Figure 8
(a) Normalized Co K-edge spectrum and its derivative, which is equal, at the edge, to δμx/δE ≃ 0.1 eV−1. An energy scale fluctuation of δE ≃ 10 meV generates a signal of the order of 10−3 of the total jump, comparable with a typical XMCD signal. (b) Data-collection strategy: one measures the result of four successive measurements (Δμ+ = μ+ − μ− − μ− + μ+) at each energy point (μ+ and μ− represent each magnetic field orientation, parallel or anti-parallel to the propagation of the beam), then repeats the measurement, starting with opposite orientation (Δμ− = μ− − μ+ − μ+ + μ−), and finally takes the XMCD signal as the difference ΔμXMCD = Δμ+ − Δμ−. Even when collecting the XMCD signal point-by-point, a derivative-like signal shows up in each orientation. |