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The centrosymmetric title cluster, hexa­aquadi-μ3-carbonato-hexa­cyclamhexa-μ2-hydroxido-dodeca-μ2-oxido-hexa­mang­an­ese(IV)hexa­manganese(III) octa­chloride tetra­cosa­hydrate, [Mn12(CO3)2O12(OH)6(C10H24N4)6(H2O)6]Cl8·24H2O, has two μ3-CO3 groups that not only bridge octahedrally coordinated MnIII ions but also act as acceptors to two different kinds of hydrogen bonds. The carbonate anion is planar within experimental error and has an average C—O distance of 1.294 (4) Å. The crystal packing is stabilized by O—H...Cl, O—H...O, N—H...Cl and N—H...O hydrogen bonds. Two of the four independent chloride ions are disordered over five positions, and eight of the 12 independent water mol­ecules are disordered over 21 positions.

Supporting information


Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks I, global


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock I

CCDC reference: 797616

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 90 K
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.008 Å
  • H-atom completeness 78%
  • Disorder in solvent or counterion
  • R factor = 0.051
  • wR factor = 0.167
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 18.9

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors found

Alert level A PLAT306_ALERT_2_A Isolated Oxygen Atom (H-atoms Missing ?) ....... O16
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT306_ALERT_2_A Isolated Oxygen Atom (H-atoms Missing ?) .......        O17
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT306_ALERT_2_A Isolated Oxygen Atom (H-atoms Missing ?) .......        O18
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT306_ALERT_2_A Isolated Oxygen Atom (H-atoms Missing ?) .......        O19
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_A Short Inter D...A Contact  O24A   ..  O25B    ..       2.48 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_A Short Inter D...A Contact  O22A   ..  O22A    ..       2.25 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT431_ALERT_2_A Short Inter HL..A Contact  Cl2    ..  O25D    ..       2.75 Ang.
Author Response: disorder in the hydrate sites yields a short contact

Alert level B PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact O2 .. O24A .. 2.82 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O8     ..  O21A    ..       2.77 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O8     ..  O21B    ..       2.80 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O15    ..  O23A    ..       2.76 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O15    ..  O23B    ..       2.78 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O16    ..  O22B    ..       2.77 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O17    ..  O27     ..       2.72 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O17    ..  O18     ..       2.76 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O17    ..  O19     ..       2.80 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O18    ..  O23B    ..       2.72 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O18    ..  O23A    ..       2.78 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O19    ..  O28     ..       2.75 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O20    ..  O31     ..       2.77 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O21A   ..  O31     ..       2.54 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O24A   ..  O25B    ..       2.71 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_B Short Inter D...A Contact  O25B   ..  O25B    ..       2.56 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT431_ALERT_2_B Short Inter HL..A Contact  Cl2    ..  O25C    ..       2.93 Ang.
Author Response: disorder in the hydrate sites yields a short contact
PLAT910_ALERT_3_B Missing # of FCF Reflections Below Th(Min) .....         13

Alert level C CHEMW03_ALERT_2_C The ratio of given/expected molecular weight as calculated from the _atom_site* data lies outside the range 0.99 <> 1.01 From the CIF: _cell_formula_units_Z 1 From the CIF: _chemical_formula_weight 3099.42 TEST: Calculate formula weight from _atom_site_* atom mass num sum C 12.01 62.00 744.68 H 1.01 162.00 163.30 N 14.01 24.00 336.17 O 16.00 54.00 863.95 Mn 54.94 12.00 659.26 Cl 35.45 8.00 283.62 Calculated formula weight 3050.97 PLAT202_ALERT_3_C Isotropic non-H Atoms in Anion/Solvent ......... 3 PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C31 has ADP max/min Ratio ..... 3.20 prola PLAT220_ALERT_2_C Large Non-Solvent C Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) ... 3.88 Ratio PLAT222_ALERT_3_C Large Non-Solvent H Uiso(max)/Uso(min) ... 4.11 Rati PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.15 PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... >O21A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... >O23A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... >O24A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O21B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O22A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O22B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O22C PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O23B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O24B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O25A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O25B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O26A PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O26B PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O27 PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O28 PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O29 PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O30 PLAT311_ALERT_2_C Isolated Disordered Oxygen Atom (No H's ?) ..... <O31 PLAT341_ALERT_3_C Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds (x 1000) Ang .. 8 PLAT420_ALERT_2_C D-H Without Acceptor N12 - H12 ... ? PLAT430_ALERT_2_C Short Inter D...A Contact O16 .. O22A .. 2.87 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_C Short Inter D...A Contact  O23A   ..  O30     ..       2.89 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT430_ALERT_2_C Short Inter D...A Contact  O24A   ..  O25A    ..       2.85 Ang.
Author Response: hydrogen atoms were not located for this hydrate group
PLAT431_ALERT_2_C Short Inter HL..A Contact  Cl1    ..  O16     ..       3.15 Ang.
Author Response: disorder in the hydrate sites yields a short contact
PLAT431_ALERT_2_C Short Inter HL..A Contact  Cl1    ..  O19     ..       3.15 Ang.
Author Response: disorder in the hydrate sites yields a short contact
PLAT431_ALERT_2_C Short Inter HL..A Contact  Cl2    ..  O16     ..       3.08 Ang.
Author Response: disorder in the hydrate sites yields a short contact
PLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing # FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/L=  0.600          9
PLAT041_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Reported SumFormula    Strings  Differ          ?
PLAT042_ALERT_1_C Calc. and Reported MoietyFormula Strings  Differ          ?
PLAT043_ALERT_1_C Check Reported Molecular Weight ................    3099.42
PLAT044_ALERT_1_C Calculated and Reported Dx Differ ..............          ?
PLAT068_ALERT_1_C Reported F000 Differs from Calcd (or Missing)...          ?
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #          2
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #          9
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #         10
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #         12
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #         16
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #         17
PLAT790_ALERT_4_C Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd.  #         28
PLAT912_ALERT_4_C Missing # of FCF Reflections Above STh/L=  0.600         32

Alert level G FORMU01_ALERT_2_G There is a discrepancy between the atom counts in the _chemical_formula_sum and the formula from the _atom_site* data. Atom count from _chemical_formula_sum:C62 H210 Cl8 Mn12 N24 O54 Atom count from the _atom_site data: C62 H162 Cl8 Mn12 N24 O54 CELLZ01_ALERT_1_G Difference between formula and atom_site contents detected. CELLZ01_ALERT_1_G WARNING: H atoms missing from atom site list. Is this intentional? From the CIF: _cell_formula_units_Z 1 From the CIF: _chemical_formula_sum C62 H210 Cl8 Mn12 N24 O54 TEST: Compare cell contents of formula and atom_site data atom Z*formula cif sites diff C 62.00 62.00 0.00 H 210.00 162.00 48.00 Cl 8.00 8.00 0.00 Mn 12.00 12.00 0.00 N 24.00 24.00 0.00 O 54.00 54.00 0.00 PLAT860_ALERT_3_G Note: Number of Least-Squares Restraints ....... 12 PLAT302_ALERT_4_G Note: Anion/Solvent Disorder ................... 31.00 Perc. PLAT764_ALERT_4_G Overcomplete CIF Bond List Detected (Rep/Expd) . 1.17 Ratio PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N1 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N2 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N3 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N4 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N5 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N6 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N7 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N8 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N9 (Verify) .... R PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N10 (Verify) .... R PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N11 (Verify) .... R PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at N12 (Verify) .... R PLAT811_ALERT_5_G No ADDSYM Analysis: Too Many Excluded Atoms .... !
7 ALERT level A = In general: serious problem 18 ALERT level B = Potentially serious problem 46 ALERT level C = Check and explain 19 ALERT level G = General alerts; check 7 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 54 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 6 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 22 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 1 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Comment top

Reactions of carbon dioxide with metals and metal clusters have recently attracted a great deal of interest (Bian et al., 2009). Complexes of manganese rarely exhibit such reactivity. We wish to report the fortuitous fixation of carbon dioxide as carbonate ion in a mixed valent MnIII/MnIV cluster of 12 metal ions. An interesting structural feature consists of two triply bridged carbonate anions on opposite faces of the cluster. Previously, a MnIII cluster containing carbonate was reported (Chakov et al., 2005), but it has little in common with the title compound. Many Mn12 clusters are known, some of which have mixed valent MnIII/MnIV ions (Sun et al., 1998; Kuroda-Sowa et al., 2001; Bian et al., 2004). The most famous is Mn12O12(MeCO2)16(H2O)4 (Lis, 1980; Aubin, et al., 1996), which opened up the field of single molecule magnets. These structures are unlike that of the title compound. They contain an internal cubane of four MnIV ions with µ3-O bridges and eight outer MnIII ions. The production of the title compound was unexpected. We presume that prolonged stirring of a manganese(II) chloride solution in an open vessel in the presence of base (cyclam, (1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)) yielded a basic MnIII/MnIV oxide which took up CO2 from the air and formed the triply bridged carbonate species of the title compound.

The cluster of the title compound has a center of symmetry. It has the overall formula {[(cyclam)MnIV(µ-O)2MnIII(H2O)(µ-OH)]63-CO3)}2}8+ with charge balanced by chloride ions. There are 24 molecules of non-coordinated water in the model, many of which are disordered. The Mn12 cluster is shown in the Scheme.

