short communications
Design optimization of a flexural hinge-based bender for X-ray optics
aEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, 38043 Grenoble CEDEX, France
*Correspondence e-mail:
This paper presents a parameter study and design optimization of a flexural hinge-based bender by use of finite-element modelling and analytical formulation. The relationship between the mirror shape and the driving forces, the so-called bender driving equation, is established. Various parameters are investigated: the material properties, the geometrical parameters, the stress and deformation of the mirror and flexural hinge, the residual slope error of the mirror, and the resolution required for the actuators. Analysis results have been compared with test results for a prototype bender and a silicon mirror (170 × 40 × 10 mm). Both analysis and test results confirm the microradian accuracy of the bent mirror. Finally, a bender design for short-bending-radius applications is also presented.
Keywords: X-ray optics; elliptical mirrors; dynamical benders; flexural hinges.
1. Introduction
Dynamical bending devices for focusing X-ray optics in synchrotron radiation applications are attractive development subjects. Such devices respond to the energy tunability requirements, and can possibly be used to correct thermal deformation of the optical surface. Mechanical benders have mostly been used for this purpose. A cylindrical shape can be achieved by using a mechanical or a pneumatical bender (developed by Carl Zeiss, D-7082 Oberkochen, Germany) with identical moments applied at the end of a rectangular mirror, or by applying identical forces at the end of a crystal of variable width (Müllender et al., 1995, 1997
) or variable thickness. Elliptical bending X-ray mirrors can be produced by applying equal or unequal moments to a mirror of variable width (Padmore et al., 1996
) or variable thickness (Howells & Lunt, 1993
). A piezoelectric bimorph mirror (Susini et al., 1994
; Zhang et al., 1994
) has also been developed for dynamical bending of synchrotron radiation mirrors (Signorato et al., 1998
As a small focal spot is often required, it is more and more difficult to apply the moment or force with sufficient accuracy. Padmore et al. (1996) have discussed the fact that unintended additional forces may be applied to the mirror by some benders and compromise the optical performance. Flexural hinges have been introduced in the bender design to minimize unintended additional forces. A bender using flexural hinges has been developed for crystal bending by Henins (1987
). One rotational axis and one stationary axis were used to produce cylindrical bending with changeable radius of curvature. Two-rotational-axes bending devices have been designed at the ESRF by Hustache (Freund, 1992
; Krisch, 1993
) for thin-crystal bending application, and modified to bend multilayer optics and thick mirror substrates (Ziegler, 1995
; Ziegler et al., 1996
). Howells & Lunt (1993
) have also used the flexural hinge in the monolithic design of mirror benders. Design strategies for a monolithic adjustable-radius metal mirror have been discussed by Howells (1995
This paper deals with the analysis of the flexural hinge bender used at the ESRF for multilayer optics and a thick substrate of mirrors by analytical formulation and finite-element analysis. A two-dimensional model of the prototype bender for multilayer optics with actuators is shown in Fig. 1. The multilayer optics are 170 mm long, 50 mm wide and 10 mm thick (Ziegler, 1995
). The width of the bender is also 50 mm. The clamped length of the mirror is 10 mm. The useful length of the optics is then L = 150 mm. The pushing forces F1 and F2 are applied by two piezo actuators. This prototype bender has two rotating axes on the top surface of a 10 mm-thick mirror, as indicated in Fig. 1
. The length of the bending lever, h, is 92 mm. The bender with the flexural hinges is cut from a single block of high-strength stainless steel by wire-electric discharge machining. All hinges have the same critical dimensions: thickness tf = 0.14 mm, cutting radius Rf = 3 mm. Based on this bender, design optimization is made to increase the bending capacity and to reduce the sensitivity of the slope to the accuracy or resolution of the actuators. Test results in the ESRF optics metrology laboratory and on an X-ray beamline will be compared with the results from the analysis. Finally, a new bender design for short-bending-radius applications is presented.
