Figure 2
Computing the 2DTM p-value from the 2DTM SNR and z-score. (a) 2D histogram of the 2DTM SNRs versus z-scores for one of the clathrin montages [shown in Fig. 8(a)]. (b) 2D histogram of the quantile-transformed features in (a). Both (a) and (b) are colored using a log scale. (c) Schematic plot for calculating the 2DTM p-value. A data point x(k) = (xk1, xk2), denoted by the diamond symbol, represents the quantile-normalized data vector. The p-value is defined as the probability of finding a sample from the estimated anisotropic Gaussian that is rarer than xk. Ωk is the domain of samples to be considered that satisfies (i) both transformed features should be larger than 0 and (ii) the sample point should be rarer than xk. |