Figure 2
Structural differences between N2- and He-cooled XI crystals. Using the PDB accession number coordinates from 1XIB (Carrell et al., 1994 ) for model phases, maps of differences between the experimental data sets were generated using the fo-fo_map utility of CNS (Brunger et al., 1998 ) from the two data sets statistically detailed in Table 1 . (a) 4σ 6 Å resolution difference density in red for a single XI molecule. Note that most of the difference density appears outside the CPK model of the molecule. (b) 4σ 6 Å resolution difference density within a unit cell of an XI crystal. There is a large amount of difference density within the large (40 Å) solvent pore of the unit cell. Images were generated using Turbo-Frodo (Roussel & Cambillau, 1991 ). |