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An accurate structure model of sodium-doped potassium titanyl phosphate, (Na0.114K0.886)K(TiO)2(PO4)2, has been determined at 10.5 K by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. In addition to the low-temperature data, X-ray intensities have been collected at room temperature. When the temperature was decreased from room temperature to 10.5 K, both potassium cations moved 0.033 (2) Å along the c-axis, i.e. in the polar direction within the rigid Ti-O-P network. This alkaline metal ion displacement can be related to the Abrahams-Jamieson-Kurtz TC criteria for oxygen framework ferroelectrics. Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) is a well known material for second harmonic generation (SHG), and the influence of sodium dopant on the TiO6 octahedral geometry and SHG is discussed. The material studied crystallizes in the space group Pna21 with Z = 4, a = 12.7919 (5), b = 6.3798 (4), c = 10.5880 (7) Å, V = 864.08 (9) Å3, T = 10.5 (3) K and R = 0.023.

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks global, 10K, RT


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock 10K


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock RT

Computing details top

For both compounds, data collection: Local diffractometer control software; cell refinement: Local diffractometer control software; data reduction: PROFIT (Streltsov & Zavodnik, 1989) and Xtal3.71 (Hall et al., 2000) programs: DIFDAT; SORTRF; ADDREF; ABSORB; program(s) used to solve structure: Atomic parameters from Norberg et al. (2000); program(s) used to refine structure: Xtal3.71 (Hall et al., 2000) program: CRYLSQ; molecular graphics: ORTEPIII for Windows (Farrugia, 1997), and Xtal3.71 (Hall et al., 2000) programs: FOURR; SLANT; CONTRS; software used to prepare material for publication: Xtal3.71 (Hall et al., 2000) programs: BONDLA; ATABLE; CIFIO.

(10K) top
Crystal data top
K1.886Na0.114O10P2Ti2F(000) = 764.5
Mr = 394.06Dx = 3.029 Mg m3
Orthorhombic, Pna21Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: p 2c -2nCell parameters from 28 reflections
a = 12.7919 (5) Åθ = 19.5–38.3°
b = 6.3798 (4) ŵ = 3.18 mm1
c = 10.5880 (7) ÅT = 11 K
V = 864.08 (9) Å3Prism, colourless
Z = 40.30 × 0.30 × 0.21 mm
Data collection top
Huber 512 goniometer
8961 reflections with F > 0σ(F)
Radiation source: normal-focus sealed tubeRint = 0.017
None monochromatorθmax = 50.1°, θmin = 3.2°
ω–2θ scansh = 1527
Absorption correction: analytical
(Alcock, 1974)
k = 1113
Tmin = 0.389, Tmax = 0.521l = 2222
16753 measured reflections3 standard reflections every 100 reflections
8961 independent reflections intensity decay: 0.1%
Refinement top
Refinement on F w = 1/[σ2(F) + 0.0015(F)2]
Least-squares matrix: full(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.017Δρmax = 1.67 e Å3
wR(F2) = 0.037Δρmin = 1.54 e Å3
S = 1.18Extinction correction: Isotropic Gaussian (Zachariasen, 1967), Larson, 1970, Eq22 p292 "Cryst. Comp." Munksgaard 1970
8961 reflectionsExtinction coefficient: 53E2 (2)
156 parametersAbsolute structure: Flack (1983) parameter refined
0 restraintsAbsolute structure parameter: 0.508 (13)
1 constraint
Special details top

Experimental. The correction for the absorption by the beryllium thermal shields was carried out with PROFIT (Streltsov & Zavodnik, 1989) program.

Refinement. The following constraints were used during the refinement:

H-atom parameters constrained pop(Na1)=1.0–1.0*pop(K1)

