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Figure 4
(a) The XPD thermal damping function obtained from equation (13)[link] for weak anharmonicity (a = 0.05, b = 0.1) as a function of θ at T = 0.1. The energy of the photoelectron is 1000 eV. The solid line shows the quantum calculation and the dashed line shows the classical approximation. The cumulant up to the second-order (crosses) and fourth-order (diamonds) terms. (b) The XPD phase function obtained from equation (13)[link] for weak anharmonicity (a = 0.05, b = 0.1) as a function of θ at T = 0.1. The solid line shows the quantum calculation and the dashed line shows the classical approximation. The cumulant up to the first-order (crosses) and third-order (diamonds) terms. (c) The same graph as (a) except for T = 2.0. (d) The same graph as (b) except for T = 2.0.

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