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The electronic charge density of cubic boron nitride is calculated within the ab initio Hartree-Fock approximation using the program CRYSTAL. Based on Debye hypothesis, the thermal motion of atoms is considered by disturbing the atomic orbitals by mean-square displacements given from experiment. The calculated difference charge density obtained by subtraction of the total density and that of an independent atomic model (IAM) is characterized by a charge-density accumulation between next neighbours slightly shifted towards the nitrogen. The calculated X-ray structure amplitudes are compared with two different data sets [Josten (1985). Thesis. University of Bonn, Germany; Eichhorn, Kirfel, Grochowski & Serda (1991). Acta Cryst. B47, 843-848]. In both cases, very good agreement is found beyond the 420 reflection. The first six structure amplitudes are generally lower or larger compared with Josten's and Eichhorn et al.'s data, respectively. Whereas our charge density can be interpreted by a balanced ratio between covalent overlap and electronic charge transfer between neighbouring valence shells, the density plots calculated from experimental data express either the charge transfer (Josten, 1985) or the covalency (Eichorn et al., 1991).