Figure 2
Fragment of the ETYSUC I structure at (a) 0.1 MPa and 298 K, and (b) 2.90 GPa and 298 K, showing a wine-rack motif formed by the ETY⋯SUC chains. (c) Superposition of the motif at 0.1 MPa (blue) and 2.90 GPa (red) with the indicatrix plot calculated using PASCal for the 0.1 MPa–2.90 GPa range, mapped in the same orientation as the structure (NLC marked in blue, PLC marked in red); black arrows show direction of the chains movement on compression, blue arrows the direction of NLC and red arrows the direction of PLC. (d) Magnification of the fragment of the ETYSUC structure showing three adjacent hinge points (red centroids) with the parameters of the triangle formed by them marked: d1 – side, red dashed lines; d2 – base, green dashed line; h – height, blue dashed line; φ – purple highlight. |
ISSN: 2052-2525