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Small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering have become increasingly popular owing to improvements in instrumentation and developments in data analysis, sample handling and sample preparation. For some time, it has been suggested that a more systematic approach to the quantification of the information content in small-angle scattering data would allow for a more optimal experiment planning and a more reliable data analysis. In the present article, it is shown how ray-tracing techniques in combination with a statistically rigorous data analysis provide an appropriate platform for such a systematic quantification of the information content in scattering data. As examples of applications, it is shown how the exposure time at different instrumental settings or contrast situations can be optimally prioritized in an experiment. Also, the gain in information by combining small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering is assessed. While solution small-angle scattering data of proteins and protein–lipid complexes are used as examples in the present case study, the approach is generalizable to a wide range of other samples and experimental techniques. The source code for the algorithms and ray-tracing components developed for this study has been made available on-line.

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