Figure 1
Basic layout of the grating monochromator. S1: entrance slit; SM1–SM3: spherical mirrors; G1–G3: varied-line-space gratings; S2: exit slit; AP1 and AP2: apertures. Distances: S1–O = 14.5 m, G1, G2, G3–O = 0.05 m, G1, G2, G3–S2 = 5.5 m, S1–SM1 = 12.7 m, S1–SM2 = 13.8 m, S1–SM3 = 14.1 m. k(M1) and k(G1) denote the incidence angle to the spherical mirror and half of the deviation angle of the grating, respectively, for the set of SM1 + G1. |