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Acetohydroxyacid isomeroreductase catalyses a two-step reaction composed of an alkyl migration followed by an NADPH-dependent reduction. Both steps require a divalent cation and the first step has a strong preference for magnesium. Manganese ions are highly unfavourable to the reaction: only 3% residual activity is observed in the presence of this cation. Acetohydroxyacid isomeroreductase has been crystallized with its substrate, 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutyrate (AHB), Mn2+ and NADPH. The 1.6 Å resolution electron-density map showed the reaction product (2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylvalerate, DHMV) and a density corresponding to (phospho)-ADP-ribose instead of the whole NADP+. This is one of the few structures of an enzyme complexed with its reaction product. The structure of this complex was refined to an R factor of 19.3% and an Rfree of 22.5%. The overall structure of the enzyme is very similar to that of the complex with the reaction-intermediate analogue IpOHA [N-hydroxy-N-isopropyloxamate; Biou et al. (1997), EMBO J. 16, 3405-3415]. However, the active site shows some differences: the nicotinamide is cleaved and the surrounding amino acids have rearranged accordingly. Comparison between the structures corresponding to the reaction intermediate and to the end of the reaction allowed the proposal of a reaction scheme. Taking this result into account, the enzyme was crystallized with Ni2+ and Zn2+, for which only 0.02% residual activity were measured; however, the crystals of AHB/Zn/NADPH and of AHB/Ni/NADPH also contain the reaction product. Moreover, mass-spectrometry measurements confirmed the cleavage of nicotinamide.