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Crystals of tetragonal hen egg-white lysozyme were grown using Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility (APCF) apparatus under a microgravity environment (SpaceHab-01 mission) and ground control conditions. Crystals were grown from NaCl as a crystallizing agent at pH 4.3. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the best diffracting ground- and space-grown crystals were recorded using synchrotron radiation and an image plate on the W32 beamline at LURE. Both ground- and space-grown crystals showed nearly equivalent maximum resolution of 1.3-1.4 Å. Refinements were carried out with the program X-PLOR with final R values of 18.45 and 18.27% for structures from ground- and space- grown crystals, respectively. The two structures are nearly identical with the root-mean-square difference on all protein atoms being 0.13 Å. Some residues of the two refined structures show multiple alternative conformations. Two ions were localized into the electron-density maps of the two structures: one chloride ion at the interface between two symmetry-related molecules and one sodium ion stabilizing the loop Ser60-Leu75. The sodium ion is surrounded by six ligands which form a bipyramid around it at distances of 2.2-2.6 Å.