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Figure 5
Analysis of heterogeneous reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 spike trimer. (a) Plot of the latent space after applying PCA. Red points indicate the FP particles in the latent space. (b) Each particle embedding is coloured according to the frame of the MD trajectory the particle originated from. Black dots show a trajectory traced through the latent space. (c) Real-space correlation between 50 volumes generated by sampling the latent space (x axis) and frames in the MD trajectory (y axis). (d) Example volumes sampled from the latent space with the frame of the trajectory for which it showed the highest correlation. (e) Zoom of the density map of volume 46 with the best and worst atomic models out of the 50 sampled states from the MD trajectory displayed. Atomic models are coloured by backbone Q-scores.

ISSN: 2052-2525