Figure 2
Representations of the energy–position correlation of the X-rays transmitted by the DFCA. (a) The analytical relationship expressed by equation (8) . The solid line corresponds to the case of a monoenergetic point source treated within the kinematic theory. (b) Simulated intensity distribution in the plane of detection for an extended source for several discrete energy values above the principal energy. (c) Same as before, but the bandwidth of the source and dynamical properties of the reflections, i.e. reflectivity and width, are also taken into account. (d) The measured intensity distribution on the image plate. In (b), (c) and (d), note the artificial 2 mm v vertical translation at each 200 meV step of the energy of the monochromator. For each case, principal energy: 8979 eV; reflections: Si(111); asymmetry factors: 60 and 1/60; source-to-detector distance: 200 + 200 + 600 mm; source size: 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm; source bandwidth: 65 meV. |