Figure 1
Pressure dependence of the (a) unit-cell volume, (b) β angle and (c) unit-cell parameters for ETYFUM (solid lines) and ETYSUC (dashed and dotted lines). For ETYFUM, various symbols mark different sample crystals investigated under pressure as done in the original work (Patyk-Kaźmierczak & Kaźmierczak, 2024 ). For ETYSUC, the full symbols and dashed lines are for Phase I, and the empty symbols and dotted lines are for Phase I′. The lower subscripts EF, ES-I and ES-I′ stand for ETYFUM, ETYSUC I and ETYSUC I′, respectively. The vertical dashed–dotted line marks the transition pressure (pc) for the crystal of ETYSUC. Solid and dashed lines in (b) and (c) are to guide the eye only, while in (a) they represent Birch–Murnaghan equations of states (Tables S17, S19 and S22). Insets in (a) show indicatrix plots representing compressibility tensors (with PLC and NLC marked in red and blue, respectively) calculated using PASCal (Cliffe & Goodwin, 2012 ; Lertkiattrakul et al., 2023 ) for all data points of ETYFUM, and separately for data points of Phase I and Phase I′ of ETYSUC. The axes in the indicatrix plots show the a, b and c axes of the lattice. |