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Figure 2
Analysis of reconstructions of single-conformation and conformationally heterogeneous datasets. (a) Single-conformation dataset. Atomic model (far left), 2D classes (left), 3D reconstruction (middle), FSC curve (right) and ResLog analysis (far right). For 2D classes, the `class score' from automatic class ranking in RELION is shown in yellow and the percentage of particles in the class in white text. The density map is coloured by local resolution. The arrow indicates the RBD. (b) Conformationally heterogeneous dataset. Order of panels as in (a); the atomic models show an ensemble of structures from conformational sampling. (c) Resolution (blue, left side axis) and global B factor (orange, right side axis) versus number of included conformations in the dataset. The number of particles is constant for each dataset. (d) Precision and recall for various steps of the image-processing workflow for the conformationally heterogeneous dataset.

ISSN: 2052-2525