Figure 4
Structural differences in the core TOM structures from human and Drosophila. (a) Overlay of representative structures viewed in the plane of the membrane. To simplify, key differences are highlighted in color: Drosophila melanogaster TOM (PDB entry 9etm) is in salmon pink and human TOM (PDB entry 7cp9) is in lilac. (b) A proline-rich β10–β11 loop points into the interior of the β-barrel in Drosophila TOM. A lipid is modeled at the Tom6–Tom40 subunit interface of (c) Drosophila TOM and (d) human TOM. Stereoviews of the Tom22–Tom40 interface of (e) Drosophila and (f) human TOM, showing the respective effects of one or two bound lipids on the Tom40–Tom22 departure angle. |