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Figure 1
On-axis spectra (photon-flux density) of the radiation from the XU#MR0, measured (circles) and calculated (solid curve) using the electron-beam emittance, which was estimated based on this measurement (this figure was reproduced from Yamamoto et al., 1997BB9). The XU#MR0 was used at K = 1.09 (the first harmonic energy is 13.1 keV) when the MR was operated at 10 GeV and 10 mA. This calculation was made with a natural emittance (ε0) of 14 nm, and an emittance coupling (κ) of 0.015; an energy spread of 1.13 × 10−3 and the Twiss parameters of the electron beam were also taken into account.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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