Figure 6
Scheme of the scattering geometry for a parallel X-ray beam of dimensions wb ×hb scattered by a sample of thickness t. The scattered beam is analysed by a spherical crystal in Johann geometry. The scattering and the diffraction planes lie on the vertical x–z plane. The orbit plane is parallel to the y–z plane. Source (S), reflection (P) and image (I) points lie on the Rowland circle (RC) of diameter R. ( ) displays the path of the central (outer) X-ray. The scattering (Bragg) angle of the central ray is ( ). SS: scattering sample, D: detector. (a) Effect of the vertical beam size on the divergence of the scattered beam. (b) Effect of the horizontal beam size on the divergence of the scattered beam. (c) Effect of the sample thickness on the divergence of the scattered beam. Symmetrical reflection and transmission scattering geometries are shown separately in (a) and (c). |