No restraints used.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
K10.37665 (3)0.22060 (4)0.30013 (4)0.00501 (10)0.886 (3)
Na10.3435 (6)0.2317 (7)0.2723 (6)0.0067 (18)0.114 (3)
K20.104799 (18)0.30202 (4)0.05454 (4)0.00607 (7)
Ti10.373144 (12)0.50094 (2)0.00824 (4)0.00264 (5)
Ti20.246260 (12)0.73089 (3)0.24322 (4)0.00265 (5)
P10.49765 (2)0.66341 (4)0.25211 (5)0.00294 (8)
P20.18144 (2)0.49851 (4)0.50443 (5)0.00284 (9)
O10.48538 (7)0.51197 (12)0.14237 (9)0.0047 (2)
O20.50893 (6)0.53385 (13)0.37516 (9)0.0046 (2)
O30.39995 (6)0.80223 (13)0.27100 (9)0.0046 (2)
O40.59339 (6)0.80653 (12)0.23296 (9)0.0047 (2)
O110.27502 (6)0.53280 (13)0.13510 (8)0.0045 (2)
O120.22370 (6)0.96044 (13)0.38101 (8)0.0046 (2)
O50.11282 (6)0.69039 (12)0.53248 (9)0.0042 (2)
O60.11135 (6)0.30862 (12)0.47983 (9)0.0047 (2)
O70.25356 (6)0.46234 (14)0.61972 (9)0.0046 (2)
O80.25368 (6)0.53840 (15)0.3910 (6)0.0048 (2)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
K10.00598 (12)0.00376 (8)0.00530 (11)0.00074 (5)0.00085 (8)0.00008 (6)
Na10.010 (2)0.0036 (14)0.0066 (17)0.0002 (12)0.0021 (18)0.0018 (12)
K20.00511 (6)0.00640 (6)0.00670 (8)0.00123 (5)0.00005 (5)0.00003 (6)
Ti10.00294 (5)0.00232 (5)0.00266 (6)0.00003 (3)0.00010 (4)0.00010 (4)
Ti20.00290 (5)0.00257 (5)0.00248 (5)0.00006 (3)0.00005 (4)0.00013 (4)
P10.00296 (7)0.00304 (7)0.00282 (9)0.00004 (6)0.00011 (6)0.00019 (7)
P20.00368 (8)0.00220 (8)0.00262 (10)0.00010 (5)0.00005 (7)0.00017 (5)
O10.0048 (2)0.0050 (2)0.0043 (3)0.00094 (17)0.00069 (19)0.00161 (18)
O20.0049 (2)0.0053 (2)0.0036 (2)0.00009 (18)0.00063 (17)0.0012 (2)
O30.0036 (2)0.0044 (2)0.0059 (2)0.00048 (16)0.00007 (18)0.0007 (2)
O40.0038 (2)0.0043 (2)0.0061 (3)0.00028 (15)0.00008 (18)0.0001 (2)
O110.0054 (2)0.0045 (2)0.0037 (2)0.00012 (18)0.00098 (18)0.0007 (2)
O120.0041 (2)0.0050 (2)0.0047 (2)0.00008 (17)0.00096 (17)0.0006 (2)
O50.0050 (2)0.0025 (2)0.0051 (2)0.00030 (16)0.00069 (18)0.00018 (18)
O60.0054 (2)0.0027 (2)0.0059 (3)0.00112 (16)0.00034 (18)0.0004 (2)
O70.0049 (2)0.0049 (2)0.0040 (3)0.00052 (17)0.00083 (16)0.0003 (2)
O80.0053 (2)0.0058 (2)0.0034 (2)0.00012 (17)0.00126 (16)0.0011 (2)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
K1—O12.8601 (10)K2—O52.7940 (8)
K1—O22.7365 (9)K2—O72.9078 (9)
