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Figure 3
The take-off angle (θ) dependencies of the HOMO band intensity for chloroaluminum phthalocyanine thin film (8 Å thick, double layers) on MoS2. ○ As-grown film deposited on MoS2 kept at ∼170 K (measured at 120 K). ▴ After annealing at room temperature for 12 h (measured at room temperature). ⋄ After annealing at 380 K for 8 h (measured at room temperature). • After annealing at 380 K for 8 h (measured at 120 K). The calculated angular distribution is shown by a solid curve. The calculations were performed for a flat-lying molecular orientation with rotational disorder. The incidence angle, α, of photons is 0° and hν = 40 eV.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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