For simplicity, only one half of the cluster is depicted in Fig. 1. The atoms labeled Mn1, Mn3, and Mn5 are MnIV and those labeled Mn2, Mn4, Mn6 are MnIII. The oxidation states for the Mn ions were verified by Bond Valence Sum analysis (Palenik, 1997). Details of the bond distances and angles are given in Table 1. The asymmetric unit of the title compound contains a carbonate anion coordinated to three MnIII ions through each of its three O atoms. Within experimental error, the µ3-CO3 group is planar. The average C—O distance is 1.294 (4) Å. Each carbonate O atom accepts an intramolecular hydrogen bond from a µ-(OH) donor group that is ligated to two MnIII's. A second hydrogen bond to each carbonate oxygen is formed by donation from a N—H group of cyclam, as shown in Figure 2. A single water molecule is coordinated to each MnIII in a position trans- to the carbonate oxygen. The Mn—O(carbonate) distances, average 2.315 (8) Å, and Mn—O(H2O) distances, average 2.328 (11) Å, are long, indicating a Jahn-Teller effect of the d4 ion and strong trans-effect of carbonate. The remainder of the coordination sphere of the MnIII ion is made up of two oxo bridges, average distance 1.879 (7) Å. These bridges link the MnIII ions to MnIV ions. The average MnIV—O distance is 1.787 (6) Å. The coordination sphere of the MnIV ions is completed by four amino N atoms of the cyclam ligand. The Mn—N bond distances reflect the trans-effect of the µ-oxo bridges; the average MnIV—N(trans) distance is 2.097 (5)Å as compared to 2.040 (4)Å for MnIV—N(cis). Fig. 3 depicts the entire Mn12 cluster with cyclam CH2 groups omitted for clarity. In sum, both MnIII and MnIV have coordination number six and a pseudo- octahedral geometry. The inversion-related halves of the cluster are connected via the µ-(OH) groups. A diverse set of Mn—O bonds is exhibited in the structure, involving oxo, hydroxo, and aqua ligation to MnIII and MnIV ions as well as intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The chloride counterions are primarily nestled in cyclam cavities, hydrogen bonded to N—H donor groups of the cylam ligands as well as to non-coordinated water molecules.

Related literature top

For the structure of an Mn9 cluster containing (µ3-CO3), see: Chakov et al. (2005). For some structures of Mn12 clusters containing MnIII/MnIV, see: Lis (1980); Aubin et al. (1996); Sun et al. (1998); Kuroda-Sowa et al. (2001); Bian et al. (2004). For a recent structure of an Ag17 cluster that has incorporated atmospheric CO2 to encapsulate a carbonate, see: Bian et al. (2009). For bond-valence sum analysis for Mn—O, see: Palenik (1997).

Experimental top

To a mixture of MnCl2.4H2O (136 mg, 687 mmol), cyclam (1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) (144 mg, 722 mmol), and sodium tetraphenylborate (289 mg, 844 mmol) in a 200 ml round bottom flask was added 150 ml of acetonitrile. The reaction was continuously stirred for 5 days over which time it turned from pale yellow to dark brown to dark olive green and a solid material was formed. The solid was filtered and redissolved in a 1:2 mixture of H2O:acetonitrile and placed in upcapped 5 mm diameter tubes in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, black plates formed. The crystal selected for data collection was cut from a large plate.

Refinement top

Hydrogen atoms on water O and aza-N atoms were located in a difference map and subsequently refined with Uiso = 1.2Ueq(N or O) and distance restraints of 0.84 (1) Å for O—H, 0.93 Å for N—H and H···H of 1.32 (3) Å for water. The C—H geometry was determined by idealized geometry and a C—H distance of 0.99 Å. The C—H and N—H H atoms were refined as riding on the parent atoms. There are seven different positions for the four chloride ions in the asymmetric unit. Of these, Cl1 and Cl2 are included at full occupancy while Cl3, Cl4, and Cl6 are at half occupancy and Cl5A/Cl5B respresent a split position of occupancy 0.40/0.10 occupancy. These disordered chlorides were selected based on longer hydrogen bonding distances and reasonable distribution within the structure. Four hydrate water O atoms, O16, O17, O18, and O19, were in sites of full occupancy and were refined with anisotropic thermal parameters. The remainder were refined with isotropic thermal parameters and fixed occupancies that were determined by an ad hoc method. Most of the hydrogen atoms were not reliably located for the hydrate molecules and none were included in the structure factor calculation. The final difference map contains a number of peaks in the region of the chloride ions and solvate water molecules that are possibly additional minor water sites or part of disordered chloride sites.

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008).

Figures top
[Figure 1] Fig. 1. A drawing of the asymmetric unit of the title compound. Thermal ellipsoids are drawn at the 30% probability level. Hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon, chloride counterions, and hydrate molecules have been omitted for clarity. One of the oxygen atoms (O13') is shown at its symmetry position, ' = 1 - x, 1 - y, 1 - z, in order to show the complete carbonate anion.
[Figure 2] Fig. 2. A view of one-half of the cluster normal to the triply bridging carbonate group. A portion of the hydrogen bonding is also depicted. Symmetry code: ' = 1 - x, 1 - y, 1 - z.
[Figure 3] Fig. 3. A view of the Mn12 cluster; CH2 groups have been omitted for clarity. Symmetry code: ' = 1 - x, 1 - y, 1 - z.
hexaaquadi-µ3-carbonato-hexacyclamhexa-µ2-hydroxido-dodeca-µ2-oxido- hexamanganese(IV)hexamanganese(III) octachloride tetracosahydrate top
Crystal data top
[Mn12(CO3)2O12(OH)6(C10H24N4)6(H2O)6]Cl8·24H2OZ = 1
Mr = 3099.42F(000) = 1618
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.586 Mg m3
Hall symbol: -P 1Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 15.2421 (15) ÅCell parameters from 9868 reflections
b = 15.5037 (15) Åθ = 2.6–29.4°
c = 17.1306 (17) ŵ = 1.38 mm1
α = 90.707 (6)°T = 90 K
β = 114.523 (7)°Parallelepiped, black
γ = 115.128 (7)°0.43 × 0.18 × 0.14 mm
V = 3245.8 (6) Å3
Data collection top
14856 independent reflections
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube10648 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.042
Detector resolution: 8.3 pixels mm-1θmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.7°
ω scansh = 1919
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Sheldrick, 1996)
k = 2020
Tmin = 0.589, Tmax = 0.831l = 2222
40135 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.051Hydrogen site location: difference Fourier map
wR(F2) = 0.167H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
S = 1.14 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0959P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
14856 reflections(Δ/σ)max = 0.006
787 parametersΔρmax = 1.40 e Å3
12 restraintsΔρmin = 1.14 e Å3
Crystal data top
[Mn12(CO3)2O12(OH)6(C10H24N4)6(H2O)6]Cl8·24H2Oγ = 115.128 (7)°
Mr = 3099.42V = 3245.8 (6) Å3
Triclinic, P1Z = 1
a = 15.2421 (15) ÅMo Kα radiation
b = 15.5037 (15) ŵ = 1.38 mm1
c = 17.1306 (17) ÅT = 90 K
α = 90.707 (6)°0.43 × 0.18 × 0.14 mm
β = 114.523 (7)°
Data collection top
14856 independent reflections
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Sheldrick, 1996)
10648 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Tmin = 0.589, Tmax = 0.831Rint = 0.042
40135 measured reflections
Refinement top
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.05112 restraints
wR(F2) = 0.167H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
S = 1.14Δρmax = 1.40 e Å3
14856 reflectionsΔρmin = 1.14 e Å3
787 parameters
Special details top

Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Mn10.61048 (5)0.82243 (4)0.74029 (4)0.02005 (14)
Mn20.48190 (5)0.66143 (4)0.60353 (4)0.01677 (13)
Mn30.68442 (4)0.74479 (4)0.31273 (4)0.01583 (13)
Mn40.56057 (4)0.57784 (4)0.34706 (3)0.01455 (13)
Mn50.10236 (4)0.49328 (4)0.28193 (4)0.01948 (14)
Mn60.32112 (4)0.55349 (4)0.36584 (3)0.01522 (13)
O10.5427 (2)0.69222 (18)0.72622 (16)0.0195 (5)
O20.5479 (2)0.79948 (18)0.62323 (17)0.0235 (6)
O30.6380 (2)0.65305 (17)0.62194 (16)0.0174 (5)
C310.6579 (3)0.6311 (2)0.5602 (2)0.0160 (7)
O40.3075 (2)0.6456 (2)0.55926 (19)0.0259 (6)
H4D0.279 (3)0.631 (3)0.5055 (13)0.031*
H4E0.310 (4)0.696 (2)0.578 (3)0.031*
O50.4100 (2)0.52276 (17)0.59896 (16)0.0156 (5)
H5D0.365 (3)0.495 (3)0.5456 (14)0.019*
O60.4395 (2)0.64189 (17)0.47837 (16)0.0157 (5)
H6D0.500 (2)0.658 (3)0.481 (3)0.019*
O70.5504 (2)0.68689 (17)0.30572 (16)0.0171 (5)
O80.6949 (2)0.63902 (17)0.34421 (17)0.0180 (5)
O90.4763 (2)0.46920 (19)0.21367 (17)0.0217 (6)
H9D0.433 (3)0.457 (3)0.1600 (14)0.026*
H9E0.457 (3)0.4095 (17)0.221 (3)0.026*
O100.62797 (19)0.66251 (17)0.48852 (16)0.0161 (5)
O110.41448 (19)0.52118 (17)0.33573 (16)0.0153 (5)
H11D0.395 (3)0.4645 (17)0.344 (3)0.018*
O120.3795 (2)0.6940 (2)0.31251 (18)0.0225 (6)
H12C0.431 (3)0.695 (3)0.306 (3)0.027*
H12D0.337 (3)0.700 (3)0.2668 (19)0.027*
O130.2941 (2)0.42210 (17)0.43119 (16)0.0168 (5)
O140.2164 (2)0.56917 (18)0.38531 (17)0.0207 (6)
O150.1984 (2)0.47938 (18)0.25634 (16)0.0186 (5)
N10.4899 (3)0.8385 (2)0.7517 (3)0.0329 (9)
N20.6871 (3)0.8367 (2)0.8772 (2)0.0299 (8)
N30.7501 (3)0.8279 (2)0.7488 (2)0.0277 (8)
N40.6771 (3)0.9739 (2)0.7492 (2)0.0308 (8)
N50.6293 (3)0.6958 (2)0.1816 (2)0.0220 (7)
N60.6648 (3)0.8692 (2)0.2847 (2)0.0198 (7)
N70.7583 (3)0.8187 (2)0.4409 (2)0.0197 (7)
N80.8384 (3)0.7991 (2)0.3170 (2)0.0222 (7)
N90.0652 (3)0.3703 (2)0.3302 (2)0.0280 (8)
N100.0219 (3)0.4080 (3)0.1564 (2)0.0276 (8)
N110.1099 (3)0.6064 (3)0.2213 (3)0.0349 (9)
N120.0018 (3)0.5104 (3)0.3234 (3)0.0381 (9)
C10.4406 (4)0.7784 (4)0.8054 (3)0.0433 (12)
C20.5257 (5)0.8021 (4)0.9006 (4)0.0575 (16)
C30.6154 (4)0.7779 (4)0.9158 (3)0.0444 (13)
C40.7723 (4)0.8054 (3)0.8941 (3)0.0413 (12)
C50.8319 (4)0.8533 (4)0.8431 (3)0.0423 (12)
C60.7960 (4)0.8854 (3)0.6931 (3)0.0396 (12)
C70.8227 (4)0.9928 (3)0.7118 (3)0.0455 (14)
C80.7266 (5)1.0086 (3)0.6908 (3)0.0465 (14)
C90.5843 (4)0.9973 (3)0.7282 (4)0.0476 (14)
C100.5250 (4)0.9442 (4)0.7779 (4)0.0535 (15)
C110.5300 (3)0.7012 (3)0.1180 (3)0.0270 (9)
C120.5439 (3)0.8035 (3)0.1223 (3)0.0275 (9)
C130.5608 (3)0.8510 (3)0.2084 (3)0.0244 (8)
C140.6760 (3)0.9175 (3)0.3670 (3)0.0234 (8)
C150.7724 (3)0.9199 (3)0.4441 (3)0.0248 (9)
C160.8569 (3)0.8134 (3)0.5043 (3)0.0246 (8)
C170.9504 (3)0.8531 (3)0.4794 (3)0.0266 (9)
C180.9251 (3)0.7943 (3)0.3954 (3)0.0247 (8)
C190.8205 (3)0.7441 (3)0.2352 (3)0.0272 (9)
C200.7220 (3)0.7402 (3)0.1592 (3)0.0296 (9)
C210.0490 (4)0.2806 (3)0.2803 (3)0.0384 (11)
C220.0434 (4)0.2451 (3)0.1854 (3)0.0376 (11)
C230.0229 (4)0.3161 (3)0.1279 (3)0.0334 (10)
C240.0075 (4)0.4717 (4)0.0938 (3)0.0409 (12)
C250.0127 (4)0.5694 (4)0.1313 (4)0.0518 (14)
C260.1297 (4)0.6964 (4)0.2709 (4)0.0506 (14)
C270.0424 (5)0.6807 (4)0.2976 (5)0.0619 (17)
C280.0351 (4)0.6150 (4)0.3628 (4)0.0562 (16)
C290.0100 (4)0.4490 (4)0.3874 (3)0.0488 (14)
C300.0244 (4)0.3517 (4)0.3525 (3)0.0454 (13)
Cl10.91039 (8)1.01855 (7)0.29167 (7)0.0268 (2)
Cl20.24589 (13)0.79935 (12)0.60522 (13)0.0769 (6)
Cl30.86737 (18)1.07361 (15)0.96304 (14)0.0367 (5)0.50
Cl40.2516 (2)0.7178 (3)0.1287 (2)0.0673 (10)0.50
Cl5A0.2407 (3)0.4394 (3)0.1490 (3)0.0730 (12)0.40
Cl5B0.2790 (9)0.2686 (11)0.0485 (8)0.045 (3)0.10
Cl60.5772 (2)0.49181 (16)0.08903 (17)0.0465 (6)0.50
O160.2661 (3)0.9080 (3)0.7683 (3)0.0518 (10)
O171.0355 (3)1.1982 (3)0.8871 (2)0.0498 (9)
O180.2086 (3)0.6154 (3)0.0340 (2)0.0507 (9)
O190.8974 (3)0.9445 (3)0.1130 (3)0.0585 (10)
O200.2526 (7)0.3240 (7)0.1109 (6)0.068 (2)*0.50
O21A0.2119 (5)0.4846 (5)0.6239 (4)0.0420 (15)*0.55
O21B0.1753 (6)0.4493 (6)0.5731 (5)0.0388 (17)*0.45
O22A0.4103 (9)0.9540 (8)0.9533 (7)0.061 (3)*0.45
O22B0.3601 (10)0.9330 (9)0.9500 (8)0.049 (3)*0.35
O22C0.3772 (14)0.8915 (13)0.9507 (11)0.037 (4)*0.20
O23A0.2723 (4)0.4768 (4)0.1348 (4)0.0357 (12)*0.60
O23B0.2584 (7)0.4259 (7)0.1386 (5)0.0369 (19)*0.40
O24A0.4901 (5)0.8550 (4)0.4605 (4)0.0360 (13)*0.60
O24B0.4420 (7)0.8431 (6)0.4547 (5)0.0337 (19)*0.40
O25A0.6386 (9)1.0576 (7)0.4969 (6)0.037 (2)*0.35
O25B0.5869 (11)1.0364 (9)0.4906 (8)0.030 (3)*0.25
O25C0.7427 (14)1.1185 (12)0.5456 (11)0.038 (4)*0.20
O25D0.7994 (10)1.1247 (9)0.5422 (8)0.017 (3)*0.20
O26A0.3055 (10)0.8377 (9)0.0711 (8)0.045 (3)*0.31
O26B0.3085 (13)0.8749 (13)0.0392 (11)0.075 (5)*0.30
O270.8491 (6)1.1410 (5)0.9027 (5)0.0325 (16)*0.42
O280.7746 (6)1.0212 (6)1.0010 (5)0.0361 (18)*0.40
O290.2422 (9)0.6563 (8)0.1076 (7)0.049 (3)*0.40
O300.2682 (14)0.6482 (13)0.0730 (12)0.091 (5)*0.33
O310.7693 (9)0.4686 (9)0.2254 (8)0.054 (3)*0.34
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Mn10.0274 (3)0.0092 (3)0.0139 (3)0.0021 (2)0.0082 (2)0.0014 (2)
Mn20.0219 (3)0.0074 (2)0.0125 (3)0.0006 (2)0.0073 (2)0.0006 (2)
Mn30.0165 (3)0.0086 (3)0.0168 (3)0.0003 (2)0.0087 (2)0.0013 (2)
Mn40.0145 (3)0.0078 (2)0.0147 (3)0.0003 (2)0.0068 (2)0.0009 (2)
Mn50.0152 (3)0.0159 (3)0.0197 (3)0.0015 (2)0.0077 (2)0.0024 (2)
Mn60.0143 (3)0.0104 (3)0.0128 (3)0.0001 (2)0.0053 (2)0.0018 (2)
O10.0248 (14)0.0118 (12)0.0140 (13)0.0025 (10)0.0086 (11)0.0008 (10)
O20.0320 (15)0.0104 (12)0.0139 (13)0.0036 (11)0.0052 (12)0.0005 (10)
O30.0203 (13)0.0113 (12)0.0119 (12)0.0011 (10)0.0067 (10)0.0018 (9)
C310.0131 (16)0.0070 (15)0.0147 (18)0.0051 (13)0.0053 (14)0.0015 (13)
O40.0355 (16)0.0237 (15)0.0235 (15)0.0149 (13)0.0171 (14)0.0052 (12)
O50.0163 (12)0.0103 (12)0.0109 (12)0.0005 (10)0.0043 (10)0.0005 (9)
O60.0150 (12)0.0112 (12)0.0121 (12)0.0002 (10)0.0054 (10)0.0021 (9)
O70.0181 (12)0.0107 (12)0.0167 (13)0.0028 (10)0.0073 (11)0.0030 (10)
O80.0170 (12)0.0098 (12)0.0213 (14)0.0015 (10)0.0088 (11)0.0026 (10)
O90.0269 (15)0.0164 (13)0.0145 (13)0.0051 (11)0.0088 (12)0.0012 (11)
O100.0156 (12)0.0107 (11)0.0160 (13)0.0008 (10)0.0076 (10)0.0015 (10)
O110.0162 (12)0.0077 (11)0.0160 (13)0.0009 (10)0.0072 (10)0.0018 (10)
O120.0239 (15)0.0227 (14)0.0207 (14)0.0105 (12)0.0107 (12)0.0062 (11)
O130.0172 (12)0.0118 (12)0.0137 (13)0.0012 (10)0.0065 (10)0.0000 (10)
O140.0188 (13)0.0166 (13)0.0210 (14)0.0036 (11)0.0095 (11)0.0010 (11)
O150.0151 (12)0.0180 (13)0.0121 (12)0.0002 (10)0.0053 (10)0.0005 (10)
N10.033 (2)0.0193 (18)0.040 (2)0.0093 (15)0.0152 (18)0.0016 (16)
N20.037 (2)0.0174 (17)0.0154 (17)0.0010 (15)0.0069 (15)0.0011 (13)
