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Figure 1
Adenosylcobalamin and its analogs, modes of cobalamin binding, and the reaction mechanism catalyzed by adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzymes. (a) Three-dimensional structure of adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12). (b) The minimal mechanism for adenosylcobalamin-dependent rearrangements: [Co], cobalamin; Ade, 9-adeninyl; X, a generic migrating group. (c) The reaction catalyzed by diol dehydratase. The hydroxyl group migrates from C(2) to C(1). (d) Base-off mode of cobalamin binding (methylmalonyl-CoA mutase). (e) Base-on mode of cobalamin binding (diol dehydratase). (f) Cyanocobalamin. (g) Adeninylpentyl-cobalamin. The parallelograms in (f) and (g) represents a corrin ring of cobalamins.

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