Figure 1
Wide-angle scattering curves of several globular proteins in solutions. (a) 5% w/v myoglobin at pH 6.4; (b) 5% w/v hemoglobin at pH 5; (c) 1% w/v α-chymotrypsin at pH 4; (d) 5% w/v lysozyme at pH 5; (e) 5% w/v ribonuclease A at pH 7; (f) 5% w/v α-lactalbumin at pH 7. These proteins are classified as different types of protein structure categories, namely, myoglobin and hemoglobin as all-α proteins, α-chymotrypsin as an all-β protein, and lysozyme, ribonuclease A and α-lactalbumin as α + β proteins. Full lines above q > 0.8 Å−1 show the theoretical solution scattering curves obtained by the Debye equation using the atomic coordinates of the proteins from the PDB. |