Figure 2
Small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns from the same part of an ABRM in the (a) resting and (b) contracting states recorded with the 2.2 m camera. The direction of length of the muscle is vertical. The central parts of the patterns (a) and (b) are reproduced at a high intensity level in (c) and (d), respectively, in order to show the 387 Å layer-line reflection from the thin filaments. It is shown more clearly in the background-subtracted patterns in the (e) resting and (f) contracting states. The arrows show the 387 Å layer line. Because a strong diffuse disc appears at the centres of the patterns (c) and (d), the patterns (g) and (h) are reproduced at a higher intensity level than the patterns (c) and (d) to show reflections in the diffuse disc. The arrows show the 363 Å layer line from the thick filaments. |