![]() | Figure 1 Finite-element model of the flexural hinge-based bender for the multilayer mirror. The piezo actuators are illustrated by two arrows. Triangles represent fixations. |
2. Modelling of the mirror bender assembly
2.1. Mirror in pure bending condition
Ideally, the bender should apply to the mirror pure-bending moments, M1 = hF1 and M2 = hF2. The bending of the mirror can be analysed by using standard mechanical beam theory. The validity conditions for such an analysis have already been discussed by Roark (Young, 1989). The shape of the bent beam under the action of two different moments M1 and M2 is defined by the following differential equation (Ugural & Fenster, 1995
where E is Young's modulus of the material and I = t3W/12 is the of a rectangular beam where t is the thickness and W is the width.
2.2. Bender driving equation
The prototype bender for multilayers and for a thick mirror was tested in the ESRF optics metrology laboratory (Ziegler et al., 1996). The driving forces were applied by two actuators of capacity 100 N. The measured shape of a 10 mm-thick silicon mirror under equal forces is a cylinder with a radius of curvature of 71.1 m. Although the effective force was not measured, such a radius was probably achieved with the actuators close to their maximum capacity. This prototype bender was analysed by finite-element modelling (FEM) with the model shown in Fig. 1
. Two equal forces of F1 = F2 = 1.854 N per mm were applied to the two-dimensional model; the equivalent force delivered by the actuators is 92.7 N, considering the width of 50 mm of the system. The curvature calculated by the FEM (Fig. 2
) has a constant value in the central region of the mirror (|x| < 65 mm) corresponding to a bending radius of R = 71.1 m. The excellent agreement between the results of the FEM and of the test in the ESRF optics metrology laboratory validates the FEM. The results of the FEM clearly show edge effects at the two ends of the mirror within a length equivalent to the mirror thickness, 10 mm in this case. In practice, the mirror length, L, should be at least 20 mm longer than the X-ray footprint length.
![]() | Figure 2 Curvature distribution from the FEM for a 10 mm-thick silicon mirror, under equal forces F1 = F2 = 1.854 N per mm width. |
The radius of curvature, R = EI/hF = 53.74 m from (1), for the above case is 24.4% smaller than the experimental and the FEM results. This means that there is some bending-capacity loss in this mirror bender assembly.
From a more detailed mechanical analysis, we deduce that the effective bending moments Mei (i = 1, 2) should be
where Mf1 and Mf2 are the total reaction bending moments of the four left and the four right flexural hinges, ha is the distance between the neutral plane of the mirror and the rotating axes, and N is the reactive force applied to the bender by the mirror. The reactive bending moment, Mf, of a flexural hinge can be calculated from the rotation angle, φ, of the flexural hinge by (Paros & Weisbord, 1965)
Let us introduce the notation φ1 and φ2, which are the sum of the rotation angles of all the flexural hinges on the left-half part and on the right-half part of the bender, respectively, and the corresponding bending moments Mf1 and Mf2. As the rotation angles φ1 and φ2 of the flexural hinges are associated with the deformation of the bender and the mirror, these rotation angles of the flexural hinges can be assumed to be proportional to the curvatures of the mirror at the left end and right end, respectively,
and then
where C0 and Cx are constants depending only on the bender design. When the neutral plane of the mirror is below the two rotating axes, the mirror is under tensile stress. The tensile force N is proportional to the average force (F1 + F2)/2 and approximately proportional to the thickness of the mirror, N = CNt(F1+F2). Substituting M1 and M2 by Me1 and Me2 into (1), we obtain the following bender driving equation,
These two constants represent bending-loss factors of the mirror bender assembly. The finite-element model of the prototype bender has been slightly modified to ensure that the neutral plane of the mirror coincides with the two rotating axes of the bender. The modification was made just on the height of the base to support the mirror. This height was 15 − t/2 mm instead of the fixed value of 5 mm. Various parameters of the mirror (thickness t, material property E) and of the flexure bender (hinge thickness tf, material property Ef) have been studied for both the bender shown in Fig. 1 and for the modified version. The results of bending-loss factors δ and δx are given in Table 1
, and the constants C0, Cx and CN are also calculated by (6)
. Values of E of 70 and 110 GPa correspond to silica and silicon, respectively. Values of Ef of 200 and 66 GPa correspond to stainless steel and aluminium, respectively.
