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Figure 6
Measured high-order rocking-curve widths (I1 FWHM) as a function of total absorbed power. Five sets of data are shown, corresponding to different undulator gaps, crystal angles and filters upstream of the monochromator. Open circles: 11.31 mm gap, θ = 11.4°; open squares: 12.54 mm gap, θ = 9.48°; open diamonds: 12.54 mm gap, θ = 9.48°, 1.5 mm carbon filter upstream of the crystal; crosses: 14.68 mm gap, θ = 7.1°; open triangles: 14.68 mm gap, θ = 7.1°, 1.5 mm carbon filter upstream of the crystal. The absolute value of α/k for silicon is shown in the inset.

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