Figure 3
Reflectivity of Pt mirrors near the Pt absorption edge. (a) Theoretical reflectivity of a Pt mirror calculated (James, 1982 ) with the f′ and f′′ data of (b), at several beam incidences pθ, where θ is the ideal total reflection critical angle calculated at the wavelength corresponding to the Pt LIII absorption edge, λ = 1.0723 Å, and p = 0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1. (b) f′ and f′′ of Pt as a function of energy, deduced from the fluorescence of a Pt foil using the method of Hendrickson et al. (1988 ). (c) Intensity of the beam at D2AM after reflection on the Pt-coated mirrors, as a function of energy, at a fixed beam incidence on the mirrors equal to 0.75θ. This curve compares almost to the theoretical curve shown in (a) for p = 0.8. (d) Same as (a), at incidence 3θ. Upper curve: ideal reflectivity; lower curves: reflectivity calculated with the real f′ and f′′ values and 0 and 3 Å r.m.s. rugosity of the mirrors, respectively. These curves demonstrate the efficiency of the mirrors for λ/3 harmonic filtering, enhanced by rugosity. |