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The structure of natural fresnoite, Ba2TiSi2O8, from the sanbornite deposits of eastern Fresno County, California, has been solved and refined as an incommensurate structure in five-dimensional superspace. The structure is tetragonal, superspace group , cell parameters a = 8.5353 (6), c = 10.4128 (7) Å, modulation vectors , . Data collection was performed on an Xcalibur CCD diffractometer at 110 K. The structure was refined from 3452 reflections to final R = 0.0123. The model includes modulation of both atomic positions and displacement parameters. As a consequence of the Ba and O positional modulation, eight-, nine- and tenfold Ba coordinations occur throughout the structure. The change of coordination around the Ba atom is clearly represented by the deformation of the pentagonal rings, as seen from a projection along [001]. The deformed pentagonal rings correspond to Ba atoms with eight- and ninefold coordinations and form octagonal clusters closely resembling those observed in the incommensurate structure of melilite-type compounds.