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A new cubic Ta-bronze (1) KTaO3 [z ≃ 0.107 (3)] was obtained on a cathode by molten salt electrolysis of the system K2TaOF5–K3TaO2F4–(KF + NaF + LiF)eutectic. Black, metallic cubic crystals of (1) are formed together with tetragonal β-Ta. The perovskite-like crystal structure of (1) [a = 4.005 (1) Å, space group ] was refined with anharmonic displacement parameters for Ta and K atoms and anisotropic displacement parameters for a split O-atom position [KM4CCD diffractometer; λ(Mo Kα); 3320 measured reflections with I > 3σ(I); R = 0.0095, wR = 0.0065, Δρmin = −0.91 e Å−3, Δρmax = 0.65 e Å−3]. Defects in the O and K atomic positions were found. (1) is a semiconductor in the temperature range 4–300 K, whereas the well studied and closely related colourless transparent crystals KTa+5O3 (2) are dielectric. Differences in the properties of (1) and (2) are assumed to be connected with the existence of Ta dumb-bells statistically distributed into the KTaO3 matrix.