research papers
Ultra-small-angle X-ray diffraction experiments were made at the two so-called medium-length beamlines at SPring-8. One is a bending magnet beamline (BL20B2) and the other an undulator beamline (BL20XU). Both have two experimental stations separated by 140-150 m. Specimens were placed in the first hutch and the diffraction or scattering patterns were recorded in the second hutch with an X-ray image intensifier or an imaging plate. At an X-ray energy of 12-21 keV, a small-angle resolution of 2 µm was achieved. The exposure time required to record sarcomere diffraction from frog skeletal muscle was 10 min at BL20B2 and 2 s at BL20XU. These results demonstrate the capability of these beamlines in ultra-small angle diffraction/scattering experiments.