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Composite crystals SrxLi2+xAl2−xO4:Eu2+ were synthesized and their structures were determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The commensurate structure with a modulation wavevector q = 5c*/6 was analyzed in a conventional manner in 3D space, while a structure model in (3+1)-dimensional superspace was used for the other two crystals with modulation wavevectors slightly differing from 5c*/6. The superstructure of the commensurate phase was described using the space group P4/n and a common superspace group I4/m(00γ)00 was used for the (3+1)D structures of all three crystals. The whole structure of each crystal consists of two substructures. Basis vectors a and b are common, but c is different for the two substructures. The first substructure is a host framework constructed by (Li/Al)O4 tetrahedra sharing edges. A linear connection of cavities is seen to be channel-like, in which Sr ions locate as guest cations forming the second substructure. The crystal of q = 5c*/6 contains five Sr ions per six cavities in a channel. Sr ions are distributed at seven sites, some of which are partially occupied. Statistical disorder of local structure models for the location of Sr ions in the channel was assumed to explain the results. Such a partially disordered character was also seen in the incommensurate phases and properly embodied by a (3+1)D model containing an atomic domain of the Sr ion with occupational modulation. Plots of the occupation factor, interatomic distances and the bond valence sum at each metal site as functions of t (= x4q·r) are roughly identical in the three crystals, which are considered as members of the same series of composite crystals.

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
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Structure factor file (CIF format)
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Supplementary material