The bending-loss factor, δ, of the prototype bender is mainly due to the non-coincidence between the neutral plane of the mirror and the rotating axes of the bender (ha ≠ 0). This loss factor reaches 0.768 for a 6 mm-thick silica mirror. For the mirror (silicon, t = 10 mm) and flexural hinge (steel, tf = 0.14 mm) used in the prototype, δ = 0.2443, which can be reduced to 0.0042 if the mirror is placed on the rotating axis of the bender.
2.3. Ideal elliptical-bending approximation
If a mirror is placed at a distance p from the X-ray sources with an incidence angle θ, and an image is expected at a distance q downstream of the mirror, the ideal shape of the mirror should be an ellipse, and can be represented by a series of x, z coordinates in the mirror reference as (Susini, 1992; Padmore et al., 1996
of which the radius of curvature, R(x), is
For a mirror with constant with the first two terms in (8)
, the value of the forces F1 and F2 can be determined by
The cubic approximation is sometimes not sufficient. The variable t and the width W of the mirror should be
of the mirror is then necessary to produce an exact ellipse shape. In order to do that, the thicknesswhere t0 and W0 are the initial thickness and initial width of the mirror used to calculate the bending forces by (10) and (11)
. In practice, only one parameter of the mirror is variable, t or W. Considering the tolerance limit when manufacturing and polishing the mirror, a variable width is preferable for a variable of the mirror as discussed by Padmore et al. (1996
). However, a mirror with a variable allows a perfect ellipse to be approached for single optical configuration, therefore precluding the energy tunability.
2.4. Sensitivity to the actuator accuracy
Note that δ > δx, and it can be demonstrated that the maximum slope sensitivity, , to the forces is at the end of the mirror, x = L/2 or x = −L/2, and
For the tested prototype bender with a silicon mirror of W = 401 and t = 10 mm, the sensitivity is = 11.8 µrad N−1 from (13)
. The displacement of the bender at the forces application points is klever = 1.37 µm N−1 from the results of the FEM. The accuracy in force and in displacement of the actuators should be better than 1/
= 0.085 N µrad−1 and
= klever/
= 0.117 µm µrad−1, respectively.
3. Comparison with test results
Now let us study a test case in the ESRF BM5 beamline (Hignette et al., 1997). A silicon mirror (t = 10 mm, W = 40 mm, L = 150 mm) with the flexure bender is placed at p = 40 m from the X-ray source. An X-ray beam of 0.65 mm height with an incidence angle of θ = 5 mrad illuminates the mirror surface over 130 mm, and has to be focused at a distance of q = 0.45 m. A bending radius of R = 178.0 m is expected at the centre of the mirror. Two picomotors (New Focus, model #8321, Santa Clara, CA 95051–0905, USA) have been used to drive the flexure bender. Test results show a gain of 500, thanks to the mirror focusing. The sensitivity in slope is 0.1 µrad, and the r.m.s. residual slope error of the mirror is 0.8 µrad.
This case has been studied both by the FEM and by using the bender driving equation (5) with the associated equations. The bending-loss factors from Table 1
are δ = 0.24425, δx = 0.00165; the two forces calculated by (10)
and (11)
are F1 = 24.083 N, F2 = 35.171 N. The mirror is moved down a distance of z0 = 15.80 µm at the centre, and inclined by an angle of θ0 = 17.37 µrad. These two effects are not negligible, and should be corrected. The deformation of the bender and mirror from the FEM are plotted in Fig. 3
. It shows that the rotating axes of the mirror bender assembly are located in the expected region. The flexural hinges are deformed with essentially angular motion. The maximum Von Mizes stress in the assembly is 38.8 MPa, which is much smaller than the elastic limit of the material (σ0.2% = 790 MPa). The maximum Von Mizes stress in the mirror is 5.9 MPa, compared with the of the silicon crystal of about 40 MPa.
