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A structural phase transition occurs for [Bi2O2(OH)](NO3) between 173 K (space group Cmc21; previous single-crystal X-ray data) and 100 K (space group Pna21; current single-crystal X-ray data).

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks I, global


Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock I

CCDC reference: 2310821

Computing details top

Dioxidodibismuth(III) hydroxide nitrate top
Crystal data top
[Bi2O2(OH)](NO3)Dx = 7.129 Mg m3
Mr = 528.98Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Orthorhombic, Pna21Cell parameters from 3403 reflections
a = 5.3854 (13) Åθ = 2.9–36.3°
b = 5.3676 (13) ŵ = 71.27 mm1
c = 17.051 (4) ÅT = 100 K
V = 492.9 (2) Å3Plate, light yellow
Z = 40.09 × 0.08 × 0.01 mm
F(000) = 888
Data collection top
2407 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
ω–scansRint = 0.062
Absorption correction: numerical
(HABITUS; Herrendorf, 1997)
θmax = 38.8°, θmin = 1.2°
Tmin = 0.017, Tmax = 0.524h = 89
9853 measured reflectionsk = 98
2798 independent reflectionsl = 2929
Refinement top
Refinement on F21 restraint
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters not defined
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.030 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0213P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.057(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 0.98Δρmax = 3.13 e Å3
2798 reflectionsΔρmin = 3.61 e Å3
48 parametersAbsolute structure: Twinning involves inversion, so Flack parameter cannot be determined
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refined as a 2-component inversion twin.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Bi10.04362 (7)0.00785 (7)0.23658 (3)0.00299 (7)
Bi20.08217 (8)0.48199 (6)0.08442 (4)0.00432 (8)
O1A0.2866 (15)0.2468 (15)0.1678 (5)0.0041 (15)*
O1B0.2840 (15)0.7394 (15)0.1683 (5)0.0053 (15)*
O20.4937 (17)0.4539 (16)0.0423 (6)0.0097 (15)*
N10.021 (2)0.4969 (18)0.3759 (6)0.0091 (19)*
O30.0363 (16)0.4977 (15)0.3004 (5)0.0089 (14)*
O40.8650 (17)0.6351 (17)0.4084 (6)0.0148 (19)*
O50.1626 (17)0.3604 (16)0.4153 (6)0.0145 (18)*
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Bi10.00314 (12)0.00303 (15)0.00279 (14)0.00018 (11)0.00001 (12)0.0001 (2)
Bi20.00461 (13)0.00439 (16)0.00395 (15)0.00002 (11)0.00086 (14)0.0010 (3)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Bi1—O1Bi2.203 (8)Bi2—O1B2.267 (8)
Bi1—O1Bii2.207 (8)Bi2—O22.334 (9)
Bi1—O1A2.226 (8)Bi2—O1Ai2.462 (8)
Bi1—O1Ai2.292 (8)Bi2—O2i2.493 (9)
