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Figure 3
Final structural model of full-length MltG. (a) Sequence alignment with a member of the SleB family. Residue Glu307, expected to play a crucial role in LT function as a nucleophile, is indicated by an asterisk (*). Residues that might be involved in the formation of the putative substrate binding site in the catalytic domain are indicated by a hash (#). Completely and partially conserved residues are indicated by red and blue, respectively. (b) Structure of scSleB (PDB entry 4f55; Li et al., 2012BB20). (c) Structure of maMltG. (d) Pairwise structural superimposition of scSleB (magenta) with maMltG (green). Magnified region that was used for generating the panel (e) is indicated by dotted black square. (e) Close-up view of the putative active site of maMltG. The residues that form the active site in bcSleB and the corresponding residues in maMltG are labeled. (f) Final structural model of full-length MltG.

ISSN: 2052-2525