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Figure 1
Crystal structure of MltG from M. abscessus (maMltG). (a) Schematic showing the reaction of LT. (b) Cartoon showing the domain boundary of MltG. (c) SEC profiles for purifying maMltG. Eluted standard-size markers are above the profile. The SDS–PAGE loaded with main peak fractions is shown on the right side of the main peak. The black line under the main peak indicates the loaded fractions for SDS–PAGE. (d) Elution volume line fitting in SEC versus the size marker and maMltG molecular weight logarithm. The red point on the fitting line indicates the elution volume. Size marker molecular weights are indicated in the standard line. (e) Domain composition and structure of maMltG. (f) Ribbon representation of maMltG. The rainbow color scheme was used for tracing the N- to C-terminus. Helices and sheets are labeled α and β, respectively. (g) Putty representation conveying the B factor distribution. Relative B factor values are visualized using a rainbow spectrum from red to violet. (h) Electrostatic surface representation. The scale ranges from −6.2 kT/e (red) to +6.2 kT/e (blue). (i) MALS profile derived from the primary SEC peak. Experimental MALS data (red line) are plotted as SEC elution volume (x axis) versus absolute molecular mass (y axis) distributions on the SEC chromatogram (black) at 280 nm.

ISSN: 2052-2525