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Figure 4
Scheme 2: SR from the bending magnet incident on the Si(111) double-crystal monochromator and, after four reflections from the MM (0.1612 nm), impinges on sample Si(153). Two diffractions are recorded at the PIN #1 and PIN #2 detectors. The differences between the two peaks' D values are recorded using a Heiden heigh encoder. (b) Pair of diffraction curves observed in scheme 2 from the Si (513) and (153) planes. (c) Photographic view of scheme 2. A goniometer near to the beam port is used for the MM with two tilt stages; a third goniometer is used for the Si(153) sample wafer; two PIN detectors are set to record the two quasi-simultaneous diffractions.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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