K1—O32.7034 (9)K2—O83.017 (4)
K1—O112.9513 (9)Ti1—O12.1469 (10)
K1—O122.7048 (9)Ti1—O21.9619 (9)
K1—O52.8437 (10)Ti1—O111.9800 (9)
K1—O73.0229 (9)Ti1—O121.7253 (9)
K1—O82.741 (2)Ti1—O52.0356 (8)
K1—Na10.521 (7)Ti1—O61.9769 (8)
Na1—O12.896 (6)Ti2—O32.0393 (8)
Na1—O23.063 (7)Ti2—O41.9730 (8)
Na1—O32.833 (5)Ti2—O111.7444 (9)
Na1—O112.563 (6)Ti2—O122.0872 (9)
Na1—O122.582 (6)Ti2—O71.9723 (10)
Na1—O52.613 (6)Ti2—O81.992 (5)
Na1—O72.665 (6)P1—O11.5193 (10)
Na1—O82.594 (7)P1—O21.5497 (10)
K2—O12.6854 (9)P1—O31.5447 (8)
K2—O22.9412 (9)P1—O41.5410 (8)
K2—O33.0027 (11)P2—O51.5354 (8)
K2—O43.1348 (9)P2—O61.5296 (8)
K2—O112.7635 (9)P2—O71.5474 (10)
K2—O123.0348 (9)P2—O81.536 (5)
O1—K1—O252.71 (3)O5—K2—O7130.81 (2)
O1—K1—O1155.24 (2)O5—K2—O8124.02 (7)
O1—K1—O890.19 (8)O5—K2—O158.34 (3)
O1—K1—O3121.43 (3)O5—K2—O489.44 (2)
O1—K1—O12159.31 (3)O2—K2—O349.05 (2)
O1—K1—O555.87 (3)O2—K2—O1299.23 (3)
O1—K1—O7104.66 (3)O2—K2—O791.60 (3)
O2—K1—O1187.21 (2)O2—K2—O866.55 (6)
O2—K1—O873.30 (4)O2—K2—O160.55 (3)
O2—K1—O3133.31 (3)O2—K2—O4146.05 (2)
O2—K1—O12143.47 (3)O3—K2—O1253.79 (2)
O2—K1—O5108.03 (3)O3—K2—O7104.49 (3)
O2—K1—O7157.25 (3)O3—K2—O855.85 (10)
O11—K1—O857.03 (13)O3—K2—O1109.57 (3)
O11—K1—O3130.34 (3)O3—K2—O4126.96 (2)
O11—K1—O12106.44 (3)O12—K2—O786.64 (2)
O11—K1—O558.44 (2)O12—K2—O853.45 (5)
O11—K1—O775.58 (3)O12—K2—O1150.38 (3)
O8—K1—O3146.49 (5)O12—K2—O497.65 (2)
O8—K1—O1285.85 (5)O7—K2—O849.22 (10)
O8—K1—O5115.30 (13)O7—K2—O173.52 (3)
O8—K1—O7107.99 (8)O7—K2—O4118.67 (3)
O3—K1—O1260.66 (3)O8—K2—O197.13 (4)
O3—K1—O579.29 (3)O8—K2—O4144.87 (4)
O3—K1—O756.67 (3)O1—K2—O4111.05 (3)
O12—K1—O5107.95 (3)O1—Ti1—O1181.44 (4)
O12—K1—O757.79 (3)O1—Ti1—O287.53 (4)
O5—K1—O750.16 (2)O1—Ti1—O12171.87 (4)
O1—Na1—O249.24 (11)O1—Ti1—O579.37 (3)
O1—Na1—O1158.80 (12)O1—Ti1—O687.01 (3)
O1—Na1—O892.40 (16)O11—Ti1—O2168.94 (4)
O1—Na1—O3115.8 (2)O11—Ti1—O1294.66 (4)
O1—Na1—O12176.1 (2)O11—Ti1—O589.63 (4)
O1—Na1—O557.76 (13)O11—Ti1—O690.61 (4)
O1—Na1—O7113.7 (2)O2—Ti1—O1296.17 (4)
O2—Na1—O1188.04 (15)O2—Ti1—O587.44 (4)
O2—Na1—O870.05 (13)O2—Ti1—O689.71 (4)
O2—Na1—O3115.7 (2)O12—Ti1—O593.53 (4)
O2—Na1—O12132.3 (2)O12—Ti1—O6100.22 (4)
O2—Na1—O5105.1 (2)O5—Ti1—O6166.19 (4)
O2—Na1—O7160.6 (3)O3—Ti2—O1193.04 (4)
O11—Na1—O863.76 (18)O3—Ti2—O1282.87 (3)