B-IncStrDB reference: 16142EOMIY2

CCDC references: 1970105; 1970106; 1970107; 1970108

Computing details top

(I_3d) top
Crystal data top
Sr0.8333Al1.1667Li2.8333O4Dx = 3.173 Mg m3
Mr = 188.2Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Tetragonal, P4/nCell parameters from 28522 reflections
Hall symbol: -P 4aθ = 1.1–35.7°
a = 7.8733 (4) ŵ = 11.58 mm1
c = 19.0635 (19) ÅT = 293 K
V = 1181.72 (15) Å3Irregular
Z = 120.01 × 0.01 × 0.01 mm
F(000) = 1048
Data collection top
Bruker CCD
898 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: X-ray tubeRint = 0.056
Absorption correction: multi-scan
θmax = 35.7°, θmin = 1.1°
Tmin = 0.814, Tmax = 0.863h = 1212
28522 measured reflectionsk = 1212
2758 independent reflectionsl = 3131
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.03862 constraints
wR(F2) = 0.048Weighting scheme based on measured s.u.'s w = 1/(σ2(I) + 0.000004I2)
S = 1.84(Δ/σ)max = 0.008
2758 reflectionsΔρmax = 2.97 e Å3
138 parametersΔρmin = 3.08 e Å3
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Sr100.50.02698 (12)0.0259 (5)
Sr2b00.50.15286 (19)0.0275 (8)0.653 (7)
Sr2a00.50.2567 (2)0.0193 (10)0.299 (9)
Sr3b00.50.3059 (13)0.076 (9)0.176 (12)
Sr3a00.50.43643 (14)0.0261 (6)0.872 (4)
Sr400.50.61806 (11)0.0176 (4)
Sr500.50.79350 (12)0.0136 (2)
Al10.1916 (3)1.1506 (4)0.2921 (3)0.0142 (8)0.523 (6)
Al20.3068 (5)1.3504 (5)0.1236 (2)0.0036 (11)0.387 (8)
Al30.6918 (6)0.6450 (6)0.5394 (3)0.0084 (13)0.328 (7)
Al40.3222 (8)1.3622 (8)0.0443 (3)0.0287 (19)0.276 (7)
Al50.1398 (10)1.1828 (8)0.3738 (4)0.0150 (18)0.144 (8)
Al60.1340 (9)1.1615 (10)0.2076 (8)0.042 (2)0.092 (16)
Li10.1916 (3)1.1506 (4)0.2921 (3)0.0142 (8)0.477 (6)
Li20.3068 (5)1.3504 (5)0.1236 (2)0.0036 (11)0.613 (8)
Li30.6918 (6)0.6450 (6)0.5394 (3)0.0084 (13)0.672 (7)
Li40.3222 (8)1.3622 (8)0.0443 (3)0.0287 (19)0.724 (7)
Li50.1398 (10)1.1828 (8)0.3738 (4)0.0150 (18)0.856 (8)
Li60.1340 (9)1.1615 (10)0.2076 (8)0.042 (2)0.908 (16)
O10.0992 (5)1.2237 (5)0.2086 (5)0.0167 (11)
O20.0975 (7)1.2306 (8)0.3744 (4)0.0218 (19)
O30.4062 (7)1.2606 (8)0.0443 (4)0.026 (2)
O40.4144 (7)1.2526 (8)0.1221 (4)0.0193 (18)
O50.4172 (5)1.2504 (5)0.2928 (5)0.0198 (12)
O60.5897 (7)0.7426 (8)0.4617 (4)0.0223 (18)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Sr10.0183 (5)0.0183 (5)0.0412 (12)000
Sr2b0.0193 (11)0.0193 (11)0.044 (2)000
Sr2a0.0207 (15)0.0207 (15)0.017 (2)000
Sr3b0.031 (2)0.031 (2)0.17 (3)000
Sr3a0.0178 (7)0.0178 (7)0.0427 (14)000
Sr40.0151 (5)0.0151 (5)0.0228 (9)000
Sr50.0145 (3)0.0145 (3)0.0117 (4)000
Al10.0166 (14)0.0168 (14)0.0093 (12)0.0056 (10)0.001 (2)0.000 (2)
Al20.0032 (19)0.0048 (19)0.003 (2)0.0026 (15)0.0001 (17)0.0020 (17)
Al30.007 (2)0.009 (2)0.009 (2)0.0002 (17)0.0036 (19)0.001 (2)
Al40.053 (4)0.021 (3)0.012 (3)0.018 (3)0.002 (2)0.000 (2)
Al50.014 (3)0.010 (2)0.021 (4)0.0011 (19)0.001 (3)0.008 (2)
Al60.021 (3)0.088 (5)0.018 (3)0.022 (3)0.008 (6)0.006 (7)
Li10.0166 (14)0.0168 (14)0.0093 (12)0.0056 (10)0.001 (2)0.000 (2)
Li20.0032 (19)0.0048 (19)0.003 (2)0.0026 (15)0.0001 (17)0.0020 (17)
Li30.007 (2)0.009 (2)0.009 (2)0.0002 (17)0.0036 (19)0.001 (2)
Li40.053 (4)0.021 (3)0.012 (3)0.018 (3)0.002 (2)0.000 (2)
Li50.014 (3)0.010 (2)0.021 (4)0.0011 (19)0.001 (3)0.008 (2)
Li60.021 (3)0.088 (5)0.018 (3)0.022 (3)0.008 (6)0.006 (7)
O10.0101 (18)0.0192 (19)0.0209 (19)0.0020 (14)0.002 (3)0.001 (3)
O20.012 (3)0.032 (4)0.022 (3)0.001 (3)0.002 (3)0.008 (3)
O30.015 (3)0.039 (4)0.024 (3)0.002 (3)0.004 (3)0.012 (4)
O40.018 (3)0.032 (4)0.008 (3)0.011 (3)0.000 (3)0.002 (3)
O50.021 (2)0.026 (2)0.0122 (18)0.0075 (17)0.000 (4)0.002 (4)
O60.016 (3)0.036 (4)0.015 (3)0.007 (3)0.003 (3)0.008 (3)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Al1—O11.844 (10)Al1—O51.942 (5)
Al1—O21.845 (9)Al1—O5i1.893 (5)
O1—Al1—O2118.0 (3)O2—Al1—O5102.9 (4)
O1—Al1—O5103.9 (3)O2—Al1—O5i115.0 (4)
O1—Al1—O5i113.8 (4)O5—Al1—O5i99.9 (2)
Symmetry code: (i) y+3/2, x+1/2, z.
(I_4d) top
Crystal data top
Sr0.833Al1.167Li2.833O4F(000) = 175
Mr = 188.1Dx = 3.149 Mg m3
Tetragonal, I4/m(00γ)00†Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
q = 0.833333c*ൠ= 11.49 mm1
a = 7.8957 (3) ÅT = 293 K
c = 3.1830 (3) ÅIrregular
V = 198.43 (2) Å30.01 × 0.01 × 0.01 mm
Z = 2
† Symmetry operations: (1) x1, x2, x3, x4; (2) −x1, −x2, x3, x4; (3) −x2, x1, x3, x4; (4) x2, −x1, x3, x4; (5) −x1, −x2, −x3, −x4; (6) x1, x2, −x3, −x4; (7) x2, −x1, −x3, −x4; (8) −x2, x1, −x3, −x4; (9) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (10) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (11) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (12) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (13) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (14) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (15) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (16) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4.


