Figure 1
Scheme of the insulator–metal phase transition in La2−xSrxCuO4. The local crystal structure of the octahedral complexes (at the top) and the local electronic structure (at the bottom) are shown. The occupied states of the Cu 3dO2p valence band are marked in grey. Black and white circles denote electrons and holes, respectively. Arrows show the spin orientation in the neighbouring complexes. The antiferromagnetic phase of the parent insulator La2CuO4 is shown on the left. In the middle the superconducting phase of La2−xSrxCuO4 with 0.05 < x < 0.28 is presented. The metal non-superconducting phase at x > 0.28 (Fermi liquid state with Fermi level EF) is shown on the right. |