Figure 5
Error distribution for the example tubulin patch montage in Fig. 4 (a). The angular error was calculated based on the average l2 distances between corresponding points in the two (unit vector) templates after angular transformation. The translational error (dxy) was defined as the distance between the target and the grid center of the closest simulated particle. The cutoffs used for labeling were 7 pixels for dxy and 0.4 for angular error. (a) Angular error distribution between the 2DTM z-score-derived targets and the ground truth. A total of 26 783 local maxima were identified in the z-score map using a local radius of 10 pixels and a threshold of 0. In this example, 99 of 100 simulated particles were recovered as local maxima. (b, c) Distribution of dxy of the 2DTM SNR or z-score-derived targets. True positives are indicated by circles. |