N30.0266 (18)0.0146 (16)0.0287 (19)0.0007 (14)0.0125 (15)0.0042 (14)
N40.041 (2)0.0092 (15)0.0228 (18)0.0010 (14)0.0093 (16)0.0027 (13)
N50.0236 (17)0.0156 (15)0.0230 (17)0.0049 (13)0.0122 (14)0.0021 (13)
N60.0211 (16)0.0117 (14)0.0229 (17)0.0015 (12)0.0134 (14)0.0027 (13)
N70.0196 (16)0.0129 (15)0.0174 (16)0.0001 (12)0.0087 (13)0.0007 (12)
N80.0222 (16)0.0138 (15)0.0291 (19)0.0031 (13)0.0161 (15)0.0045 (13)
N90.0241 (17)0.0188 (17)0.0214 (18)0.0022 (14)0.0065 (15)0.0041 (14)
N100.0178 (16)0.0301 (19)0.0185 (17)0.0007 (14)0.0053 (14)0.0044 (14)
N110.030 (2)0.0240 (19)0.040 (2)0.0112 (16)0.0080 (17)0.0096 (17)
N120.0235 (19)0.040 (2)0.041 (2)0.0077 (17)0.0141 (18)0.0052 (18)
C10.050 (3)0.038 (3)0.045 (3)0.016 (2)0.030 (3)0.002 (2)
C20.074 (4)0.045 (3)0.047 (3)0.012 (3)0.041 (3)0.005 (3)
C30.061 (3)0.031 (3)0.023 (2)0.003 (2)0.023 (2)0.0019 (19)
C40.039 (3)0.028 (2)0.023 (2)0.005 (2)0.003 (2)0.0016 (19)
C50.028 (2)0.031 (3)0.039 (3)0.001 (2)0.007 (2)0.006 (2)
C60.042 (3)0.025 (2)0.037 (3)0.003 (2)0.025 (2)0.0042 (19)
C70.052 (3)0.020 (2)0.039 (3)0.011 (2)0.028 (3)0.0087 (19)
C80.068 (4)0.016 (2)0.027 (3)0.002 (2)0.017 (2)0.0015 (18)
C90.049 (3)0.020 (2)0.047 (3)0.014 (2)0.002 (2)0.001 (2)
C100.042 (3)0.026 (3)0.079 (4)0.012 (2)0.021 (3)0.010 (3)
C110.028 (2)0.025 (2)0.020 (2)0.0079 (17)0.0090 (18)0.0011 (16)
C120.028 (2)0.029 (2)0.025 (2)0.0144 (18)0.0115 (18)0.0074 (18)
C130.028 (2)0.0187 (19)0.027 (2)0.0111 (17)0.0125 (18)0.0076 (16)
C140.029 (2)0.0136 (18)0.032 (2)0.0077 (16)0.0201 (18)0.0043 (16)
C150.029 (2)0.0116 (17)0.026 (2)0.0009 (16)0.0152 (18)0.0032 (15)
C160.0218 (19)0.0180 (19)0.022 (2)0.0020 (15)0.0077 (16)0.0012 (15)
C170.0167 (18)0.0174 (19)0.030 (2)0.0013 (15)0.0075 (17)0.0018 (16)
C180.0199 (19)0.0191 (19)0.031 (2)0.0050 (16)0.0123 (17)0.0070 (17)
C190.034 (2)0.025 (2)0.030 (2)0.0135 (18)0.0213 (19)0.0072 (17)
C200.034 (2)0.030 (2)0.026 (2)0.0116 (19)0.0189 (19)0.0066 (18)
C210.036 (3)0.016 (2)0.034 (3)0.0011 (18)0.005 (2)0.0042 (18)
C220.028 (2)0.021 (2)0.035 (3)0.0041 (18)0.006 (2)0.0037 (19)
C230.026 (2)0.028 (2)0.021 (2)0.0017 (18)0.0049 (18)0.0031 (18)
C240.031 (2)0.045 (3)0.022 (2)0.006 (2)0.0033 (19)0.016 (2)
C250.043 (3)0.047 (3)0.047 (3)0.019 (3)0.008 (3)0.023 (3)
C260.045 (3)0.026 (3)0.069 (4)0.017 (2)0.016 (3)0.008 (3)
C270.051 (3)0.044 (3)0.092 (5)0.030 (3)0.027 (3)0.002 (3)
C280.037 (3)0.052 (3)0.075 (4)0.017 (3)0.027 (3)0.018 (3)
C290.034 (3)0.061 (4)0.041 (3)0.004 (2)0.028 (2)0.001 (3)
C300.036 (3)0.043 (3)0.033 (3)0.004 (2)0.019 (2)0.005 (2)
Cl10.0260 (5)0.0144 (4)0.0314 (5)0.0009 (4)0.0150 (4)0.0040 (4)
Cl20.0516 (9)0.0594 (10)0.0962 (13)0.0178 (8)0.0241 (9)0.0287 (9)
Cl30.0369 (12)0.0217 (10)0.0243 (11)0.0075 (9)0.0134 (9)0.0130 (8)
Cl40.0354 (14)0.076 (2)0.0549 (19)0.0091 (15)0.0080 (13)0.0296 (17)
Cl5A0.0283 (17)0.079 (3)0.078 (3)0.0061 (17)0.0153 (18)0.008 (2)
Cl5B0.020 (5)0.065 (8)0.041 (7)0.017 (5)0.009 (5)0.016 (6)
Cl60.0596 (16)0.0195 (10)0.0430 (14)0.0106 (10)0.0176 (12)0.0006 (10)
O160.043 (2)0.044 (2)0.077 (3)0.0195 (18)0.037 (2)0.028 (2)
O170.048 (2)0.046 (2)0.035 (2)0.0090 (17)0.0154 (17)0.0040 (16)
O180.049 (2)0.049 (2)0.038 (2)0.0144 (18)0.0151 (17)0.0024 (17)
O190.072 (3)0.054 (2)0.047 (2)0.023 (2)0.033 (2)0.0101 (19)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Mn1—O21.779 (3)C1—C21.517 (8)
Mn1—O11.792 (2)C1—H1A0.99
Mn1—N32.037 (4)C1—H1B0.99
Mn1—N12.041 (4)C2—C31.489 (8)
Mn1—N22.100 (3)C2—H2A0.99
Mn1—N42.100 (3)C2—H2B0.99
Mn1—Mn22.7295 (8)C3—H3A0.99
Mn2—O11.867 (3)C3—H3B0.99
Mn2—O21.892 (3)C4—C51.497 (7)
Mn2—O51.937 (2)C4—H4A0.99
Mn2—O61.943 (2)C4—H4B0.99
Mn2—O32.327 (3)C5—H5A0.99
Mn2—O42.339 (3)C5—H5B0.99
Mn3—O81.783 (2)C6—C71.531 (7)
Mn3—O71.797 (2)C6—H6A0.99
Mn3—N52.043 (3)C6—H6B0.99
Mn3—N72.047 (3)C7—C81.484 (8)
Mn3—N82.098 (3)C7—H7A0.99
Mn3—N62.105 (3)C7—H7B0.99
Mn3—Mn42.7237 (8)C8—H8A0.99
Mn4—O81.879 (2)C8—H8B0.99
Mn4—O71.883 (2)C9—C101.498 (8)
Mn4—O111.935 (2)C9—H9A0.99
Mn4—O5i1.943 (3)C9—H9B0.99
Mn4—O92.311 (3)C10—H10A0.99
Mn4—O102.315 (2)C10—H10B0.99
Mn5—O151.783 (3)C11—C121.505 (6)
Mn5—O141.788 (3)C11—H11A0.99
Mn5—N112.034 (4)C11—H11B0.99
Mn5—N92.038 (3)C12—C131.510 (6)
Mn5—N102.093 (3)C12—H12A0.99
Mn5—N122.095 (4)C12—H12B0.99
Mn5—Mn62.7204 (9)C13—H13A0.99
Mn6—O141.868 (3)C13—H13B0.99
Mn6—O151.883 (2)C14—C151.498 (6)
Mn6—O111.937 (3)C14—H14A0.99
Mn6—O61.949 (2)C14—H14B0.99
Mn6—O132.302 (2)C15—H15A0.99
Mn6—O122.335 (3)C15—H15B0.99
O3—C311.293 (4)C16—C171.535 (5)
C31—O13i1.289 (4)C16—H16A0.99
C31—O101.301 (4)C16—H16B0.99
O4—H4D0.82 (4)C17—C181.503 (6)
O4—H4E0.82 (4)C17—H17A0.99
O5—Mn4i1.943 (3)C17—H17B0.99
O5—H5D0.84 (4)C18—H18A0.99
O6—H6D0.82 (4)C18—H18B0.99
O9—H9D0.84 (4)C19—C201.500 (6)
O9—H9E0.87 (3)C19—H19A0.99
O11—H11D0.83 (4)C19—H19B0.99
O12—H12C0.83 (5)C20—H20A0.99
O12—H12D0.82 (5)C20—H20B0.99
O13—C31i1.289 (4)C21—C221.532 (6)
N1—C101.486 (6)C21—H21A0.99
N1—C11.509 (6)C21—H21B0.99
N1—H10.93C22—C231.506 (6)
N2—C31.494 (6)C22—H22A0.99
N2—C41.495 (6)C22—H22B0.99
N3—C51.489 (6)C23—H23B0.99
N3—C61.497 (5)C24—C251.489 (8)
N4—C81.468 (6)C24—H24B0.99
N4—C91.509 (6)C25—H25A0.99
N5—C111.492 (5)C26—C271.508 (8)
N5—C201.501 (5)C26—H26A0.99
N6—C131.481 (5)C27—C281.528 (9)
N6—C141.498 (5)C27—H27A0.99
N7—C161.482 (5)C28—H28A0.99
N7—C151.488 (5)C28—H28B0.99
N7—H70.93C29—C301.506 (8)
N8—C181.473 (5)C29—H29A0.99
N8—C191.490 (5)C29—H29B0.99
N9—C301.483 (6)C30—H30B0.99
N9—C211.493 (6)Cl3—O271.507 (8)
N9—H90.93Cl3—O281.697 (8)
N10—C241.486 (5)Cl4—O290.945 (10)
N10—C231.492 (6)Cl4—O301.597 (19)
N10—H100.93Cl4—O26A2.127 (13)
N11—C261.470 (6)Cl5A—O31ii1.304 (12)
N11—C251.503 (6)Cl5A—O201.806 (11)
N11—H110.93Cl5B—O201.169 (16)
N12—C291.470 (7)O29—O300.873 (17)
N12—C281.511 (6)O31—Cl5Aiii1.304 (12)
O2—Mn1—O186.28 (12)C30—N9—H9104.8
O2—Mn1—N392.60 (14)C21—N9—H9104.8
O1—Mn1—N394.14 (13)Mn5—N9—H9104.8
O2—Mn1—N195.52 (15)C24—N10—C23109.0 (4)
O1—Mn1—N193.32 (13)C24—N10—Mn5106.1 (3)
N3—Mn1—N1169.31 (15)C23—N10—Mn5115.9 (3)
O2—Mn1—N2173.95 (14)C24—N10—H10108.5
O1—Mn1—N289.08 (12)C23—N10—H10108.5
N3—Mn1—N283.87 (15)Mn5—N10—H10108.5
N1—Mn1—N288.61 (16)C26—N11—C25112.8 (4)
O2—Mn1—N490.63 (13)C26—N11—Mn5117.8 (3)
O1—Mn1—N4175.16 (14)C25—N11—Mn5109.4 (3)
N3—Mn1—N489.71 (15)C26—N11—H11105.2
N1—Mn1—N483.26 (15)C25—N11—H11105.2
N2—Mn1—N494.25 (14)Mn5—N11—H11105.2
O2—Mn1—Mn243.57 (8)C29—N12—C28111.0 (4)
O1—Mn1—Mn242.83 (8)C29—N12—Mn5106.2 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn292.08 (10)C28—N12—Mn5114.4 (3)
N1—Mn1—Mn298.60 (11)C29—N12—H12108.3
N2—Mn1—Mn2131.44 (10)C28—N12—H12108.3
N4—Mn1—Mn2134.20 (10)Mn5—N12—H12108.3
O1—Mn2—O281.01 (11)N1—C1—C2111.6 (4)
O1—Mn2—O591.51 (11)N1—C1—H1A109.3