O11—Na1—O3144.0 (2)O3—Ti2—O888.76 (4)
O11—Na1—O12123.5 (3)O3—Ti2—O785.84 (3)
O11—Na1—O566.29 (14)O3—Ti2—O4172.07 (4)
O11—Na1—O788.9 (2)O11—Ti2—O12174.99 (4)
O8—Na1—O3147.6 (3)O11—Ti2—O893.38 (12)
O8—Na1—O1291.5 (2)O11—Ti2—O796.15 (4)
O8—Na1—O5129.9 (3)O11—Ti2—O494.89 (4)
O8—Na1—O7125.0 (3)O12—Ti2—O883.68 (12)
O3—Na1—O1260.36 (11)O12—Ti2—O786.46 (4)
O3—Na1—O580.99 (15)O12—Ti2—O489.22 (3)
O3—Na1—O759.50 (11)O8—Ti2—O7169.28 (12)
O12—Na1—O5119.5 (2)O8—Ti2—O490.91 (4)
O12—Na1—O764.01 (14)O7—Ti2—O493.17 (3)
O5—Na1—O756.34 (12)O1—P1—O2108.27 (5)
O11—K2—O5143.29 (3)O1—P1—O3112.34 (5)
O11—K2—O2154.02 (3)O1—P1—O4111.00 (5)
O11—K2—O3108.92 (3)O2—P1—O3105.80 (5)
O11—K2—O1255.93 (2)O2—P1—O4110.65 (5)
O11—K2—O780.38 (3)O3—P1—O4108.68 (4)
O11—K2—O890.08 (5)O5—P2—O6109.22 (5)
O11—K2—O1137.63 (3)O5—P2—O7107.89 (5)
O11—K2—O454.99 (2)O5—P2—O8111.29 (6)
O5—K2—O257.54 (2)O6—P2—O7111.45 (5)
O5—K2—O384.04 (3)O6—P2—O8110.53 (13)
O5—K2—O12131.59 (3)O7—P2—O8106.42 (15)
(RT) top
Crystal data top
K1.886Na0.114O10P2Ti2F(000) = 764.5
Mr = 394.06Dx = 3.021 Mg m3
Orthorhombic, Pna21Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: p 2c -2nCell parameters from 14 reflections
a = 12.806 (1) Åθ = 19.5–23.7°
b = 6.3889 (6) ŵ = 3.17 mm1
c = 10.588 (1) ÅT = 293 K
V = 866.27 (13) Å3Prism, colourless
Z = 40.30 × 0.30 × 0.21 mm
Data collection top
Huber 512 goniometer
1539 reflections with F > 0σ(F)
Radiation source: normal-focus sealed tubeRint = 0.018
None monochromatorθmax = 25.1°, θmin = 3.2°
ω–2θ scansh = 1515
Absorption correction: analytical
(Alcock, 1974)
k = 77
Tmin = 0.428, Tmax = 0.513l = 1212
5704 measured reflections3 standard reflections every 100 reflections
1539 independent reflections intensity decay: 0.1%
Refinement top
Refinement on F w = 1/[σ2(F) + 0.001(F)2]
Least-squares matrix: full(Δ/σ)max = 0.00023
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.016Δρmax = 0.52 e Å3
wR(F2) = 0.024Δρmin = 0.34 e Å3
S = 1.12Extinction correction: Isotropic Gaussian (Zachariasen, 1967), Larson, 1970, Eq22 p292 "Cryst. Comp." Munksgaard 1970
1539 reflectionsExtinction coefficient: 41E2 (3)
150 parametersAbsolute structure: Flack (1983) parameter refined
0 restraintsAbsolute structure parameter: 0.55 (3)
1 constraint
Special details top

