Figure 1
(a) Photoemission spectra taken with incident photon energies across the Mn 2p absorption edge. Mn 2p–3d resonance taking place at hυ ≥ 639 eV allows us to clearly observe the intensity near EF. (b) Mn 2p–3d RPES spectra of (La0.8Nd0.2)0.46Sr0.54MnO3 perovskite manganite in the paramagnetic state at 300 K, the ferromagnetic state at 250 K and the A-type layered antiferromagnetic phase at 150 K measured with hυ = 640 eV. The vertical dashed line indicates the Fermi level (EF) determined by the reference gold. The density of states at EF is finite in all the spectra. |