Data collection top
Bruker CCD
866 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: X-ray tubeRint = 0.043
Absorption correction: multi-scan
θmax = 35.6°, θmin = 2.1°
Tmin = 0.793, Tmax = 0.863h = 1212
12403 measured reflectionsk = 1212
1641 independent reflectionsl = 66
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.03128 constraints
wR(F2) = 0.041Weighting scheme based on measured s.u.'s w = 1/(σ2(I) + 0.000004I2)
S = 1.98(Δ/σ)max = 0.005
1641 reflectionsΔρmax = 1.47 e Å3
69 parametersΔρmin = 1.22 e Å3
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Al10.14298 (9)0.31593 (12)0.50.0185 (2)0.2917
Li10.14298 (9)0.31593 (12)0.50.0185 (2)0.7083
O10.26113 (8)0.09144 (7)0.50.02143 (18)
Sr10000.0629 (18)0.6
Sr2000.433 (6)0.085 (3)0.2
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Al10.0151 (4)0.0285 (5)0.0120 (4)0.0061 (3)00
Li10.0151 (4)0.0285 (5)0.0120 (4)0.0061 (3)00
O10.0310 (3)0.0154 (3)0.0178 (3)0.0050 (2)00
Sr10.044 (3)0.044 (3)0.101 (2)000
Sr20.036 (4)0.036 (4)0.182 (8)000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Al1—O11.934 (4)2.138 (4)
Al1—O1i1.899 (4)1.903 (4)
Al1—O1ii1.847 (2)2.005 (2)
Al1—O1iii1.842 (2)1.998 (2)
Al1—O11iv1.847 (2)2.005 (2)
Al1—O11v1.842 (2)1.998 (2)
Al1—O11vi1.934 (4)2.138 (4)
Al1—O11vii1.899 (4)1.903 (4)
O1—Al1—O1i104.50 (11)100.34 (16)108.01 (16)
O1—Al1—O1ii98.91 (10)93.68 (11)104.07 (11)
O1—Al1—O1iii98.91 (10)92.82 (10)103.59 (10)
O1—Al1—O11iv98.91 (10)93.68 (11)104.07 (11)
O1—Al1—O11v98.91 (10)92.82 (10)103.59 (10)
O1—Al1—O11vi0.0 (5)0.0 (5)0.0 (5)
O1—Al1—O11vii104.50 (11)100.34 (16)108.01 (16)
O1i—Al1—O1ii118.21 (11)113.61 (10)122.17 (10)
O1i—Al1—O1iii118.21 (11)114.29 (12)122.76 (13)
O1i—Al1—O11iv118.21 (11)113.61 (10)122.17 (10)
O1i—Al1—O11v118.21 (11)114.29 (12)122.76 (13)
O1i—Al1—O11vi104.50 (11)100.34 (16)108.01 (16)
O1i—Al1—O11vii0.0 (5)0.0 (5)0.0 (5)
O1ii—Al1—O1iii112.83 (12)110.13 (10)118.00 (18)
O1ii—Al1—O11iv0.0 (5)0.0 (5)0.0 (5)
O1ii—Al1—O11v112.83 (12)110.13 (10)118.00 (18)
O1ii—Al1—O11vi98.91 (11)93.68 (13)104.07 (14)
O1ii—Al1—O11vii118.21 (13)113.61 (14)122.17 (12)
O1iii—Al1—O11iv112.83 (12)110.13 (11)118.00 (17)
O1iii—Al1—O11v0.0 (5)0.0 (5)0.0 (5)
O1iii—Al1—O11vi98.91 (11)92.82 (11)103.59 (13)
O1iii—Al1—O11vii118.21 (12)114.29 (14)122.76 (14)
O11iv—Al1—O11v112.83 (12)110.13 (10)118.00 (18)
O11iv—Al1—O11vi98.91 (11)93.68 (13)104.07 (14)
O11iv—Al1—O11vii118.21 (13)113.61 (14)122.17 (12)
O11v—Al1—O11vi98.91 (11)92.82 (11)103.59 (13)
O11v—Al1—O11vii118.21 (12)114.29 (14)122.76 (14)
O11vi—Al1—O11vii104.50 (11)100.34 (16)108.01 (16)
Symmetry codes: (i) x2, x1, x3, x4; (ii) x1, x2, x3, x4; (iii) x1, x2, x3+1, x4; (iv) x1+1, x2+1, x31, x4; (v) x1+1, x2+1, x3, x4; (vi) x11, x21, x3+1, x4; (vii) x2, x11, x3+1, x4.
(II) top
Crystal data top
Sr0.824Al1.176Li2.824O4F(000) = 174
Mr = 187.5Dx = 3.162 Mg m3
Tetragonal, I4/m(00γ)00†Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
q = 0.824370c*ൠ= 11.46 mm1
a = 7.8785 (2) ÅT = 293 K
c = 3.1736 (2) ÅPrismatic
V = 196.99 (1) Å30.02 × 0.01 × 0.01 mm
Z = 2
† Symmetry operations: (1) x1, x2, x3, x4; (2) −x1, −x2, x3, x4; (3) −x2, x1, x3, x4; (4) x2, −x1, x3, x4; (5) −x1, −x2, −x3, −x4; (6) x1, x2, −x3, −x4; (7) x2, −x1, −x3, −x4; (8) −x2, x1, −x3, −x4; (9) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (10) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (11) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (12) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (13) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (14) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (15) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (16) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4.


