Figure 1
A simulated Laue diffraction pattern from a Flock House virus (FHV) crystal at an arbitrary orientation, recorded on a flat area detector. The crystal is in a rhombohedral space group with cell length a = 325.5 Å and cell angle α = 61.7° (Fisher et al., 1992 ). The detector is inclined by 22.3° with an active area of 204.8 × 204.8 mm, at a crystal-to-detector distance of 250 mm. The highest resolution dmin is set at 3 Å and the wavelength range is 0.4–1.4 Å. Colours code the energies that stimulate the reflections. The crosses at the centre and the right edge of the image mark the direct-beam position and the perpendicular drop from the crystal centre to the detector surface, respectively. The image was generated by LaueView (Ren & Moffat, 1995a ). |