Bi1—O3iii2.868 (9)Bi2—O1Biv2.619 (8)
Bi1—O3ii2.868 (8)N1—O51.251 (14)
Bi1—O32.924 (8)N1—O4v1.251 (13)
Bi1—O3i2.941 (9)N1—O31.291 (14)
Bi2—O1A2.197 (8)
O1Bi—Bi1—O1Bii75.34 (18)O1Ai—Bi2—O1Biv64.7 (3)
O1Bi—Bi1—O1A116.2 (3)O2i—Bi2—O1Biv125.2 (3)
O1Bii—Bi1—O1A75.8 (3)Bi2—O1A—Bi1113.5 (3)
O1Bi—Bi1—O1Ai72.0 (3)Bi2—O1A—Bi1iii106.4 (3)
O1Bii—Bi1—O1Ai117.4 (3)Bi1—O1A—Bi1iii117.4 (4)
O1A—Bi1—O1Ai73.15 (16)Bi2—O1A—Bi2iii103.7 (3)
O1A—Bi2—O1B72.6 (3)Bi1—O1A—Bi2iii112.2 (3)
O1A—Bi2—O271.7 (3)Bi1iii—O1A—Bi2iii102.1 (3)
O1B—Bi2—O277.2 (3)Bi1iii—O1B—Bi1vi116.1 (4)
O1A—Bi2—O1Ai70.34 (18)Bi1iii—O1B—Bi2107.1 (3)
O1B—Bi2—O1Ai104.4 (3)Bi1vi—O1B—Bi2115.2 (4)
O2—Bi2—O1Ai139.4 (3)Bi1iii—O1B—Bi2vii102.8 (3)
O1A—Bi2—O2i75.1 (3)Bi1vi—O1B—Bi2vii107.3 (3)
O1B—Bi2—O2i147.7 (3)Bi2—O1B—Bi2vii107.3 (3)
O2—Bi2—O2i91.8 (3)Bi2—O2—Bi2iii98.8 (3)
O1Ai—Bi2—O2i64.8 (3)O5—N1—O4v121.3 (11)
O1A—Bi2—O1Biv106.4 (3)O5—N1—O3120.0 (10)
O1B—Bi2—O1Biv66.50 (16)O4v—N1—O3118.7 (10)
O2—Bi2—O1Biv141.9 (3)
Symmetry codes: (i) x1/2, y+1/2, z; (ii) x, y1, z; (iii) x+1/2, y+1/2, z; (iv) x1/2, y+3/2, z; (v) x1, y, z; (vi) x, y+1, z; (vii) x+1/2, y+3/2, z.
Comparison of bond lengths (Å) in the Pna21 and Cmc21 structures of [Bi2O2(OH)](NO3) top
O atoms marked with an asterisk show half-occupancy.
[Bi2O2(OH)](NO3)-II (Pna21)[Bi2O2(OH)](NO3)-I (Cmc21)
Bi1—O1Bi 2.203 (8)Bi1—O12.226 (8)
Bi1—O1Bii2.207 (8)Bi1—O1a2.226 (8)
Bi1—O1A2.226 (8)Bi1—O1b2.244 (8)
Bi1—O1Ai2.292 (8)Bi1—O1c2.244 (8)
Bi1—O3iii2.868 (9)Bi1—O3d2.873 (11)
Bi1—O3ii2.868 (8)Bi1—O32.911 (4)
Bi1—O32.924 (8)Bi1—O3e2.911 (4)
Bi1—O3i2.941 (9)Bi1—O3f2.957 (11)
Bi2—O1A2.197 (8)Bi2—O12.239 (7)
Bi2—O1B2.267 (8)Bi2—O1g2.239 (7)
Bi2—O22.334 (9)Bi2—O22.341 (17)
Bi2—O1Ai2.462 (8)Bi2—O1h2.540 (8)
Bi2—O2i2.493 (9)Bi2—O1c2.540 (8)
Bi2—O1Biv2.619 (8)Bi2—O2h2.839 (6)
Bi2—O4v3.080 (10)Bi2—O2b2.839 (6)
Bi2—O2iv3.149 (9)
N1—O51.251 (14)N1—O5*1.21 (3)
N1—O5j*1.21 (3)j
N1—O4vi1.251 (13)N1—O4*1.19 (2)
N1—O4j*1.19 (2)
N1—O31.291 (14)N1—O31.272 (16)
O2···O4vii2.953 (14)O2···O5*2.97 (3)
O2···O5j*2.97 (3)
Symmetry codes for the Pna21 structure: (i) x - 1/2, -y + 1/2, z; (ii) x, y - 1, z; (iii) x + 1/2, -y+1/2, z; (iv) x - 1/2, -y + 3/2, z; (v) -x + 1, -y + 1, z - 1/2; (vi) x - 1, y, z; (vii) -x + 3/2, y - 1/2, z - 1/2. Symmetry codes for the Cmc21 structure: (a) -x, y, z; (b) -1/2 + x, -1/2 + y, z; (c) 1/2 - x, -1/2 + y, z; (d) -1/2 + x, 1/2 + y, z; (e) -1 + x, y, z; (f) -1/2 + x, -1/2 + y, z; (g) -1/2 + x, -1/2 + y, z; (h) 1/2 + x, -1/2 + y, z; (j) 1 - x, y, z.

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