![]() | Figure 3 Deformation of the bender and mirror by the FEM. Total forces applied by the two picomotors to the bender are F1 = 24.083 N, F2 = 35.171 N. |
The residual slope errors, Δslope, and differential curvatures, Δz′/z′(0), between the ideal ellipse (7) and the bender driving equation (5)
, and between the results of the FEM and (5)
are plotted in Fig. 4
. Excellent agreements have been observed between the results from the FEM and (5)
in a range of 130 mm (|x| < 65): Δslope ≤ 0.05 µrad and Δz′/z′(0) ≤ 0.5%. The end effects (in the area of 65 < |x| < 75) are predicted by the FEM. The residual slope errors and normalized differential curvatures between the bender equation and the ideal ellipse (Fig. 4
) are clearly due to the quadratic term which is not generated by the flexure bender with the constant of the mirror. The differences between the bender equation and the ideal ellipse in the range −65 < x < 65 mm can be minimized by applying additional bending forces ΔF1 = ΔF2 = 0.238 N: Δslope is reduced to 1.86 µrad (r.m.s. Δslope to 0.76 µrad) and Δz′/z′(0) to 3.0%. The minimized r.m.s. residual slope error is consistent with the test results (0.8 µrad r.m.s.). These residual slope errors and differential curvature can theoretically be reduced to zero by using a variable of the mirror.
![]() | Figure 4 Residual slope error and differential curvature of a silicon mirror in an ellipse configuration: p = 40 m, q = 0.45 m, θ = 5 mrad. Additional force ΔF1 = ΔF2 = 0.238 N. |
The sensitivity of the slope to the displacement of the actuator was discussed in §2.4. Analysed results show that a displacement of 12 nm of the actuator generates a slope of 0.1 µrad on the mirror. This agrees with the test results: 0.1 µrad slope increment of the mirror while the two picomotors have an average step size of about 2 and 12 nm.
4. Short-bending-radius applications
For the short-bending-radius applications, it is necessary to optimize the bending lever h, the mirror geometry (thickness t and width W) and the material for the substrate. In general, the system should have (i) the neutral plane of the mirror placed on the rotating axes of the bender to minimize the bending-loss factors, (ii) a longer bending lever h for the bender, (iii) smaller thickness t and width W for the mirror, (iv) a lower Young's modulus E for the substrate.
The flexure bender was redesigned by integrating the above considerations. In particular, the bending lever h was increased from 92 to 200 mm, and the bender width W reduced from 50 to 30 mm. The expected minimum bending radius is R0 = 46 m for a 10 mm-thick and 30 mm-wide silicon mirror; R0 = 30 m for a silica mirror of the same dimensions. The bending lever h can be easily made longer to increase the bending capacity. The stiffness of the bending lever klever is adjustable to adapt different actuators by using, for instance, a spring between the picomotors and the bending levers.
5. Conclusions
A flexure bender driven by two actuators has been studied by use of the FEM and the analytical formulation. The relationship between the mirror shape and the driving forces, the so-called bender driving equation, is established. For any requested mirror shape, the bender driving equation can be used to determine the values of the bending forces, to optimize the geometry and the material of the mirror, and to evaluate the residual slope error due to the bender. Parameter study and design optimization lead to the conclusion that the neutral plane of the mirror or multilayers had to be placed on the rotating axes of the flexure bender in order to reduce the bending capacity loss. Comparison of results for a prototype bender with a silicon mirror shows good agreement between FEM, the bender driving equation and the test results on an ESRF beamline. Analysis and test results confirm the microradian accuracy of the bent mirror
1This mirror is narrower than the bender.
Many thanks go to P. Marion and Y. Dabin for stimulating suggestions and fruitful discussions during this study, and to A. Rommeveaux for the numerous LTP measurements.
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