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Figure 4
Calculation of the 2DTM p-value and evaluation of three 2DTM metrics for a simulated tubulin patch montage. (a) An example of a tubulin patch montage segment with four particles arranged in a 2 × 2 grid. (b) Local maxima identified in the 2DTM z-score map of the montage segment in (a) using a 10-pixel radius. (c) A scatter plot of 2DTM SNR versus z-score, with true targets labeled in orange based on their expected location and orientation. 99 of the 100 targets in the example montage were recovered as local maxima in the z-score map. (d) The quantile-normalized data, color-coded by their 2DTM p-values [−log(p-value)]. Data points not in the first quadrant are labeled in gray, as they are excluded from the p-value calculation. True targets are circled in orange. (e) A zoomed-in version of (d) showing the transformed z-score threshold. (f) ROC curves of the three 2DTM metrics, with shaded areas indicating the confidence intervals calculated from 300 simulated particles.

ISSN: 2052-2525