Experimental. The correction for the absorption by the beryllium thermal shields was carried out with PROFIT (Streltsov & Zavodnik, 1989) program.

Refinement. The following constraints were used during the refinement:

H-atom parameters constrained pop(Na1)=1.0–1.0*pop(K1)

The population of Na1 was constrained to be the same as determined for the more extended low temperature data. Refinement with a non-constrained population parameter for Na1 resulted in an enlarged Ueq of 0.043 (10) Å2 and a population parameter of 0.079 (7).

No restraints used.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
K10.37854 (13)0.21969 (16)0.3025 (2)0.0186 (6)0.886 (3)
Na10.3478 (14)0.223 (3)0.284 (2)0.024 (7)*0.114 (3)
K20.10443 (6)0.30340 (12)0.05659 (14)0.0210 (4)
Ti10.37298 (4)0.50080 (6)0.00944 (15)0.0053 (3)
Ti20.24661 (3)0.73115 (7)0.24212 (15)0.0052 (3)
P10.49783 (4)0.66329 (11)0.25090 (15)0.0059 (4)
P20.18138 (6)0.49843 (8)0.50313 (15)0.0062 (4)
O10.4856 (2)0.5134 (4)0.1409 (3)0.0106 (11)
O20.50984 (19)0.5344 (4)0.3738 (2)0.0104 (11)
O30.40038 (17)0.8024 (3)0.2705 (2)0.0088 (10)
O40.59358 (15)0.8069 (3)0.2318 (2)0.0090 (10)
O110.2750 (2)0.5344 (4)0.1339 (2)0.0084 (10)
O120.2234 (2)0.9602 (4)0.3803 (2)0.0089 (10)
O50.11302 (16)0.6893 (3)0.5316 (2)0.0089 (10)
O60.11145 (16)0.3093 (3)0.4779 (2)0.0096 (10)
O70.25309 (18)0.4611 (4)0.6184 (2)0.0089 (11)
O80.25372 (18)0.5397 (4)0.390 (2)0.0088 (12)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
K10.0223 (6)0.0096 (5)0.0239 (6)0.0042 (4)0.0068 (6)0.0012 (4)
K20.0146 (3)0.0211 (4)0.0273 (4)0.0065 (3)0.0000 (3)0.0004 (4)
Ti10.0068 (3)0.0045 (3)0.0045 (3)0.00009 (13)0.0005 (2)0.00077 (18)
Ti20.0061 (3)0.0051 (3)0.0045 (3)0.00063 (15)0.00038 (15)0.0001 (2)
P10.0053 (4)0.0067 (4)0.0056 (4)0.0003 (2)0.0004 (2)0.0009 (4)
P20.0086 (4)0.0045 (4)0.0057 (4)0.0003 (2)0.0010 (3)0.0006 (2)
O10.0092 (12)0.0120 (11)0.0105 (10)0.0035 (7)0.0027 (9)0.0040 (9)
O20.0118 (13)0.0097 (10)0.0096 (12)0.0014 (8)0.0013 (8)0.0009 (10)
O30.0069 (9)0.0084 (10)0.0110 (11)0.0011 (6)0.0001 (8)0.0002 (8)
O40.0082 (10)0.0090 (10)0.0099 (9)0.0001 (6)0.0010 (9)0.0011 (8)
O110.0100 (10)0.0072 (9)0.0079 (9)0.0006 (9)0.0016 (9)0.0001 (8)
O120.0095 (11)0.0078 (9)0.0093 (10)0.0023 (10)0.0024 (9)0.0016 (8)
O50.0118 (10)0.0051 (10)0.0098 (12)0.0014 (8)0.0027 (8)0.0012 (8)
O60.0121 (10)0.0064 (10)0.0104 (11)0.0007 (6)0.0028 (8)0.0027 (9)
O70.0118 (12)0.0086 (11)0.0064 (11)0.0031 (7)0.0011 (7)0.0028 (9)
O80.0110 (14)0.0085 (11)0.0071 (10)0.0034 (8)0.0022 (8)0.0044 (9)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
K1—O12.887 (3)K2—O52.798 (2)
K1—O22.727 (3)K2—O72.922 (3)
K1—O32.702 (2)K2—O83.042 (14)
K1—O112.998 (3)Ti1—O12.150 (3)
K1—O122.715 (3)Ti1—O21.957 (3)
K1—O52.877 (3)Ti1—O111.981 (3)
K1—O73.061 (3)Ti1—O121.719 (3)
K1—O82.755 (8)Ti1—O52.045 (2)
K1—Na10.438 (19)Ti1—O61.985 (2)
Na1—O12.98 (2)Ti2—O32.043 (2)
Na1—O23.02 (2)Ti2—O41.978 (2)
Na1—O32.78 (2)Ti2—O111.739 (3)