O2—Mn2—O5170.92 (11)C2—C1—H1A109.3
O1—Mn2—O6171.82 (11)N1—C1—H1B109.3
O2—Mn2—O694.09 (11)C2—C1—H1B109.3
O5—Mn2—O693.92 (10)H1A—C1—H1B108.0
O1—Mn2—O387.64 (10)C3—C2—C1116.1 (4)
O2—Mn2—O394.66 (11)C3—C2—H2A108.3
O5—Mn2—O390.15 (10)C1—C2—H2A108.3
O6—Mn2—O386.24 (10)C3—C2—H2B108.3
O1—Mn2—O4102.12 (11)C1—C2—H2B108.3
O2—Mn2—O492.91 (11)H2A—C2—H2B107.4
O5—Mn2—O483.57 (10)C2—C3—N2113.2 (4)
O6—Mn2—O484.58 (10)C2—C3—H3A108.9
O3—Mn2—O4168.49 (9)N2—C3—H3A108.9
O1—Mn2—Mn140.72 (8)C2—C3—H3B108.9
O2—Mn2—Mn140.40 (8)N2—C3—H3B108.9
O5—Mn2—Mn1132.21 (8)H3A—C3—H3B107.8
O6—Mn2—Mn1133.67 (7)N2—C4—C5108.2 (4)
O3—Mn2—Mn189.21 (6)N2—C4—H4A110.1
O4—Mn2—Mn1102.16 (8)C5—C4—H4A110.1
O8—Mn3—O786.63 (11)N2—C4—H4B110.1
O8—Mn3—N595.31 (12)C5—C4—H4B110.1
O7—Mn3—N594.42 (12)H4A—C4—H4B108.4
O8—Mn3—N792.66 (12)N3—C5—C4108.3 (4)
O7—Mn3—N793.53 (12)N3—C5—H5A110.0
N5—Mn3—N7169.05 (12)C4—C5—H5A110.0
O8—Mn3—N888.84 (12)N3—C5—H5B110.0
O7—Mn3—N8174.58 (12)C4—C5—H5B110.0
N5—Mn3—N883.04 (13)H5A—C5—H5B108.4
N7—Mn3—N889.64 (13)N3—C6—C7113.1 (4)
O8—Mn3—N6173.89 (12)N3—C6—H6A109.0
O7—Mn3—N688.92 (12)C7—C6—H6A109.0
N5—Mn3—N689.20 (13)N3—C6—H6B109.0
N7—Mn3—N683.44 (12)C7—C6—H6B109.0
N8—Mn3—N695.81 (12)H6A—C6—H6B107.8
O8—Mn3—Mn443.30 (8)C8—C7—C6114.8 (4)
O7—Mn3—Mn443.48 (8)C8—C7—H7A108.6
N5—Mn3—Mn499.53 (9)C6—C7—H7A108.6
N7—Mn3—Mn491.41 (9)C8—C7—H7B108.6
N8—Mn3—Mn4132.13 (9)C6—C7—H7B108.6
N6—Mn3—Mn4131.84 (9)H7A—C7—H7B107.5
O8—Mn4—O781.51 (11)N4—C8—C7112.9 (4)
O8—Mn4—O11172.17 (11)N4—C8—H8A109.0
O7—Mn4—O1192.09 (11)C7—C8—H8A109.0
O8—Mn4—O5i93.45 (11)N4—C8—H8B109.0
O7—Mn4—O5i172.62 (11)C7—C8—H8B109.0
O11—Mn4—O5i93.34 (10)H8A—C8—H8B107.8
O8—Mn4—O992.53 (10)C10—C9—N4107.4 (4)
O7—Mn4—O999.40 (10)C10—C9—H9A110.2
O11—Mn4—O984.01 (10)N4—C9—H9A110.2
O5i—Mn4—O986.15 (10)C10—C9—H9B110.2
O8—Mn4—O1095.15 (10)N4—C9—H9B110.2
O7—Mn4—O1088.53 (10)H9A—C9—H9B108.5
O11—Mn4—O1089.17 (10)N1—C10—C9107.5 (4)
O5i—Mn4—O1086.55 (10)N1—C10—H10A110.2
O9—Mn4—O10169.69 (9)C9—C10—H10A110.2
O8—Mn4—Mn340.60 (8)N1—C10—H10B110.2
O7—Mn4—Mn341.04 (8)C9—C10—H10B110.2
O11—Mn4—Mn3133.13 (8)H10A—C10—H10B108.5
O5i—Mn4—Mn3133.36 (8)N5—C11—C12113.8 (3)
O9—Mn4—Mn3100.44 (7)N5—C11—H11A108.8
O10—Mn4—Mn389.86 (6)C12—C11—H11A108.8
O15—Mn5—O1486.53 (11)N5—C11—H11B108.8
O15—Mn5—N1192.78 (14)C12—C11—H11B108.8
O14—Mn5—N1194.52 (14)H11A—C11—H11B107.7
O15—Mn5—N994.10 (13)C11—C12—C13114.0 (3)
O14—Mn5—N993.53 (13)C11—C12—H12A108.7
N11—Mn5—N9169.71 (15)C13—C12—H12A108.7
O15—Mn5—N1089.18 (13)C11—C12—H12B108.7
O14—Mn5—N10175.15 (13)C13—C12—H12B108.7
N11—Mn5—N1083.40 (14)H12A—C12—H12B107.6
N9—Mn5—N1089.04 (14)N6—C13—C12113.4 (3)
O15—Mn5—N12175.04 (14)N6—C13—H13A108.9
O14—Mn5—N1289.28 (14)C12—C13—H13A108.9
N11—Mn5—N1290.20 (17)N6—C13—H13B108.9
N9—Mn5—N1283.51 (16)C12—C13—H13B108.9
N10—Mn5—N1295.11 (15)H13A—C13—H13B107.7
O15—Mn5—Mn643.54 (8)N6—C14—C15108.3 (3)
O14—Mn5—Mn643.05 (8)N6—C14—H14A110.0
N11—Mn5—Mn696.77 (11)C15—C14—H14A110.0
N9—Mn5—Mn693.48 (10)N6—C14—H14B110.0
N10—Mn5—Mn6132.72 (10)C15—C14—H14B110.0
N12—Mn5—Mn6132.11 (11)H14A—C14—H14B108.4
O14—Mn6—O1581.47 (11)N7—C15—C14108.6 (3)
O14—Mn6—O11172.64 (11)N7—C15—H15A110.0
O15—Mn6—O1192.11 (11)C14—C15—H15A110.0
O14—Mn6—O692.30 (11)N7—C15—H15B110.0
O15—Mn6—O6172.26 (11)C14—C15—H15B110.0
O11—Mn6—O694.39 (11)H15A—C15—H15B108.4
O14—Mn6—O1389.99 (10)N7—C16—C17113.3 (3)
O15—Mn6—O1393.85 (10)N7—C16—H16A108.9
O11—Mn6—O1386.85 (9)C17—C16—H16A108.9
O6—Mn6—O1390.71 (10)N7—C16—H16B108.9
O14—Mn6—O1297.18 (11)C17—C16—H16B108.9
O15—Mn6—O1293.50 (10)H16A—C16—H16B107.7
O11—Mn6—O1286.74 (10)C18—C17—C16114.1 (3)
O6—Mn6—O1282.68 (10)C18—C17—H17A108.7
O13—Mn6—O12170.42 (10)C16—C17—H17A108.7
O14—Mn6—Mn540.82 (8)C18—C17—H17B108.7
O15—Mn6—Mn540.70 (8)C16—C17—H17B108.7
O11—Mn6—Mn5132.53 (8)H17A—C17—H17B107.6
O6—Mn6—Mn5133.08 (8)N8—C18—C17112.7 (3)
O13—Mn6—Mn590.94 (6)N8—C18—H18A109.0
O12—Mn6—Mn598.65 (7)C17—C18—H18A109.0
Mn1—O1—Mn296.45 (12)N8—C18—H18B109.0
Mn1—O2—Mn296.04 (12)C17—C18—H18B109.0
C31—O3—Mn2126.7 (2)H18A—C18—H18B107.8
O13i—C31—O3120.8 (3)N8—C19—C20108.2 (3)
O13i—C31—O10120.0 (3)N8—C19—H19A110.1
O3—C31—O10119.2 (3)C20—C19—H19A110.1
Mn2—O4—H4D103 (3)N8—C19—H19B110.1
Mn2—O4—H4E112 (3)C20—C19—H19B110.1
H4D—O4—H4E113 (4)H19A—C19—H19B108.4
Mn2—O5—Mn4i141.16 (14)C19—C20—N5106.9 (3)
Mn2—O5—H5D106 (3)C19—C20—H20A110.3
Mn4i—O5—H5D106 (3)N5—C20—H20A110.3
Mn2—O6—Mn6140.94 (13)C19—C20—H20B110.3
Mn2—O6—H6D99 (3)N5—C20—H20B110.3
Mn6—O6—H6D111 (3)H20A—C20—H20B108.6
Mn3—O7—Mn495.48 (12)N9—C21—C22113.5 (4)
Mn3—O8—Mn496.10 (12)N9—C21—H21A108.9
Mn4—O9—H9D144 (3)C22—C21—H21A108.9
Mn4—O9—H9E110 (3)N9—C21—H21B108.9
H9D—O9—H9E99 (3)C22—C21—H21B108.9
C31—O10—Mn4126.1 (2)H21A—C21—H21B107.7
Mn4—O11—Mn6141.70 (13)C23—C22—C21113.9 (3)
Mn4—O11—H11D110 (3)C23—C22—H22A108.8
Mn6—O11—H11D100 (3)C21—C22—H22A108.8
Mn6—O12—H12C103 (3)C23—C22—H22B108.8
Mn6—O12—H12D121 (3)C21—C22—H22B108.8
H12C—O12—H12D109 (3)H22A—C22—H22B107.7
C31i—O13—Mn6125.7 (2)N10—C23—C22112.2 (4)
Mn5—O14—Mn696.13 (12)N10—C23—H23A109.2
Mn5—O15—Mn695.76 (12)C22—C23—H23A109.2
C10—N1—C1112.6 (4)N10—C23—H23B109.2
C10—N1—Mn1109.8 (3)C22—C23—H23B109.2
C1—N1—Mn1117.9 (3)H23A—C23—H23B107.9
C10—N1—H1105.1N10—C24—C25108.3 (4)
C3—N2—C4109.0 (4)N10—C24—H24B110.0
C3—N2—Mn1116.4 (3)C25—C24—H24B110.0
C4—N2—Mn1105.0 (3)H24A—C24—H24B108.4
C3—N2—H2108.7C24—C25—N11107.2 (4)
C5—N3—C6113.7 (3)C24—C25—H25B110.3
C5—N3—Mn1109.6 (3)N11—C25—H25B110.3
C6—N3—Mn1117.2 (3)H25A—C25—H25B108.5
C5—N3—H3105.0N11—C26—C27113.2 (4)
C8—N4—C9110.4 (4)N11—C26—H26B108.9
C8—N4—Mn1114.8 (3)C27—C26—H26B108.9
C9—N4—Mn1105.9 (3)H26A—C26—H26B107.8
C8—N4—H4108.5C26—C27—C28114.8 (5)
C11—N5—C20112.7 (3)C26—C27—H27B108.6
C11—N5—Mn3117.3 (2)C28—C27—H27B108.6
C20—N5—Mn3110.1 (2)H27A—C27—H27B107.6
C11—N5—H5105.2N12—C28—C27112.5 (5)
C13—N6—C14110.1 (3)N12—C28—H28B109.1
C13—N6—Mn3116.1 (2)C27—C28—H28B109.1
C14—N6—Mn3105.7 (2)H28A—C28—H28B107.8
C13—N6—H6108.2N12—C29—C30109.0 (4)
C16—N7—C15113.8 (3)N12—C29—H29B109.9
C16—N7—Mn3117.5 (2)C30—C29—H29B109.9
C15—N7—Mn3110.0 (2)H29A—C29—H29B108.3
C16—N7—H7104.7N9—C30—C29108.1 (4)
C18—N8—C19110.7 (3)N9—C30—H30B110.1
C18—N8—Mn3116.4 (2)C29—C30—H30B110.1
C19—N8—Mn3106.3 (2)H30A—C30—H30B108.4
C18—N8—H8107.7O27—Cl3—O28116.6 (4)
C19—N8—H8107.7O29—Cl4—O26A120.7 (8)
Mn3—N8—H8107.7O30—Cl4—O26A94.1 (7)
C30—N9—C21113.1 (3)O31ii—Cl5A—O20125.5 (7)
C30—N9—Mn5110.0 (3)Cl5B—O20—Cl5A144.3 (10)
C21—N9—Mn5118.0 (3)
O2—Mn1—Mn2—O1174.57 (19)N3—Mn1—N1—C1037.6 (10)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O193.85 (16)N2—Mn1—N1—C1082.9 (4)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O185.59 (17)N4—Mn1—N1—C1011.6 (4)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O110.20 (19)Mn2—Mn1—N1—C10145.4 (3)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O1174.5 (2)O2—Mn1—N1—C1127.8 (3)
