretations of the QM region (which is a typical use of quantum refinement), it is important to use the same value of wx for all refinements, otherwise the strain energies, Δd values, RSZD scores and difference maps are not comparable. A proper choice would be the average value suggested by Phenix in the various macrocycles with the final target function (they typically vary by a factor of 2–9 in the various macrocycles). If it is found that the refined structures have large strain energies (>200 kJ mol−1) and are not affected by the QM calculations, a scan of wx values can be performed as in this study. wx can then be selected by plotting the strain energy and the averaged relative RSZD scores versus wx [cf. Figs. 3[link](a), S2 and S4]. The ideal wx is the one in the middle of the range where both the strain energy and the RSZD have started to increase but have not reached unacceptable ranges (>200 kJ mol−1 for the strain and >3 for RSZD).

Finally, we also applied QRef to a cryo-EM structure. This is a new area of application of our approach [although an application of Q|R on cryo-EM structures has been presented (Wang et al., 2020[Wang, L., Kruse, H., Sobolev, O. V., Moriarty, N. W., Waller, M. P., Afonine, P. V. & Biczysko, M. (2020). Acta Cryst. D76, 1184-1191.])]. Cryo-EM data are typically at quite a low resolution and therefore the final structure strongly relies on empirical restraints. This works fine for normal protein or nucleic-acid structures, but for metal sites it may be a large problem because it is difficult to design accurate MM methods for metals (Hu & Ryde, 2011[Hu, L. & Ryde, U. (2011). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 2452-2463.]). Consequently, we suggest that quantum refinement could become a standard method to treat metal sites in cryo-EM structures. Our calculations indicate that the wx weight factor should be selected at the point just before the strain energy starts to increase and the RSCC score starts to decrease. The metal site should be set up with great care because, owing to the flatness of the map, QM will move all putative ligands to the metal unless competitive interactions are also included in the QM model. In future applications, we will test more metal sites in cryo-EM structures and fine-tune the method.

Supporting information


The computations were performed on computer resources provided by LUNARC, the Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University.

Funding information

This investigation has been supported by grants from The Swedish Research Council (project Nos. 2018-05003; 2020-06176; 2022-04978) and from The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (SREss3).


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