Data collection top
Bruker CCD
852 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: X-ray tubeRint = 0.065
Absorption correction: multi-scan
θmax = 36.4°, θmin = 2.3°
Tmin = 0.799, Tmax = 0.863h = 1312
12939 measured reflectionsk = 1313
1489 independent reflectionsl = 77
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.0412 constraints
wR(F2) = 0.050Weighting scheme based on measured s.u.'s w = 1/(σ2(I) + 0.000004I2)
S = 2.37(Δ/σ)max = 0.049
1489 reflectionsΔρmax = 3.01 e Å3
63 parametersΔρmin = 2.69 e Å3
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Al10.14277 (14)0.31657 (18)0.50.0201 (4)0.2939
Li10.14277 (14)0.31657 (18)0.50.0201 (4)0.7061
O10.26153 (11)0.09127 (9)0.50.0199 (2)
Sr10000.0221 (10)0.668 (7)
Sr2000.4838 (11)0.0206 (4)0.166 (3)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Al10.0160 (6)0.0313 (9)0.0130 (6)0.0070 (6)00
Li10.0160 (6)0.0313 (9)0.0130 (6)0.0070 (6)00
O10.0295 (5)0.0140 (4)0.0162 (4)0.0044 (3)00
Sr10.0167 (5)0.0167 (5)0.033 (3)000
Sr20.0202 (5)0.0202 (5)0.0216 (11)000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Al1—O11.929 (7)2.164 (7)
Al1—O1i1.837 (4)2.001 (4)
Al1—O1ii1.837 (4)2.001 (4)
Al1—O1iii1.889 (7)1.900 (7)
O1—Al1—O1i98.89 (16)92.35 (18)104.34 (16)
O1—Al1—O1ii98.88 (16)92.35 (17)104.34 (16)
O1—Al1—O1iii104.42 (17)100.3 (3)107.6 (3)
O1i—Al1—O1ii112.95 (19)110.19 (15)118.3 (3)
O1i—Al1—O1iii118.2 (2)113.5 (2)123.1 (2)
O1ii—Al1—O1iii118.2 (2)113.5 (2)123.1 (2)
Symmetry codes: (i) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x31/2, x4; (ii) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (iii) x2, x1, x3, x4.
(III) top
Crystal data top
Sr0.827Al1.173Li2.827O4F(000) = 174
Mr = 187.7Dx = 3.152 Mg m3
Tetragonal, I4/m(00γ)00†Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
q = 0.827300c*ൠ= 11.45 mm1
a = 7.8908 (6) ÅT = 293 K
c = 3.1767 (3) ÅPlate
V = 197.80 (3) Å30.02 × 0.02 × 0.004 mm
Z = 2
† Symmetry operations: (1) x1, x2, x3, x4; (2) −x1, −x2, x3, x4; (3) −x2, x1, x3, x4; (4) x2, −x1, x3, x4; (5) −x1, −x2, −x3, −x4; (6) x1, x2, −x3, −x4; (7) x2, −x1, −x3, −x4; (8) −x2, x1, −x3, −x4; (9) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (10) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (11) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (12) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (13) −x1+1/2, −x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (14) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (15) x2+1/2, −x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4; (16) −x2+1/2, x1+1/2, −x3+1/2, −x4.