O1—Mn1—Mn2—O2174.57 (19)O1—Mn1—N1—C141.2 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O291.58 (17)N3—Mn1—N1—C193.0 (8)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O288.98 (18)N2—Mn1—N1—C147.8 (3)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O2175.2 (2)N4—Mn1—N1—C1142.3 (3)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O20.0 (2)Mn2—Mn1—N1—C183.9 (3)
O2—Mn1—Mn2—O5172.38 (17)O1—Mn1—N2—C346.7 (3)
O1—Mn1—Mn2—O52.18 (16)N3—Mn1—N2—C3141.0 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O596.03 (15)N1—Mn1—N2—C346.6 (3)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O583.40 (15)N4—Mn1—N2—C3129.7 (3)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O512.38 (18)Mn2—Mn1—N2—C353.7 (4)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O5172.35 (18)O1—Mn1—N2—C473.9 (3)
O2—Mn1—Mn2—O614.10 (17)N3—Mn1—N2—C420.4 (3)
O1—Mn1—Mn2—O6171.34 (17)N1—Mn1—N2—C4167.2 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O677.49 (15)N4—Mn1—N2—C4109.6 (3)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O6103.07 (16)Mn2—Mn1—N2—C467.0 (3)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O6161.14 (18)O2—Mn1—N3—C5176.5 (3)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O614.1 (2)O1—Mn1—N3—C597.1 (3)
O2—Mn1—Mn2—O398.13 (15)N1—Mn1—N3—C537.1 (9)
O1—Mn1—Mn2—O387.30 (14)N2—Mn1—N3—C58.4 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O36.55 (12)N4—Mn1—N3—C585.9 (3)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O3172.89 (13)Mn2—Mn1—N3—C5139.9 (3)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O377.10 (16)O2—Mn1—N3—C645.0 (3)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O398.17 (17)O1—Mn1—N3—C6131.4 (3)
O2—Mn1—Mn2—O480.04 (16)N1—Mn1—N3—C694.4 (8)
O1—Mn1—Mn2—O494.53 (15)N2—Mn1—N3—C6140.0 (3)
N3—Mn1—Mn2—O4171.62 (12)N4—Mn1—N3—C645.7 (3)
N1—Mn1—Mn2—O48.94 (13)Mn2—Mn1—N3—C688.6 (3)
N2—Mn1—Mn2—O4104.73 (16)O2—Mn1—N4—C844.9 (3)
N4—Mn1—Mn2—O480.00 (17)N3—Mn1—N4—C847.7 (3)
O7—Mn3—Mn4—O8173.98 (17)N1—Mn1—N4—C8140.3 (4)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O887.63 (15)N2—Mn1—N4—C8131.6 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O892.38 (15)Mn2—Mn1—N4—C844.9 (4)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O81.59 (17)O2—Mn1—N4—C977.2 (3)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O8174.83 (17)N3—Mn1—N4—C9169.8 (3)
O8—Mn3—Mn4—O7173.98 (17)N1—Mn1—N4—C918.3 (3)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O786.36 (15)N2—Mn1—N4—C9106.4 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O793.64 (15)Mn2—Mn1—N4—C977.2 (3)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O7175.57 (17)O8—Mn3—N5—C11130.4 (3)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O711.19 (16)O7—Mn3—N5—C1143.4 (3)
O8—Mn3—Mn4—O11173.18 (16)N7—Mn3—N5—C1193.1 (7)
O7—Mn3—Mn4—O110.81 (15)N8—Mn3—N5—C11141.4 (3)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O1185.55 (14)N6—Mn3—N5—C1145.5 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O1194.45 (14)Mn4—Mn3—N5—C1186.9 (3)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O11174.76 (16)O8—Mn3—N5—C2099.0 (3)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O1112.00 (16)O7—Mn3—N5—C20174.0 (3)
O8—Mn3—Mn4—O5i12.97 (15)N7—Mn3—N5—C2037.6 (8)
O7—Mn3—Mn4—O5i173.04 (16)N8—Mn3—N5—C2010.8 (3)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O5i100.60 (14)N6—Mn3—N5—C2085.2 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O5i79.40 (14)Mn4—Mn3—N5—C20142.5 (2)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O5i11.39 (17)O7—Mn3—N6—C1348.7 (3)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O5i161.85 (15)N5—Mn3—N6—C1345.7 (3)
O8—Mn3—Mn4—O981.61 (14)N7—Mn3—N6—C13142.4 (3)
O7—Mn3—Mn4—O992.37 (14)N8—Mn3—N6—C13128.6 (3)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O96.01 (12)Mn4—Mn3—N6—C1356.4 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O9173.99 (12)O7—Mn3—N6—C1473.6 (2)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O983.20 (14)N5—Mn3—N6—C14168.1 (2)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O9103.56 (14)N7—Mn3—N6—C1420.1 (2)
O8—Mn3—Mn4—O1098.10 (13)N8—Mn3—N6—C14109.0 (2)
O7—Mn3—Mn4—O1087.92 (13)Mn4—Mn3—N6—C1465.9 (3)
N5—Mn3—Mn4—O10174.28 (11)O8—Mn3—N7—C1644.0 (3)
N7—Mn3—Mn4—O105.72 (11)O7—Mn3—N7—C16130.8 (2)
N8—Mn3—Mn4—O1096.51 (14)N5—Mn3—N7—C1692.7 (7)
N6—Mn3—Mn4—O1076.73 (13)N8—Mn3—N7—C1644.8 (3)
O15—Mn5—Mn6—O14176.28 (17)N6—Mn3—N7—C16140.7 (3)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O1489.38 (17)Mn4—Mn3—N7—C1687.4 (2)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O1491.44 (16)O8—Mn3—N7—C15176.5 (2)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O14176.65 (18)O7—Mn3—N7—C1596.7 (2)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O147.0 (2)N5—Mn3—N7—C1539.8 (8)
O14—Mn5—Mn6—O15176.28 (17)N8—Mn3—N7—C1587.7 (2)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O1586.89 (17)N6—Mn3—N7—C158.2 (2)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O1592.28 (16)Mn4—Mn3—N7—C15140.2 (2)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O150.37 (17)O8—Mn3—N8—C1847.0 (3)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O15176.7 (2)N5—Mn3—N8—C18142.5 (3)
O15—Mn5—Mn6—O118.24 (15)N7—Mn3—N8—C1845.7 (3)
O14—Mn5—Mn6—O11175.48 (16)N6—Mn3—N8—C18129.0 (3)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O1195.13 (16)Mn4—Mn3—N8—C1845.9 (3)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O1184.04 (14)N5—Mn3—N8—C1918.7 (2)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O117.87 (17)N7—Mn3—N8—C19169.4 (3)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O11168.44 (18)N6—Mn3—N8—C19107.2 (2)
O15—Mn5—Mn6—O6173.33 (16)Mn4—Mn3—N8—C1977.9 (3)
O14—Mn5—Mn6—O62.95 (16)O15—Mn5—N9—C30175.0 (3)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O686.44 (16)O14—Mn5—N9—C3098.2 (3)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O694.39 (15)N11—Mn5—N9—C3043.2 (10)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O6173.70 (16)N10—Mn5—N9—C3085.9 (3)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O610.0 (2)N12—Mn5—N9—C309.4 (3)
O15—Mn5—Mn6—O1394.82 (13)Mn6—Mn5—N9—C30141.4 (3)
O14—Mn5—Mn6—O1388.90 (14)O15—Mn5—N9—C2143.2 (3)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O13178.29 (13)O14—Mn5—N9—C21130.0 (3)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O132.54 (12)N11—Mn5—N9—C2188.6 (9)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O1394.45 (15)N10—Mn5—N9—C2145.9 (3)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O1381.86 (17)N12—Mn5—N9—C21141.1 (3)
