short communications
Mn Lα,β and F Kα resonant spectroscopy of MnF2
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan, and bSynchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, 3-2-1 Midoricho, Tanashi, Tokyo 188, Japan
*Correspondence e-mail: jkawai@process.mtl.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mn Lα,β and F Kα1,2 (K–L3,2) spectra of MnF2 were measured when the excitation X-ray energy was higher and lower than the threshold energies. Monochromated synchrotron radiation was used for The of Mn Lβ and the multiply ionized F Kα3,4 satellites (KL–L2) were observed.
Keywords: X-ray fluorescence; multiple ionization satellite; resonance fluorescence; threshold excitation; Raman scattering.
1. Introduction
MnF2 solid was selected to measure the threshold excitation spectra. It was chosen because the Mn L X-ray characteristic lines are 50–60 eV from the F K line and thus can be measured in the same window of the position-sensitive X-ray detector. Since the MnF2 solid has a 3d↑5 in the ground state, the 2p↓ 3d↓
2p↓ resonance process was expected using the empty Mn 3d↓ level. The spectra of F are also interesting. The F Kα spectra have been measured by many researchers for various compounds and solids as the Kα (K–L2,3) lines are accompanied by strong Kα3,4 Wentzel–Druyvesteyn-type satellites (KL–L2), i.e. shake-off satellites; also the chemical effect on the intensity of the Kα3,4 satellites is remarkable compared with that of other elements. O'Bryan & Skinner (1940
) reported the chemical effect on the intensity of the Kα3,4 satellite. In the present report, both the resonance of Mn and the shake-off satellites of F are reported for a solid powder sample of MnF2 excited by synchrotron radiation.
2. Experimental
High-purity MnF2 (≥98%) was obtained in powder form from Soekawa Chemicals Co. Ltd, Japan. The powder was fixed on the sample holder by double-sided carbon adhesive tape (electric conductive), commonly used in electron microscopes.
The X-ray absorption and fluorescence spectra were measured on undulator beamline BL19B in the Photon Factory at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (formerly the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics), Tsukuba, Japan. The electron-storage ring was operated at 3.0 GeV and the ring current was between 210 and 160 mA during the measurement. No corrections were made for the change of the ring current during measurement. A grating monochromator, VLM19, designed by Fujisawa et al. (1996), was used for monochromatization.
X-ray absorption spectra were measured by the total electron-yield method by recording the sample electric-drain current (Fig. 1); one channel was 1 s with a 0.5 eV step. The ring current was 195–194 mA during this measurement. The X-ray absorption spectra were measured in a similar manner to that described for ScF3 by Umeda et al. (1996
). The absorption peaks at 690–694 eV are due to F 1s↓ –t2g↓ and 1s↓–eg↓ electron transitions. The Mn L (635–660 eV) has fine structures.
![]() | Figure 1 The Mn L and F K measured by the total electron-yield method for MnF2. Arrows (a)–(f) indicate the excitation energies for the measurements of the spectra in Figs. 2 and 3. |
The −1) designed by Shin, Agui, Fujisawa et al. (1995). The spectra were recorded by a position-sensitive detector; it took 30 min to 5 h to measure one spectrum, depending on the spectra were measured under similar conditions to those reported by Shin (1995
), Shin, Agui, Watanabe et al. (1995
), Tezuka et al. (1996
) and Agui et al. (1997
). The vacuum of the chamber was less than 10−7 Pa. Photon energy was calibrated using the F Kα maximum at 677 eV (White & Johnson, 1970
3. Results and discussion
A representative X-ray 2 is shown in Fig. 1. The arrows in Fig. 1
indicate the incident X-ray energy for fluorescent excitation. Fig. 2
shows the Mn Lα,β spectra excited at (a) 637.2, (b) 652.5 and (c) 655.5 eV. These spectra were obtained by (a) 76, (b) 36 and (c) 50 min accumulation using a position-sensitive detector. The number of channels between 620 and 670 eV was 440. Spectrum (a) in Fig. 2
was obtained below the L2 Thus only the Lα is observed. Spectrum (b) was measured at L2 threshold excitation; thus the resonance of 2p1/2↓
2p1/2↓ is strong. The intensity of Lβ is stronger than that of Lα because of the or scattering, though the statistical ratio of Lβ/Lα is 0.5. Spectrum (c) was excited by the photons of energy 5 eV higher than that of the L2 where the intensity ratio observed was Lβ/Lα = 0.5, which equals the statistical ratio.
![]() | Figure 2 The measured Mn Lα,β spectra excited at (a) 637.2, (b) 652.5 and (c) 655.5 eV incident X-ray energy. |
Fig. 3 shows the measured F Kα spectra excited at (d) 688, (e) 695 and (f) 725 eV. These spectra are raw data, but numerically processed spectra have been reported (Kawai et al., 1998
), where the spectra have been displayed after 500 iterations of five-point Savitzky–Golay (Savitzky & Golay, 1964
) smoothing, background subtraction and normalization with respect to the It took 5 h to take the spectrum at 725 eV excitation. Thus the background of the 725 eV spectrum was relatively higher than for the other spectra. Spectra (e) and (f) in Fig. 3
have Wentzel–Druyvesteyn-type Kα3,4 (KL–L2) satellites. The intensity of the difference spectrum (f)–(d) relative to the intensity of spectrum (d) is 39.9%. Thus, the double-to-single ionization probability ratio P(KL)/P(K) is 0.40, where P(KL) denotes the KL double ionization probability and P(K) the single ionization probability. It is interesting to note that the intensity ratio of Mn Lβ/Lα > 1 for F K threshold excitations, though the reason for this is not clear.
![]() | Figure 3 The measured F Kα spectra excited at (d) 688, (e) 695 and (f) 725 eV incident X-ray energy. The accumulation time was 30 min for 688 and 695 eV excitation, and 5 h for 725 eV excitation. |
In summary, we have measured the Mn L and F K of MnF2 using monochromated undulator radiation. Mn Lα,β and F Kα spectra at threshold excitation were also measured. The Lβ spectral intensity was resonantly enhanced because of the 2p1/2↓ 3d↓
2p1/2↓ transition. The KL satellite intensity in F Kα spectra is 40% of the single ionization X-ray line. Detailed analysis of F and Mn spectra will be presented by Kawai et al. (1998
) and Yamamoto et al. (1998
We are grateful for the technical assistance of Drs M. Fujisawa and Y. Tezuka. The present work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 08875159) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan, and by Simadzu Science Foundation. Experiments were performed under the approval of the Photon Factory Advisory Committee (PF-PAC No. 96 G279).
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