Na1—O112.71 (2)Ti2—O122.091 (3)
Na1—O122.53 (2)Ti2—O71.969 (3)
Na1—O52.73 (2)Ti2—O81.988 (18)
Na1—O72.75 (2)P1—O11.516 (3)
Na1—O82.60 (2)P1—O21.547 (3)
K2—O12.685 (3)P1—O31.546 (2)
K2—O22.974 (3)P1—O41.545 (2)
K2—O33.030 (3)P2—O51.531 (2)
K2—O43.108 (2)P2—O61.528 (2)
K2—O112.760 (3)P2—O71.546 (3)
K2—O123.057 (3)P2—O81.539 (18)
O1—K1—O252.54 (8)O5—K2—O7130.93 (7)
O1—K1—O1154.61 (8)O5—K2—O8123.3 (2)
O1—K1—O889.5 (3)O5—K2—O158.66 (7)
O1—K1—O3121.19 (10)O5—K2—O489.92 (6)
O1—K1—O12157.57 (11)O2—K2—O348.54 (7)
O1—K1—O555.59 (8)O2—K2—O1298.44 (8)
O1—K1—O7103.58 (10)O2—K2—O791.17 (7)
O2—K1—O1186.73 (8)O2—K2—O866.2 (2)
O2—K1—O873.61 (12)O2—K2—O160.12 (8)
O2—K1—O3134.28 (9)O2—K2—O4146.06 (7)
O2—K1—O12144.81 (12)O3—K2—O1253.49 (6)
O2—K1—O5107.59 (9)O3—K2—O7103.59 (7)
O2—K1—O7155.98 (11)O3—K2—O855.3 (4)
O11—K1—O856.3 (5)O3—K2—O1108.62 (8)
O11—K1—O3129.25 (11)O3—K2—O4126.70 (7)
O11—K1—O12105.46 (9)O12—K2—O786.08 (7)
O11—K1—O557.86 (8)O12—K2—O852.89 (16)
O11—K1—O774.88 (8)O12—K2—O1149.16 (8)
O8—K1—O3146.56 (17)O12—K2—O497.71 (7)
O8—K1—O1285.81 (16)O7—K2—O848.9 (4)
O8—K1—O5114.0 (5)O7—K2—O173.45 (8)
O8—K1—O7107.1 (3)O7—K2—O4119.58 (7)
O3—K1—O1260.75 (8)O8—K2—O196.53 (14)
O3—K1—O578.72 (9)O8—K2—O4144.76 (11)
O3—K1—O756.26 (7)O1—K2—O4112.34 (8)
O12—K1—O5106.78 (9)O1—Ti1—O1181.58 (12)
O12—K1—O757.37 (7)O1—Ti1—O287.57 (10)
O5—K1—O749.41 (7)O1—Ti1—O12172.14 (12)
O1—Na1—O249.0 (3)O1—Ti1—O579.65 (10)
O1—Na1—O1156.5 (4)O1—Ti1—O686.87 (10)
O1—Na1—O890.6 (6)O11—Ti1—O2169.13 (12)
O1—Na1—O3115.6 (6)O11—Ti1—O1294.69 (11)
O1—Na1—O12172.9 (9)O11—Ti1—O589.89 (10)
O1—Na1—O556.0 (4)O11—Ti1—O690.44 (10)
O1—Na1—O7109.3 (7)O2—Ti1—O1295.98 (13)
O2—Na1—O1186.5 (5)O2—Ti1—O587.45 (10)
O2—Na1—O871.0 (5)O2—Ti1—O689.67 (10)
O2—Na1—O3119.1 (6)O12—Ti1—O593.47 (11)
O2—Na1—O12138.0 (8)O12—Ti1—O6100.14 (12)
O2—Na1—O5103.4 (6)O5—Ti1—O6166.31 (11)
O2—Na1—O7157.2 (8)O3—Ti2—O1193.23 (11)
O11—Na1—O861.6 (6)O3—Ti2—O1283.00 (10)
O11—Na1—O3139.6 (8)O3—Ti2—O888.69 (13)
O11—Na1—O12120.4 (7)O3—Ti2—O785.97 (10)
O11—Na1—O563.0 (5)O3—Ti2—O4172.06 (11)
O11—Na1—O784.8 (6)O11—Ti2—O12175.31 (12)
O8—Na1—O3152.5 (9)O11—Ti2—O893.7 (4)
O8—Na1—O1293.0 (7)O11—Ti2—O795.77 (13)
O8—Na1—O5124.5 (9)O11—Ti2—O494.71 (11)
O8—Na1—O7122.0 (7)O12—Ti2—O883.5 (4)
O3—Na1—O1262.0 (4)O12—Ti2—O786.76 (10)
O3—Na1—O580.0 (5)O12—Ti2—O489.07 (10)
O3—Na1—O759.3 (4)O8—Ti2—O7169.4 (4)
O12—Na1—O5117.1 (7)O8—Ti2—O490.75 (11)
O12—Na1—O763.6 (4)O7—Ti2—O493.28 (10)
O5—Na1—O753.9 (4)O1—P1—O2108.66 (14)
O11—K2—O5143.79 (8)O1—P1—O3112.52 (15)
O11—K2—O2153.06 (8)O1—P1—O4110.89 (16)
O11—K2—O3108.28 (7)O2—P1—O3105.87 (15)
O11—K2—O1255.61 (7)O2—P1—O4110.31 (14)
O11—K2—O780.77 (7)O3—P1—O4108.47 (11)
O11—K2—O889.75 (15)O5—P2—O6109.23 (12)
O11—K2—O1138.84 (9)O5—P2—O7107.87 (15)
O11—K2—O455.26 (6)O5—P2—O8111.19 (16)
O5—K2—O257.20 (7)O6—P2—O7111.38 (14)
O5—K2—O383.42 (7)O6—P2—O8110.6 (4)
O5—K2—O12130.89 (8)O7—P2—O8106.5 (5)

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