O15—Mn5—Mn6—O1285.29 (14)Mn6—Mn5—N9—C2186.9 (3)
O14—Mn5—Mn6—O1290.99 (14)O15—Mn5—N10—C2474.8 (3)
N11—Mn5—Mn6—O121.60 (14)N11—Mn5—N10—C2418.1 (3)
N9—Mn5—Mn6—O12177.57 (12)N9—Mn5—N10—C24168.9 (3)
N10—Mn5—Mn6—O1285.66 (15)N12—Mn5—N10—C24107.7 (3)
N12—Mn5—Mn6—O1298.03 (17)Mn6—Mn5—N10—C2475.0 (3)
O2—Mn1—O1—Mn23.75 (13)O15—Mn5—N10—C2346.4 (3)
N3—Mn1—O1—Mn288.59 (14)N11—Mn5—N10—C23139.3 (3)
N1—Mn1—O1—Mn299.07 (15)N9—Mn5—N10—C2347.7 (3)
N2—Mn1—O1—Mn2172.37 (14)N12—Mn5—N10—C23131.1 (3)
O2—Mn2—O1—Mn13.56 (12)Mn6—Mn5—N10—C2346.1 (3)
O5—Mn2—O1—Mn1178.38 (12)O15—Mn5—N11—C26129.2 (3)
O3—Mn2—O1—Mn191.53 (11)O14—Mn5—N11—C2642.4 (3)
O4—Mn2—O1—Mn194.63 (12)N9—Mn5—N11—C2698.9 (9)
O1—Mn1—O2—Mn23.70 (13)N10—Mn5—N11—C26142.0 (4)
N3—Mn1—O2—Mn290.28 (14)N12—Mn5—N11—C2646.8 (3)
N1—Mn1—O2—Mn296.68 (14)Mn6—Mn5—N11—C2685.7 (3)
N4—Mn1—O2—Mn2179.97 (15)O15—Mn5—N11—C25100.1 (4)
O1—Mn2—O2—Mn13.59 (12)O14—Mn5—N11—C25173.1 (3)
O6—Mn2—O2—Mn1169.83 (12)N9—Mn5—N11—C2531.7 (11)
O3—Mn2—O2—Mn183.28 (12)N10—Mn5—N11—C2511.3 (4)
O4—Mn2—O2—Mn1105.40 (13)N12—Mn5—N11—C2583.8 (4)
O1—Mn2—O3—C31178.5 (3)Mn6—Mn5—N11—C25143.7 (3)
O2—Mn2—O3—C31100.7 (3)O14—Mn5—N12—C2974.7 (3)
O5—Mn2—O3—C3187.0 (3)N11—Mn5—N12—C29169.2 (3)
O6—Mn2—O3—C316.9 (3)N9—Mn5—N12—C2918.9 (3)
O4—Mn2—O3—C3130.2 (6)N10—Mn5—N12—C29107.4 (3)
Mn1—Mn2—O3—C31140.8 (3)Mn6—Mn5—N12—C2969.9 (3)
Mn2—O3—C31—O13i141.3 (3)N11—Mn5—N12—C2846.4 (4)
Mn2—O3—C31—O1038.1 (4)N9—Mn5—N12—C28141.7 (4)
O1—Mn2—O5—Mn4i48.7 (2)N10—Mn5—N12—C28129.8 (4)
O6—Mn2—O5—Mn4i125.2 (2)Mn6—Mn5—N12—C2852.9 (4)
O3—Mn2—O5—Mn4i38.9 (2)C10—N1—C1—C268.1 (5)
O4—Mn2—O5—Mn4i150.8 (2)Mn1—N1—C1—C261.3 (5)
Mn1—Mn2—O5—Mn4i50.2 (3)N1—C1—C2—C364.4 (6)
O2—Mn2—O6—Mn6143.2 (2)C1—C2—C3—N265.0 (6)
O5—Mn2—O6—Mn632.5 (2)C4—N2—C3—C2178.6 (4)
O3—Mn2—O6—Mn6122.4 (2)Mn1—N2—C3—C260.1 (5)
O4—Mn2—O6—Mn650.7 (2)C3—N2—C4—C5171.2 (3)
Mn1—Mn2—O6—Mn6152.32 (16)Mn1—N2—C4—C545.8 (4)
O14—Mn6—O6—Mn254.3 (2)C6—N3—C5—C4169.5 (4)
O11—Mn6—O6—Mn2122.6 (2)Mn1—N3—C5—C436.2 (4)
O13—Mn6—O6—Mn235.7 (2)N2—C4—C5—N355.4 (5)
O12—Mn6—O6—Mn2151.3 (2)C5—N3—C6—C771.2 (6)
Mn5—Mn6—O6—Mn256.2 (3)Mn1—N3—C6—C758.4 (5)
O8—Mn3—O7—Mn44.13 (11)N3—C6—C7—C864.0 (6)
N5—Mn3—O7—Mn499.20 (13)C9—N4—C8—C7176.7 (4)
N7—Mn3—O7—Mn488.33 (12)Mn1—N4—C8—C763.7 (4)
N6—Mn3—O7—Mn4171.69 (12)C6—C7—C8—N467.9 (5)
O8—Mn4—O7—Mn33.95 (11)C8—N4—C9—C10169.7 (4)
O11—Mn4—O7—Mn3179.41 (11)Mn1—N4—C9—C1044.9 (4)
O9—Mn4—O7—Mn395.13 (11)C1—N1—C10—C9173.2 (4)
O10—Mn4—O7—Mn391.48 (11)Mn1—N1—C10—C939.8 (5)
O7—Mn3—O8—Mn44.14 (11)N4—C9—C10—N156.6 (5)
N5—Mn3—O8—Mn498.28 (13)C20—N5—C11—C1268.6 (4)
N7—Mn3—O8—Mn489.24 (12)Mn3—N5—C11—C1260.9 (4)
N8—Mn3—O8—Mn4178.82 (12)N5—C11—C12—C1365.1 (5)
O7—Mn4—O8—Mn33.99 (11)C14—N6—C13—C12179.2 (3)
O5i—Mn4—O8—Mn3170.59 (11)Mn3—N6—C13—C1260.8 (4)
O9—Mn4—O8—Mn3103.12 (11)C11—C12—C13—N665.8 (4)
O10—Mn4—O8—Mn383.75 (11)C13—N6—C14—C15171.1 (3)
O13i—C31—O10—Mn436.4 (4)Mn3—N6—C14—C1544.9 (3)
O3—C31—O10—Mn4142.9 (2)C16—N7—C15—C14169.8 (3)
O8—Mn4—O10—C3197.8 (3)Mn3—N7—C15—C1435.5 (4)
O7—Mn4—O10—C31179.2 (3)N6—C14—C15—N754.1 (4)
O11—Mn4—O10—C3188.7 (3)C15—N7—C16—C1771.1 (4)
O5i—Mn4—O10—C314.7 (3)Mn3—N7—C16—C1759.6 (4)
O9—Mn4—O10—C3140.3 (7)N7—C16—C17—C1865.4 (5)
Mn3—Mn4—O10—C31138.1 (3)C19—N8—C18—C17177.0 (3)
O7—Mn4—O11—Mn649.4 (2)Mn3—N8—C18—C1761.6 (4)
O5i—Mn4—O11—Mn6125.6 (2)C16—C17—C18—N866.8 (4)
O9—Mn4—O11—Mn6148.7 (2)C18—N8—C19—C20172.5 (3)
O10—Mn4—O11—Mn639.1 (2)Mn3—N8—C19—C2045.2 (3)
Mn3—Mn4—O11—Mn650.0 (3)N8—C19—C20—N555.6 (4)
O15—Mn6—O11—Mn4140.5 (2)C11—N5—C20—C19171.3 (3)
O6—Mn6—O11—Mn435.3 (2)Mn3—N5—C20—C1938.2 (4)
O13—Mn6—O11—Mn4125.7 (2)C30—N9—C21—C2271.0 (5)
O12—Mn6—O11—Mn447.1 (2)Mn5—N9—C21—C2259.4 (5)
Mn5—Mn6—O11—Mn4145.89 (16)N9—C21—C22—C2364.0 (6)
O14—Mn6—O13—C31i178.3 (3)C24—N10—C23—C22176.9 (3)
O15—Mn6—O13—C31i96.8 (3)Mn5—N10—C23—C2263.5 (4)
O11—Mn6—O13—C31i4.9 (3)C21—C22—C23—N1066.7 (5)
O6—Mn6—O13—C31i89.4 (3)C23—N10—C24—C25170.3 (4)
Mn5—Mn6—O13—C31i137.5 (3)Mn5—N10—C24—C2544.8 (4)
O15—Mn5—O14—Mn62.57 (12)N10—C24—C25—N1156.0 (5)
N11—Mn5—O14—Mn695.08 (15)C26—N11—C25—C24172.1 (4)
N9—Mn5—O14—Mn691.33 (14)Mn5—N11—C25—C2438.8 (5)
N12—Mn5—O14—Mn6174.78 (15)C25—N11—C26—C2768.5 (6)
O15—Mn6—O14—Mn52.45 (11)Mn5—N11—C26—C2760.6 (6)
O6—Mn6—O14—Mn5177.85 (11)N11—C26—C27—C2865.0 (7)
O13—Mn6—O14—Mn591.44 (11)C29—N12—C28—C27178.9 (4)
O12—Mn6—O14—Mn594.94 (12)Mn5—N12—C28—C2761.0 (5)
O14—Mn5—O15—Mn62.54 (12)C26—C27—C28—N1266.4 (6)
N11—Mn5—O15—Mn696.91 (14)C28—N12—C29—C30168.7 (4)
N9—Mn5—O15—Mn690.75 (13)Mn5—N12—C29—C3043.7 (4)
N10—Mn5—O15—Mn6179.73 (13)C21—N9—C30—C29169.8 (4)
O14—Mn6—O15—Mn52.46 (11)Mn5—N9—C30—C2935.6 (5)
O11—Mn6—O15—Mn5173.93 (11)N12—C29—C30—N953.5 (5)
O13—Mn6—O15—Mn586.95 (11)O31ii—Cl5A—O20—Cl5B162.0 (15)
O12—Mn6—O15—Mn599.20 (11)O26A—Cl4—O29—O3014 (2)
O2—Mn1—N1—C10101.6 (4)O26A—Cl4—O30—O29168 (2)
O1—Mn1—N1—C10171.9 (4)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1; (ii) x1, y, z; (iii) x+1, y, z.
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
N6—H6···Cl10.932.513.413 (3)163
N8—H8···Cl10.932.273.198 (3)174
O4—H4E···Cl20.82 (4)2.33 (3)3.106 (3)158 (4)
N1—H1···Cl20.932.493.285 (4)143
N2—H2···Cl30.932.463.338 (4)157
N4—H4···Cl30.932.463.384 (4)174
N11—H11···Cl40.932.373.148 (5)141
N10—H10···Cl5A0.932.683.523 (6)152
N10—H10···Cl5B0.932.493.185 (12)132
N5—H5···Cl60.932.323.138 (4)147
O4—H4D···O140.82 (4)1.90 (2)2.701 (4)166 (4)
O5—H5D···O130.84 (4)1.86 (2)2.674 (3)164 (4)
O6—H6D···O100.82 (4)1.88 (2)2.681 (4)166 (4)
O9—H9E···O1i0.87 (3)1.83 (2)2.665 (4)161 (4)
O11—H11D···O3i0.83 (2)1.85 (2)2.675 (3)172 (4)
O12—H12C···O70.83 (5)1.88 (5)2.704 (4)171 (4)
O12—H12D···Cl40.82 (2)2.26 (2)3.065 (4)165 (4)
N2—H2···O280.932.082.952 (9)156
N3—H3···O30.931.992.798 (4)144
N7—H7···O100.931.992.790 (4)143
N9—H9···O130.932.142.896 (4)138
N10—H10···O200.932.022.912 (10)160
Symmetry code: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formula[Mn12(CO3)2O12(OH)6(C10H24N4)6(H2O)6]Cl8·24H2O
Crystal system, space groupTriclinic, P1
Temperature (K)90
a, b, c (Å)15.2421 (15), 15.5037 (15), 17.1306 (17)
α, β, γ (°)90.707 (6), 114.523 (7), 115.128 (7)
V3)3245.8 (6)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)1.38
Crystal size (mm)0.43 × 0.18 × 0.14
Data collection
DiffractometerBruker SMART APEXII
Absorption correctionMulti-scan
(SADABS; Sheldrick, 1996)
Tmin, Tmax0.589, 0.831
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections
40135, 14856, 10648
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.650
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.051, 0.167, 1.14
No. of reflections14856
No. of parameters787
No. of restraints12
H-atom treatmentH atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)1.40, 1.14