Data collection top
Bruker CCD
836 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: X-ray tubeRint = 0.068
Absorption correction: multi-scan
θmax = 35.6°, θmin = 2.2°
Tmin = 0.770, Tmax = 0.863h = 1212
12328 measured reflectionsk = 1212
1410 independent reflectionsl = 77
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.0382 constraints
wR(F2) = 0.042Weighting scheme based on measured s.u.'s w = 1/(σ2(I) + 0.000004I2)
S = 2.18(Δ/σ)max = 0.050
1410 reflectionsΔρmax = 2.51 e Å3
63 parametersΔρmin = 2.24 e Å3
Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Al10.14221 (13)0.31750 (16)0.50.0239 (4)0.2932
Li10.14221 (13)0.31750 (16)0.50.0239 (4)0.7068
O10.26203 (10)0.09135 (8)0.50.0232 (2)
Sr10000.0237 (11)0.617 (9)
Sr2000.4476 (6)0.0235 (3)0.192 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Al10.0197 (5)0.0374 (8)0.0144 (6)0.0080 (5)00
Li10.0197 (5)0.0374 (8)0.0144 (6)0.0080 (5)00
O10.0339 (4)0.0176 (3)0.0180 (4)0.0056 (3)00
Sr10.0182 (5)0.0182 (5)0.035 (3)000
Sr20.0234 (4)0.0234 (4)0.0235 (7)000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Al1—O11.932 (6)2.200 (6)
Al1—O1i1.838 (3)2.007 (3)
Al1—O1ii1.838 (3)2.007 (3)
Al1—O1iii1.891 (6)1.899 (6)
O1—Al1—O1i98.64 (13)91.25 (15)104.53 (13)
O1—Al1—O1ii98.62 (13)91.25 (14)104.53 (13)
O1—Al1—O1iii104.38 (14)100.1 (2)107.8 (2)
O1i—Al1—O1ii113.13 (16)110.02 (13)119.2 (3)
O1i—Al1—O1iii118.18 (16)113.00 (18)123.53 (19)
O1ii—Al1—O1iii118.20 (16)112.99 (18)123.53 (19)
Symmetry codes: (i) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x31/2, x4; (ii) x1+1/2, x2+1/2, x3+1/2, x4; (iii) x2, x1, x3, x4.

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