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`Post-refinement' is a technique used to compare the intensity of partially recorded reflections on oscillation photographs with their full intensity observed elsewhere on the same or a different film. A reflection's partiality depends on crystal orientation, crystal cell dimension and crystal mosaicity, and post-refinement is a very sensitive tool for the refinement of these parameters. A previous paper [Rossmann, Leslie, Abdel-Meguid & Tsukihara (1979). J. Appl. Cryst. 12, 570-581] describes how post-refinement can be applied to data derived from a set of oscillation films. In this paper the technique has been extended to the refinement of anisotropic beam divergence and wavelength dispersion as is normally found on synchrotron sources. In an example it is shown that post-refinement is sufficiently sensitive to detect small wavelength variations due to changes in temperature of the monochromating crystal.
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