Computer programs: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009), SAINT (Bruker, 2009), SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008), SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008), SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008).

Selected geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Mn1—O21.779 (3)Mn4—O71.883 (2)
Mn1—O11.792 (2)Mn4—O5i1.943 (3)
Mn1—N32.037 (4)Mn4—O92.311 (3)
Mn1—N12.041 (4)Mn4—O102.315 (2)
Mn1—N22.100 (3)Mn5—O151.783 (3)
Mn1—N42.100 (3)Mn5—O141.788 (3)
Mn2—O11.867 (3)Mn5—N112.034 (4)
Mn2—O21.892 (3)Mn5—N92.038 (3)
Mn2—O51.937 (2)Mn5—N102.093 (3)
Mn2—O61.943 (2)Mn5—N122.095 (4)
Mn2—O32.327 (3)Mn6—O141.868 (3)
Mn2—O42.339 (3)Mn6—O151.883 (2)
Mn3—O81.783 (2)Mn6—O111.937 (3)
Mn3—O71.797 (2)Mn6—O61.949 (2)
Mn3—N52.043 (3)Mn6—O132.302 (2)
Mn3—N72.047 (3)Mn6—O122.335 (3)
Mn3—N82.098 (3)O3—C311.293 (4)
Mn3—N62.105 (3)C31—O13i1.289 (4)
Mn4—O81.879 (2)C31—O101.301 (4)
O13i—C31—O3120.8 (3)O3—C31—O10119.2 (3)
O13i—C31—O10120.0 (3)
Symmetry code: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1.
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
N6—H6···Cl10.932.513.413 (3)163
N8—H8···Cl10.932.273.198 (3)174
O4—H4E···Cl20.82 (4)2.33 (3)3.106 (3)158 (4)
N1—H1···Cl20.932.493.285 (4)143
N2—H2···Cl30.932.463.338 (4)157
N4—H4···Cl30.932.463.384 (4)174
N11—H11···Cl40.932.373.148 (5)141
N10—H10···Cl5A0.932.683.523 (6)152
N10—H10···Cl5B0.932.493.185 (12)132
N5—H5···Cl60.932.323.138 (4)147
O4—H4D···O140.82 (4)1.90 (2)2.701 (4)166 (4)
O5—H5D···O130.84 (4)1.86 (2)2.674 (3)164 (4)
O6—H6D···O100.82 (4)1.88 (2)2.681 (4)166 (4)
O9—H9E···O1i0.87 (3)1.83 (2)2.665 (4)161 (4)
O11—H11D···O3i0.83 (2)1.85 (2)2.675 (3)172 (4)
O12—H12C···O70.83 (5)1.88 (5)2.704 (4)171 (4)
O12—H12D···Cl40.82 (2)2.26 (2)3.065 (4)165 (4)
N2—H2···O280.932.082.952 (9)156
N3—H3···O30.931.992.798 (4)144
N7—H7···O100.931.992.790 (4)143
N9—H9···O130.932.142.896 (4)138
N10—H10···O200.932.022.912 (10)160
Symmetry code: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1.

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